Manhattan personal training for lower back injury recovery

by glenn on March 12, 2014

If you have a lower back injury, or weak lower back, then making use of the skills offered by a Manhattan personal training professional may be the key to getting you back in motion. The lower back does more than just support the spine. If your lower back is strained or injured, you won’t be able to control your core muscles and that flat stomach will never appear. It can also affect your shoulders, hip, knee and ankles in ways that you don’t want to discover.

Recovery, repair and training

The pace of personal training is three fold. You and your trainer have to work to recover your body from your injury, help your body to begin the process of repair, and then create a training program that allows for recovery and repair to be a natural part of the training cycle. Too many programs you will find in books or online don’t give you the real details about what a recovery day should involve. This is why working with a professional personal trainer is essential.

Making sure the other elements are added in

Manhattan personal training professionals are going to need to do more than work your body. You will be building a total wellness plan to create a healthy lifestyle that seeks to prevent injury, and helps to alleviate the symptoms of aging. With the right attention paid to diet, nutrition, fitness and life coaching – your trainer can provide you with the tools to ex


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