The Importance of Telling Your Personal Trainer About Your Injury

by glenn on October 10, 2011

Your fitness trainer is the hub in your wheel for you to reach your health and wellness goals. Before you hire one, make sure that they are certified and insured, first. Then obtain at least three good references. After you have hired a trainer that you trust, you must tell them when you are injured for both yours and their protection. They will keep it confidential as they are required to do so. Your privacy and safety are top priorities.


You will sign medical history and liability forms with your trainer. These forms are for both of you to be covered legally and for a bonding professional relationship. Your personal trainer is not a medical doctor and isn’t making any diagnosis for you. They are there to assist you with your health and fitness goals. You want them in your corner.  Therefore, you must disclose when you are injured.


Personal fitness trainers are trained to observe body mechanics. When they notice that something in your movement is out of sync or you communicate that you have pain, they have to work with you. If they notice an injury, they have the right to ask you for a signed doctor’s note for you to continue training with them. A good trainer will do this.


For certain injuries, you do not workout, period. Continuing can make your body worse. If you saw a doctor, be sure to tell your trainer. Personal trainers NYC are certified to work with you and train you the right way. You can exercise with certain injuries by training around them or training to strengthen.  With assistance from your Personal Trainer Queens, who may need to communicate with your doctor, you should have plenty of guidance.


Your trainer needs to know what your injury is so that they can work with your medical team, to put together the best program for your healing. If you tore your rotator cuff muscles, and the tear was clean off the bone, this requires surgery that will put you out of resistance training for months, until you can go back. In this case, you keep the shoulder isolated with as little movement as possible. Keep your personal trainer Queens informed.  They can stay involved by setting up your nutrition plans, managing your calories while you are healing. They will know what exercises, reps and sets to give you after you are healed because this area is weaker when you return to training. You come first, always.


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