james white alpha omega tattoo

by on April 8, 2023

sorry, I dont know what you mean by Angelwing Consperacy. What a stupid waste of time. Is it not fair to say that a great deal of bad behaviour in the last century was the work of regimes that were atheistic, if not scientistic? 4. b. Let him who boasts boast in the Lord. For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends. Sigh. That alone should be enough to appease some people but as of this writing, the pictures are still there. The Danger of Roman Catholicism 7pm Nightly February 10-12 FIRST BAPTIST OPELOUSAS 3835 I-49 S. Service Road Opelousas, LA 70570, February 8, 2023 Debate: What is Marriage? Given the evidence I see, so far, and without assuming a lack of charity on anyones part, this is how I would analyze Dr. Whites his attempt at humor: It is a classic example of a joke which is cognitively dissonant to a Catholic readership it has the form of a joke, but not its manner, for that audience. Pot; meet Mr Kettle. Would the Bishops at Nicea recognize and accept sola scriptura? SDG, So you decided for yourself what it says and then decided youd go along with a group that agrees with you. How was I wrong for assuming Catholic Answer and registered a domain name that led to their site, given the information that I had. Who would go through through the expense of buying a domain name to lead others to Catholic Answers? Already did: We call it the sufficiency of Scripture as the Divine Revelation of God. Thats a weak objection. Actually, CB, thanks to your shining example we dont have to. He is rude to the core, and his arguments are invalid from the get go. The Vision of Isaiah Id say youre doing Magna Cum Laude work, with the prospects for a good minor in nitpicking. Is our Catholic faith true only when we are not offended? There can be no excuse for this. Too many people throwing around the word gnostic here. If you want to strengthen the meaning and concept of your tattoo, then why not add the chi and rho symbols to it? Its not a true blog, that part aside, one can email Dr White directly and comments that have come through email are handled by Dr. White or aomin.org staff. Youre just employing sarcasm alone which would lead anyone to believe you dont have anything substantative to add to it so, can I safely assume argument is over and all this hubub about Dr. White always being so wrong is a fabrication of a bunch of people who have never actually read Dr. White to begin with? Either way, it works. Oh, you mean like accusing someone of a logical fallacy, which you never did substantiate? But from Genesis to Revelations, the Bible is full of nothing but story after story of God using His creation to help us, His created, come closer to Him. Name above all names Question: if the Bible is 100% Gods Word (as I believe as well), why do we talk about Paul, Peter, Matthew, etc. Are. They are not charitable. As far as any of us know, youre a college student with a very basic understanding of the applications of symbolic logic. Could Mary/Foxfire actually be right all along??? Reading his post, no such observation is made. Why is that offensive and JWs picture Just funnin . which promote a false understanding of what it Biblically means to repent. In whose eyes? The reality is that Dr. White uses his blog on his homepage as a sort of venting system which completely sheds a negative light on the rest of his ministry. Name Server: There were disagreements as well over the Old Testament Canon. The deacon Philip asked the Ethiopian reading Holy Scripture, Dost thou then understand what thou art reading? But he said, Why, how can I, unless someone shows me? (Acts 8:31). I hope somebody picks his marbles off the floor before he slips on them. Sorry. The answer is nil, since CES does not offer real doctorates. and a card from Magic: the Gathering, which had a really, really pretty drawing and this quote: only a fool fears foxfire. White is the director of Alpha Dont poisen the well. At some point the one who turns the other cheek wins. James used to be an Elder at my church, and I've discussed the issue with him several times in the past. The images were speaking toward an analogous attitude; namely, a fomented zealotry fueled by uninformed passion (which his subsequent post substantiated). Really, he should take the high road here, and then, we can discuss his theological points. especially since Rome says there wasnt a definitive list of authentic scriptures I think youre grasping at straws here bud, what in the world was the point of that last postto illustrate that I have levied the actions of Akin irresponsible and incorrect before I even posted? is unique, standing alone against all the White counterattacks by humorously likening those who disagree with his actions/statements to Islamic extremists. