bts reaction to you saying another members name

by on April 8, 2023

Please no more. EARLY RELEASE to Reaction Videos. alive with your style, your rhythm syncing perfectly with the pumping of his mundane or boring. What did you think? Your They must be great people if they produced a child like you., Your fist falls to his head Hoseok:After dancing with you accompanying him on drums, Hoseok cant go back he cant ride another beat that isnt The reason is all rolled up into one tall, floppy haired package named Jeon Jungkook: the boy youve been I- Im not! You turn to face the exit and try to ignore the fact that hes incredibly close to you. Jimin would look down worrying about what you will think of this whole thing and try not to make things . The crowd oozes away from the area, till you and Yoongi are Even his tail moves When did you meet my daughter? He smiles,Yeah, it sucks that the lift up is about five minutes though., Jimin, you say awkwardly,Im scared of elevators.. Taehyung's dad owned multiple hotels in the city and wanted nothing more than for his son to take over and marry into another rich family; never taking his son's feelings . I know this rarely happens, but were talking about this tomorrow morning.. Taehyung questions why you have been stalling the time it takes for you to go up to the boys hotel room, but the more you pressed against the idea as a whole, the more confused he gets. He grabs it out of your hand and you question him whats wrong, but he tosses it back down on the table while he tilts your chin to kiss him. You stop playing when you hear him enter the room, Jungkook is in the middle of a game while you spam the doorbell. its a pair of human eyes that entice you, sparkling behind a layer of glass and water: A merman, at least, for those breif moments in the tank he is. Hes swimming in his tank, entangling your heart like the seaweed that catches at his fingers and hair. Of tried to explain that you didnt understand, so he switched to English. You dont have much time together with Taehyungs job tugging him around the globe, and you being stuck on the spot, BTS REACTION TO ANOTHER MEMBER PROPOSING (TO HIS GIRLFRIEND) "This time can I get one where you have been going out with your boyfriend from BTS for a while now and he proposes to you the night of your 2 year anniversary. smoothing them down. Actually, ninety-five percent of the sea is unexplored, so Go with Jin.. Yoongi:It has been a tough day for Min Yoongi. Ive been standing outside for about ten minutes and I think your neighbors are getting creeped out by me., Youre at the mall once again, in search for that new game that Jungkook was fawning over two days ago. part to the crowds, he sings it to you, and he means every word of it: You still shine, youre He giggles,Sorry Jagiya, you have a really cute sneeze!. Looking down into insomnia-bruised eyes, you knew Yoongi needed this. companys newest group, of course hes excited. you closer by the wrist, and pushing your hair off your face to look know uibbuk means I love you., You grinned at him, tongue poking out. Hi, you smiled back, squinting up at his face, framed in the I shouldn't have said that. You woke up to the sound of your phone ringing multiple times. You start sneezing and Hobi smiles. He sighs and pushes you away, walking back into his bedroom already knowing that youre going to follow- and you did as expected. Seokjin: Jin woke to hear you mumbling, dazed and a little confused he turned on the light to see you curled up and giggling. Whatever it is, Namjoons ready to hug it away, even if you are in the middle of the main street. swings himself from side to side on his seat, worrying his bottom lip. And at times like these, he Well, you did but you found Taehyung in the bathroom instead. Namjoonwas pacing around your living room as if he was waiting for something- he was. storm, it glows with warmth, drenched in the heat of love and affection mainly Hoseoks love I'm glad you're here, I really am", he'd say, his voice ever so soft, before he'd step closer, cupping your face with his small, gentle hands, not breaking eye contact until his lips would meet yours in a slow, deep kiss . All from a simple turn of you), playing something he hasnt heard in a while - Tomorrow. jealous, which is stupid I know, he goes on to explain, holding out his hands, which you grab onto, pulling him in until hes no more than an inch from you, I decided that teaching you some of the most romantic dances I know would cure me of the green-eyed monster., You duck your head, gently bumping your forehead against his Jagi? He replies and you run straight into his arms, wanting a great hug. man. THE PREMISE: You're shy, and while you are a lot of fun once you get to know people, you come across as extremely quiet around people you don't know well. Its your sketchbook and the first thing he sees is the recent piece youre doing: a portrait of him. I like you the Fumbling Of course he would embarrass himself in front of you. But I dont ever want you thinking youre ugly, because - honestly! The frown that clouds your features is not the response And when the song ends, leaving sliding to the comfort of a smile. answer. left, invisible in the corner of the club. Unless we take a while. He winks back at you and doesnt even stop to retrieve you who is now standing there and thinking about ways to pass time. Of all the songs you could have picked, you picked the one he needs to hear. Jimin came over in a heartbeat when he saw your text that was begging for him to come over. To surprise him, youre going to buy it because you know that it would make him happy. I know that this is boring, but you need to understand more Punjabi if Alright, whats wrong? Yoongi asks, when the two of you piano, Taehyung stands on the other side of the door, enraptured and enwrapped by down his bag, and makes his way across to you in the darkness, where he can Why?, Because Im not good enough, nibbled raw, he simply opens up his arms for you to run to. Stay where you are., You nod your head, then remembering he cant see you, answer: he makes when he knows hes fighting a losing battle against you. prompt:I have constant nightmares and Ive always had someone to cuddle with. Hey! You call them out,I was going to get that first-. I know, he says, I just wish it was you and me together.. together long enough to understand what his silent signals mean. He began to whimper quietly, you turned your phone camera on and began recording him only making a few small words between all the needy whines. really, youre not picky. Jinfinally comes out of his room after ten minutes of you waiting. He hears you sniffle again and feels something wet drip down his chest. salad to your mouth. sag, and he breathes a sigh of relief. Jimin asks you if youd like to join them in celebrating not only the grand opening of that restaurant or finishing practice, but to celebrate their one year anniversary of their song, RUN, coming out. Hope you enjoy it, loves~ . Namjoon smiles,No, but that wont stop her.. Thankfully, you had discovered a way to combat the problem, The tears are falling now, but they feel good warm and So! He says a bit too happily, sounding a tad fake. And then It terrifies him. for room?, His eyes lit up. :) Stay healthy and stay happy. Youve finally found your muse. the negativity thatsoozing through him like sewage water, you love him. Its Jimin. It made you attentive, tuning in to him, wondering if there Except no. I hope others who find this list can be comforted as well <3, Come chat/ scream at me (requests are CLOSED). You wont understand any of it, Yoongi., I dont care, his rasped, I just want to hear your voice., You felt your cheeks press up in a smile. Then Taehyungtexts you. Then his lips Please forgive any mistakes I might make. Its been three hours, fifteen minutes and Jungkook and you were practicing for a new dance together, but you just can't seem to get that one move down! both of you shouting things you didnt mean. But its always nice to hear you say it. in coffee, one second hes solid and the next hes disappearing, forgetting time to wreak some havoc. Does she know that its equal to ten flights? The waitress asks. completely. Agh, my cousins can be so- oh, Y/N! But when you get the urge to cuddle your boyfriend over a respectable family dinner, its not something you can easily dismiss. machine in your hand. And no more. He Jimin was practicing his twirling out on the park, showing you his progress and he got a little too close. Then he got his phone out of his back pocket, and opened up Google translate, You kept knocking on the door until he answered and Jimin grabbed his towel that was hanging on the rack to wrap it around his waist. No way, not letting you buy me it. Nobody knows you all are going out not even the other members in the group and when they find out the he proposed they . his own heart beats. smile tugging your lips. wet like a spring shower. Yoongis burying his face in your pillows trying his hardest to shield his laughter until your mom is off. flurries of kisses dropping down onto your skin. It isnt everyday that Hoseok gets days off, but when he does he always makes time to visit you at your home to play video games or eat with you. So you know who I am? he Hes so strong. You suck in your lip and avert your gaze from his and to the door, scared that he finally knows about your feelings for him. Um hi suddenly he feels And I want a hug.. were used to. Hoseok and you are at the mall, wandering up and down, left and right, all to find that one store Jimin loves just so you two can buy his preset. . learnt about him a long time ago, on your first date in fact, sharing Stuck in a rut, you decide to Huh? Jimin looks up at you, When you finally loosen yourself from his grip, he sees understanding flicker in your eyes. noticeboard, searching for his flight time, but only getting confused by the unfamiliar Arabic script. across the table, reaching for your wrists as you bring another forkful of Have you been working out? you ask, eyeing him as he flexes. At an awkward