Stretch On A Rainy Day

by glenn on September 30, 2011

There’s no reason to miss an opportunity to exercise even on a rainy day. It may actually improve the mood of the day for you. If you can’t make it to your session with your Personal Trainer Queens, do some basic stretching to keep the body limber with simple movememnts that help to maintain circulation, keep a range of motion, and decrease joint stiffness. Take it slow and allow the muscles to warm up; hold the stretch for a count of 10 and remember to breathe long inhales and slow exhales. Stretching is about balance, and fluid movements, no jumping and try to keep a smooth rhythm.




Sitting on the floor with one leg pointed in front and the other leg bent to the side. Reach out with your hand to touch your toes of the leg in front. Keep your heel on the floor, toes pointed towards the ceiling and with a straight back lean into the stretch. Follow the rhythm of the stretch with inhales and exhales; stretch out, breath in and return, breathe out. Hold and repeat 5 times, you will feel the stretch on your core, leg and arm muscles.


Sitting on the floor, bring the soles of your feet together and move them away from your body, keeping the sole touching each other. Place your hands on your knees and gently push the knees towards the floor and with a straight back lean into the stretch. As you hold the position, breath in and release, breathe out. Hold and repeat 5 times, you will feel the stretch on the inner thighs.


Standing with your feet apart in line with your shoulders, hands on your hips and with a straight back begin to lean forward slowly. Breathe in as you bend with a straight back, hold the bent position and exhale as you slowly return to an upright position. Repeat 5 times, you will feel the stretch on your core and back leg muscles.

The next time you see your personal trainer Queens, you’ll be glad you made the time to do it.  Enjoy!


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