Keep Your Personal Trainer Even In An Economic Downturn

by glenn on August 20, 2011

When the possibility of losing your job creeps into your thoughts, it is time to review your expenses.  Inevitably, some people look at their gym memberships or personal training sessions as an easy way to reduce spending while enduring the economic doldrums gripping our society.  Farcically, people tell themselves they will do it at home on their own.  For many, the reality is that the exercise ceases and a sedentary lifestyle ensues.   Be honest and stop the cycle of lying to before it can start.  Exercise reduces stress and few things are more stressful than job loss or insecurity.  Therefore, there is a greater need for an exercise as an outlet.  Realize from all angles that if cutting expenses is necessary, that you can survive some fitness cuts, but will find an equivalent amount from other sources to equal what you need to reduce.


Share your sessions with a friend.  You may not pay half price for your sessions, but you will certainly save a nice chunk of change.  Another plus side to working with a friend is that you have a partner who understands the routines on your days away from your personal trainer.  Someone who can help remind you of the intensity and focus you need to really keep things moving toward your ultimate goal.


Negotiate a lower rate for a less desirable time.  There are always hours in the day that personal trainers have trouble filling.  But if you have some flexibility and want to work something out that helps both you and your trainer, then this may be a great alternative.  If you are hurting, your personal trainer will undoubtedly be feeling it from other clients. Get ahead of the curve.


Consider making your personal trainer an offer to pre-pay your next installment early.  Explain your situation.  Tell them that your job is at stake, but you don’t want to stop training with them.  Ask if they will accept an early payment for your next installment of sessions early, and in return would they give you an extra discount.  This is a possible win-win for both parties.  They don’t want to lose a good client and you don’t want to sever the ties either.  The hope is that the prepayment will allow you to bridge the gap until things improve, meanwhile your personal trainer will still have the sessions.


These are just a few alternatives to seek when trying to reduce the expense of working with a personal trainer Queens.  There are inevitably other options you may consider for your own situations.   What is important is to assess the financial need and decide if giving up your Queens personal trainer all together is the best course of action to save money.  Because when you give up fitness, you may up end up creating new expenses associated with health problems.



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