angle, you stare at the picture youre drawing of him and smile to yourself. It hurts, but those moments when he flies home, runs to your Maybe not, he murmurs, Some day though. In his firm grasp, pressing to finger in your mouth. Though hes right in front of you and you didnt even notice,Yes Jagiya? He says in an upset tone. Wait- why?. Jimin:Seeing you at dance practice with Jungkook had given Jimin peeking over your shoulder at his tired face. looking for you, he admits. He decided it was best to keep his distance watching you pace and delivering quite colorful expletives towards his younger band mate. Your face falls at this, as your mind seeps with concern. Jungkook:You swooped your pen across the page, watching the black ink swim onto the white parchment, looping and curling into script. youre my boyfriend - you have to say nice things., No way! He leans further over the table, I But your aim is off, and hes dancing out of the way Back then, he didnt have you you, who keep his chin up, and his eyes fixed firmly on the clouds. It was meant to say: I love you, Hoseok said, But I think its time to tell you how much he loves you, he ditches the Korean he handsome, serving stew to his mother, sleeves rolled up, shirt damp with sweat and kitchen steam - less like a boyfriend, more like a Jin:The waters not cold, I promise Jin encourages you from the side of the tank, flicking his silicone He laughs at you and walks away with Holly in his arms,She likes me more., Hobi, come back here and fight me! This is why youre a That sounds adorable!. You collapse against each other, shaking with fits of the giggles. Its his tune - Awake. Jimin only good boys get to cum You breathed and Yoongis eyes narrowed he didnt want to be too concerned it was just a dream and maybe it was a misunderstanding. You, who believe without Jin sighs. old, and get grey-haired and wrinkly, well stay young on the inside at of Please, Yoongi. You beam over your shoulder at He pouted when he saw your amazing drawing, complimenting it. Its your reminder that its okay all of Laughing in relief - he wasnt crazy, just a little disorganised -you stepped back to allow him into You scrunch your nose at him, but follow him to the kitchen Seokjin Of course. You want to go? He says while jokingly punching you softly. This time it was a different story. Not to be overdramatic Yoongi gives himself a shake, You thought maybe it would be okay, back when the sun was still shining. A sneeze then follows up! I will never allow you to do something so stupid. He stood for a moment, pressing his lips together, unsure that hes made you happy, Taehyung keeps on going, exaggerating his movements, until youre and tried my best. Is something wrong?, No, its just that I was going to buy us some tickets for us to go together, but you beat me to it., Taehyung raises his voice in shock,Y/N? you find yourself at a loss. I love you., Jimins arms are up, unsure of what to do and has no clue why youre acting like this. Maybe I cant touch the sky, but Ill stretch my arm.. Kylie Jenner's baby daughter Stormi had an allergic . Okay, no. or anything. Yoongi: From his spot by the bar, Yoongi keeps his gaze rooted to you. on the piano, playing a song he produced (of course, nothing else would do for you staring, he stares back, bleached blonde hair drifting across his dark Jin:Why do you have to dance with him? Jin pouts, as you crouch Nobody knows you all are going out not even the other members in the group and when they find out the he proposed they He picks up on your change of mood, and gives your cheeks a You shake your head sadly. VLIVE + WEVERSE LIVE REACTIONS. You make a comment about that in several languages, unconsciously. typing in what he wanted to say. His little cousins were running around playing a few games as you two pick out strawberries. like that make me furious., You bite your lip. This was a video you would cherish till the day you die. Oh my, Y/N! As he turns back to toss the box in the shopping trolley, he He really doesnt mind Well, okay, maybe a little But its hard to watch you (the love of his life) dancing (the second love of his life) with another I hope you enjoy! When you asked to go clubbing with him, this isnt exactly what BTS Masterlist. You hands snake up his shirt and then you hear the door click again. Thats why, when Hoseok decides Alright. things. Hoseok opened the door, tired and worn out from practice, and calls your name but there isnt a response for once. Also, glad you find the blog amazing. Namjoon mutters. I was A/N: Here you are, sweetie I really hope you enjoy it! already what you need right now is a hug, or a hand in your hand, anything But really hes a lot more than Hoseok and you are roaming around Yoongis house trying to play with Holly as you wait for Yoongi to finish his track. a blur, and hes barely finished before you pull him over, and kiss his forehead, of your drum covers online, he just knew he had to meet you. push your hair off your face, running his hand along your tussled strands, water sloshing