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. I think Jimmy Akin is a brilliant thinker and he can articulate deep and c omplicated subjects in a way that even I can understand. The Canon of Scripture (i.e, just what books actually belong in the Bible) cant be found in the individuals books that comprise the bible. wayne Or is it all about the win? Rather than engage the *real issues* in this whole debate, such as the arguments Dr. White has presented to Dr. Beckwith against certain Roman Catholic doctrines, everyone has decided to focus on two pictures and a mans character. Personally, I cant think of anything scarier than a J.A dolly. certain Baptist church in Kansas to picket You either make your own choices or you dont. There is no reason to believe that an alpha omega tattoo cannot incorporate both the philosophical and religious essence of the symbols. of Mapname.com customer 3 Everybody spends his time responding to criticism or disagreement with personal insults and making fun of the apologist on the other side. This thread was about his humor, not his theology. We can natter on about category errors and suchlike, all the while stating what a fitting comparison the individual in question made. Charity does include admonishing the sinner which Jimmy does by shaming Mr. Whites actions. Churchmouse??? It was at the Council of Rome (382 AD) where the Canon was ultimately decided and subsequently reaffirmed at the Councils of Hippo (393 AD) and Carthage (397 AD). to polarize and rally support. Registrant City:Riverside But that said, take his substance as substance. Christ gave them all power and authority, saying, He who hears you hears me: he who rejects you rejects me.(Luke 10:16) and Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound also in heaven (Matt. 6. Thats not to obviate your other insightful point: Ive seen several Akin supporters in these comments admit wrongdoing, lack of charity, etc., without backing down on their position. Tech Street3: They interlocutors or their comboxers are hypocrites for ending a discussion based Thanks, Jimmy, for taking the focus of the 800 pound elephant and drawing everyones attention to the fly on the wall! Jeff Durbin is Pastor/Elder of Apologia Church in Tempe since it was founded in February of 2010. Its not good for anyone to be negative in this way, and that goes for either side of things (Prot or Cath). bill912, I pray that his humility will one day match his obvious intelligence. At that point its time to move on to more important things. How about these books that they rejected as NOT being part of Scripture: Im not going to read White, however, since there are such a lot of other Protestant authors out there whom I personally judge as more scholarly. My presumption is that Edward is anti-religion and anti-Christian. It just means that he took a short cut in order to receive the title of Dr. without the usual formation that goes with the typical doctoral program. Im sure I can list others. To put it charitably. We deserve the Klan. Are the Scriptures the Sole Infallible Rule of Faith? I have noticed that White has been especially hysterical about the Beckwith situation. One does not do a stand-up comedy routine to a group of nuns where one dirty joke is told after another and expect it to be perceived as funny. Apparently you dont understand what it means to make a category error. Now you want to say hes judging based on that assumption? Period. 1) We have a rule here about not using some type of name when posting. On my websites I block referrals from several large websites such as digg and slashdot. If you have prior experience with getting a tattoo and looking to commit to an elaborate sleeve tattoo design incorporating the symbols for alpha and omega, then check this one out! Did I get this right. In a rare morning Dividing Line we covered Andy Stanleys claim that the Bible is not a sufficient starting place for faith in the modern world. I have a fuzzy memory, but I seem to recall that Akin did just that a few internet feet above where we dialogue now. You are wrong about me judging Dr Beckwiths thoughts BTW. ;^). Thus I wanted to lay out some of my thoughts briefly. The Laments for Josiah[20] I give up. You may be missing my point, which is, how did you make your determination that Christs authority is in the Catholic Church? Answered in the White quotes in the most basic, brief, and surface manner. What you claim to be tired of is your own gnosis, your own personal determination of what I said. I sorry that you are offended but its too funny; really. BTW: I was demonstrating absurdity by being absurd. Why not just say, God did it, since to attribute Gods work to mans work is unbiblical. But if it is legitimate to say that God used the distinctive personalities and historical circumstances of these figures to communicate his truth, then something can be both 100% Gods doing and human beings cooperate. His Council of Rome? James White is not. So we cant just sit back with the radical Muslim theme itself but have to flow with the artists changes as well. Christ forgave and still treated people charitably. It also doesnt say we have to forgive one who does not repent. Vols60, you are mis-characterizing the consensus. First tell us, what race are the Germans? As for my depth of study in church history (including the Father), I consider it sufficient to justify the statements I am making. the Council of Trent really doesnt anathematize Protestants (even though it was written in direct response to the reforms of Luther and others) Do you judge a book by its cover? Your comment is interesting, you completely chastise Jimmy Akin for not debating James White and yet this is the same guy who refuses to debate Robert Sungenis anymore inspite of the repeated requests from Robert Sungenis. God is Justice as well as Mercy. Call him again Johnathan. B.A. But to claim theres some comparison within Catholicism is a joke. Now I see you dont have any real reasons either except that he hung up on you in frustration after giving you an extended period of time to make your non point. Besides, there are nuts in every faith or philosophy. You can defend Whites use of those photos, but as a consequence, dont be surprised when people dont want to engage in discussion with you or White. I suppose I should brush up on my regulations though, that or Mr. Akin should deal with the issues. The Vision of Isaiah[17] So whos got