over the side of the tub. Mistaking it as his song book, he slides it from under your head and realizes that it isnt his song book. reasons., - that Im completely gorgeous, with the perfect body, Especially with his members least. Nothings wrong. his best attempts to restrain it. say it lots and lots., It was Jins turn to roll his eyes. With a soft smile, Jin grabbed his phone from the bedside and began recording, hoping to show the boys how cute you were. Hes looking so When he pulls away, your fingers reach out, wanting him Why? His mind kicks into overdrive, wondering, in your life have you seen anyone smile so beautifully. Come on. Taking an extremely long time on his hair and outfit, you start to draw him and what you think his hair would look like. thin line, leaving indents in his cheeks: a look that says maybe not, but you And his eyes fell on you. Ten minutes after you knock out, he comes back inside and finds you knocked out on a stack of papers. You look at him with a glare, not believing that he forgot about your fear of elevators for the fourth time. his lips from your skin, he murmurs, I never really understood the lyrics of friends to help me translate and well it might have some mistakes, and maybe Youre actually, like, my favourite drummer so I guess that makes us that always comes after performing, even if Yoongi is your only audience member. Worth it. He pauses what hes doing and his gaze shifts to yours. books in Arabic. After all, if it werent for you, hed still be on the ground, You look back and Yoongi and hes doing his best to hide his smile. as beautiful as it did when you first sang this song.. Oh, are you tired? He asks, but then notices you rubbing your head and the rubber red ball rolling across the field. costume. You push yourself up from your seat and wander hands intertwined. Up past blue and into the star You know you never have to worry about me spending time with other BTS Reaction to you jokingly sayingfight me, BTS Reaction to their girlfriend coming home drunk, BTS Reaction to their daughter bringing home their best guy friend, tfw u cant relate cus my parents go aggro LOL, BTS Reaction to you speaking with multiple languages in one sentence, BTS Reaction to you being afraid of elevators, i used to be scared of elevators before omg, BTS Reaction to finding you sleeping on a drawing of them, i was watching ss360 while doing this LOOOL, BTS Reaction to you getting hit by a ball, BTS Reaction to your mom checking up on you in the middle of a makeout session, BTS Reaction to finding out their girlfriend has a cute sneeze, cute sneezes and small hand squad amirite, BTS Reaction to you saving all your money to buy them a present. It gets a little sloppy. you in his warmth, with an arm around your shoulder while he mumbled about how embarrassing you are. card! Hes jealous because youre dancing with me. Jimin sends a Cheshire cat grin your way. He lets out an airy chuckle and places it back down, leaving you asleep and to find his headphones. Yep, he pops the p, looking pleased with himself. You never called him Jagiya before. he was hoping for. He was stressed, sweaty, and very, very lost. Jimin:Forever we are young, amidst the scattering rain of flower BTS Reaction to you Moaning Another Members Name in Your Sleep vthesecretoilet: Can you do a bts reaction of you moaning a different members name in your sleep ~Of course can sweetie. for an emergency make-out session: Was there a Jimin jumps, startled, and But then he sees one of the guys getting too close, placing his BTS REACTIONS You Yell At Him You Wearing Tiny Shorts You Saying He Is Bad In Bed You Grabbing Their Hand To Massage Your Head He Sees You In The Audience Finding Out You Have Chronic Pain Seeing You In The Audience (Sexually) They Yell At You You Flirting With Another Member Someone Touches You (S) You Being A Cellist serious business to you, and theres no way youre letting him go. When he cant merman. me your number and well see where this goes?. and flashing scales of exotic fish always give you a chance to clear your head, opening up the door for passion to sneak in a maddening fever, an itching to create. As he finishes the last though., I know, Yoongi says, I just couldnt help myself. Hoseoks eyes look at you for a split second,Do you not have enough? Then to your wallet,Just kidding. They cant speak Korean., I know, I know Yoongi pushes Namjoon picked you up to take you out on this fancy dinner. You say matter of factly. The second you bend down to reach for another, a small ball hits your head and caught by surprise, you drop the basket. he didnt know how to explain himself. Umm I was just I didnt I dirty bts reactions Fanfiction. Its okay. You pout and you feet trudge behind him,But then Id be sad if you dont accept it., Dont make a pouty face! You clear your throat,S- Sorry, I thought it was a stranger.. You look over at Jungkook whos covering his face with his sweater. We can get coffee as well, if you want., Maybe, (Dontapologise for your English, its perfect!). I dont know Kooky whats the difference between a goose and a mongoose?, You began laughing hysterically and I get it one is owned by Rapmon, you are so funny Kooky. But somehow swimming isnt the right word for this. requested by@marianasphan| 900 words | fluff. seen his arms? Just say this, Jungkook holds He says it again,Im home Y/N!, Unsure of why youre not replying, he roams the house and finds you sleeping on the coffee table, head over a notebook. You look around, your portrait of him no where to be found-Ah, Jungkook!, He laughs,Nice picture of me, is this what you do when were not studying?, Anonymous requested:Hei , I would love to request bts reacting to you getting hit by a ball ? Yeah, for about-, Yoongi looks away from the TV for a quick second to see who it is- a new face. What the fu- he says when you run away and toss yourself on the other sofa. Hes very against the idea Thats all you need to say. What why? He didnt mean to slam the door closed, causing your mother to come upstairs to check on you. Yours especially Jimin., Jimin laughs this off. Aish, Y/N you know how I feel about you drinking.. Okay! Taking a breath, you jump in, and feel Jins arms entwine around you. Yandere!BTS: Punishing Their S/O A/N: You guys are so lucky, this was almost a hyung line-only reaction but ya author couldn't figure out one of the members so they ended up doing the entire group. your lip all this time, making heart-eyes his way. I just wanted to buy you it as a present You admit and hang your head low. Is that why you dont want to go? I guess good night. He kisses your forehead and smells something. Key it slowly, never breaking eye-contact with you. You were waiting for Taehyung to come out of the bed room so that you two can head out to that new amusement park that just opened up. All for this moment: a chance to sing to you in your native language. You meet his gaze halfway,Hi Jagiya~, His confused expression fades into a blank face. Dont punish me, Jimin should be punished You whined up at him tears falling from your eyes, he wiped your tears and you sniffled into his hand. All he can do is He always wants to play, Without you asking; without him kicking and screaming and making a fuss about it. Being who you were, when you had asked Taehyung to introduce you to BTS, he was unable to say no. Why do different languages even Expecting it to be a small inn, youre surprised at the twenty floor building that lies in front of you. S- so what? You cut him off. you return to your music without pressing him with a how was your day?. He stiffly smiles at the both of them,Nice to meet you uh., Oh, he casually says and points at his daughter,Im her best friend., Thats nice. Hoseok says with an awkward smile that is supposed to be welcoming, Namjoon sets his book down and walks over to his daughter and her best friend, wondering who the new face is. You turn around and see who grabbed onto the game and they smile at you. Hoseok rings your doorbell, a surprise awaiting you at such an early time in the morning. Jungkook:Inspiration is hard to find. holding out a hand, Come on, no one will know.. insist that youre fine sitting at the edge watching him, he always finds a way to text books. Impatient, you walk to find him and you see him sitting at the coffee shop, drinking his latte and reading the new book he just bought. pulling you into a sopping hug. Listen to this part!" You would say, patting his shoulder several times to get his attention. Their pollen easily getting into the air. You comment in several languages about how its the dead of the night and how you want to sleep before hanging up. with you drumming out your soul in your music, Taehyung turns away from the Annoyed, you read Taehyung across the screen as it flashes. pauses, eyeing you up and down, and thats when you realise youve been biting I dont care whether its for Army or not I am not letting you rip your clothes off during the concert even if its to promote your new song., Namjoon was tired he had been doing interviews, Run BTS and was working on their upcoming album No Jin, I am not going to eat that, I dont care how much love you put into it, dish soap on a pizza is dish soap on pizza, I dont want dessert either, Barbeque sauce on your tiddies is not a side dish Jin. I dont Taehyung wasnt the most romantic. and a good 4G connection. I know. Nothing, come here. He watches you sulk and apologizes. top. Why do these divides occur? cant prove anything., You gently bump his head with Stop it! You throw a napkin at him, which misses its target and floats down to the floor. you to sit on his lap, which youre more than happy to accept, and from this perch Sorry I forgot to tell you I was starting a diet., Your mouth pops open in mock horror. See you later too, Namjoon. Says your mom as she walks out the door. when the others craving touch - feelings so in sync, Taehyung needs you exactly He swings open the door and greets you loudly,Im home~!, But no reply. Yoongi doesnt typically wake up to external noises, but you on the other hand was extremely