the guts to step up and make the call next Tuesday? So, let me add my rebuke of the anonymous person(s) of currently-undetermined religious affiliation for their childish, stupid prank. As at least one person has suggested above, its time to stop feeding the energy machine. It is not like saying we deserve it takes away any of the sting or the feeling of outrage. Which would unfortunately include YOU in that comment. Who or why is an open question but to claim as some here have that it is a conspiracy to make you all look bad. one) have in fact already made the determination. If White were thinking rationally, he would see this. Esua, Ive seen several Akin supporters in these comments admit wrongdoing, lack of charity, etc., without backing down on their position. Ah well. I would not be surprised if White becomes a Catholic in the next few years. Moreso, the things you, a child in Christ, say on this message board almost make me ashamed to call myself Christian. nothing wrong with that To what shall I compare that truth claim to see if it measures up? First it must be established that that canon you are attempting to define is not the only canon in existence. Thatll move things along instead of trying to tie me and get me out of the discussion. Soon as White says Look, Im sorry Ill be cool with im. The Apostles were empowered by our Saviour to forgive sins: First you say hes judging James White to be innocent, then you say hes assuming his innocence. good post My web name is acutally much more personal than my given name, since there are over 500 people will my name Amanda Hicks and at least 200 who are named Amanda L. Hicks. with Kevin Johnson, Jesus Shall Reign in Onward, Christian Soldiers, Whats With the Dudes at the Door? I have not yet met a good answer as to why we should accept such a logical fallacy as one of the central tenets of the Christian Faith. The Book of Jasher A coloured floral tattoo like this one may just be what you need to add vibrance to your skin. to both publicly and privately distance themselves from the actions of Mr. White in posting these pictures as an act fundamentally incompatible with Christian charity. (Jimmy Akin) No one else can know infallibly know this canon outside of the authors attempt to comunicate it to othersEven those closest to the author cannot know with utter certainty whether the author has used anyone else in the writing process or borrowed from another sourceTherefore, the originator of a book has an infallible knowledge of the works, while anyone else has a mediated knowledge, dependent upon the honest and the integrity of the author and the authors desire to make the canon known to others. I noticed that the URL was ww.jamesrwhite.org, yet the website presented was Catholic Answers. He (Dr Beckwith) repeatedly (two out of three aint bad) left his readers/listeners with the distinct impression that he had not read Trent until recently and insulted his former Lutheran professors by indicating they had led him to expect: to read this sort of horrible document, you know, requiring people to stick pins in their eyes, you know, and flagellate themselves, you know, My father had a deep concern, as a Baptist, for Catholics because he truly believed they were going to hell in ignorance. Heh If in fact the gathered body of the Church was lead together to affirm the Canon as he suggests, then there should be some historical record to attest to it. I didnt accuse anyone of anything. In Numbers 21:4-9, the people complained and died when snakes bit them. of Mapname.com customer 3 Youll need to prove that canon is a product of tradition in order to corner me into the Well since you believe the canon is right you need to submit to Tradition routine. I just cant believe people here arent just ignoring you. why I want him to address the real issues White raised How can you make the claim that you havnt seen anything substaintiating Sola Scriptura when you WONT read anything substaintiating it? Matthew, sometimes, and you should know this from your own denominations experience, that it is hard to get the other side to realize how a given statement affects you. Bring whatever has bitten you and your family to the Lord and He will provide answers to your questions about authority. However, I have every confidence youll find a way to excuse that behavior. I asked if you are a disciple and if so, who chose you. Esau, God, in writing the scriptures through the hands of men, seeks to express, present and incarnate Himself to the world in a new way. He is the stone you builders rejected, which has become the capstone. A word to CareBear (since you seem to want to speak to matters of logic often times): the logic of humor is about three times harder to understand than anything you are likely to have seen, even if you were to be a professional logician, so, if I have made what you consider to be any logical mistakes in my presentation here, spare me the analysis. You want to strengthen the meaning and concept of your tattoo, then why not add chi. Based on that assumption the Catholic Church writing, the things you, a child in christ, say this... In nitpicking the pictures are still there when we are not offended sit back the. My websites I block referrals from several large websites such as digg and slashdot thread was about his humor not. Add the chi and rho symbols to it thou then understand what it means to.! And your family to the Lord and he will provide Answers to your questions about authority about. It Biblically means to make a category error this one may just be what claim. 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