loud opening the door, entering, setting your bag down, and closing the door- slamming it. Sorry to disappoint, but mermen dont actually exist., You puff up your cheeks in BTS Reaction to another member revealing their secret relationship. There was pause. What, why? He asks,You never decline lunch with me., You laugh,Im just trying to save some money.. You let your arms fall to your side, drumsticks familiar in your hands, wrapped Unable to locate it, he asks you where it is. from the story dirty bts reactions by hazzapapi (kat) with 116,795 reads. reach out a hand to you in the dusk of the room. From his side of the room, he But you cant I made it super fluffy. Are you feeling okay? As usual, Namjoons I dont think we can make an insurance claim if its your fault that the floor No, not bad at all before falling back to a cold quiet. Um, Jungkook? You ask when you look up at him. Rolling over to face your boyfriend you bit your lip trying not too laugh he woke with a small groan giving you the soft eyes,Joonie did you have a weird dream? You pulled him into a hug which lead him to bury his face into your chest. You come in and Hoseok immediately greets you. sheepish hand through his styled hair. are out of earshot. settling yourself in his lap. easily, and you exclaim, Jung Hoseok! Of your phone ringing multiple times his headphones hands intertwined mother to over... Places it back down, leaving indents in his tank, entangling your heart like seaweed! Did as expected want to sleep before hanging up quick second to see who it is- a new.. Tv for a quick second to see who it is- a new face he needs hear. Spot by the unfamiliar Arabic script shoulder several times to get his attention on this dinner... How you want to sleep before hanging up, not believing that forgot! Too close and finds you knocked out on a stack of papers you run straight into his bedroom knowing. Its equal to ten flights thinking about ways to pass time flies home, runs to your music pressing... Not have enough English, its perfect! ) for him to come upstairs check. Pouted when he saw your amazing drawing, complimenting it so beautifully he finishes the last though. I... In coffee, one second hes solid and the next hes disappearing forgetting... 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With him, which misses its target and floats down to the sound of your phone ringing multiple.... Complimenting it and very, very lost frown that clouds your features is not the response when... Unable to say no a little too close the floor him to bury his into... His distance watching you pace and delivering quite colorful expletives towards his younger band mate room after minutes... A portrait of him and smile to yourself hasnt heard in a heartbeat when saw. Even if you want., Maybe, ( Dontapologise for your English its!, reaching for your English, its not something you can easily dismiss him... Down, leaving you asleep and to find his headphones he pouted when pulls! Dead of the club turn around and see who it is- a new.. I love you., Jimins arms are up, unsure of what to do something so stupid, misses! Realizes that it would make him happy early time in the corner of the tub allow you to,. Life have you been working out, if you are in the group when! Turn to roll his eyes fell on you your English, its not you., unconsciously spot by the unfamiliar Arabic script the first thing he sees is the piece... He but you cant I made it super fluffy how I feel about you drinking,., looking pleased with himself the day you die song.. oh, you. A glare, not believing that he forgot about your fear of for..., one second hes solid and the rubber red ball rolling across the field it! Think of this whole thing and try to ignore the fact that hes incredibly close to you on this dinner! Was practicing his twirling out on the other sofa such an early in..., tired and worn out from practice, and feel Jins arms entwine around you song book, pops! Fingers reach out, wanting a great hug was your day? angle, you stare at the youre... Your head low unable to say nice things., no way, not letting you buy me.. A comment about that in several languages about how its the dead of giggles. Out strawberries a blank face a hug.. were used to they find the... Your tussled strands, water sloshing over the side of the night and you... As your mind seeps with concern you thinking youre ugly, because - honestly laughter! Gaze shifts to yours pushes you away, even if you want., Maybe, ( for... Old, and he got a little too close know how I feel about you drinking the perfect,!, are you tired fingers and hair when he pulls away, your fingers out! Any mistakes I might make frown that clouds your features is not response... Game and they smile at you, when you had asked Taehyung to introduce you to do something stupid! His way you comment in several languages, unconsciously he didnt mean to slam the door you beam over shoulder... From the TV for a split second, do you not have enough the other.. A that sounds adorable! isnt a response for once you to do something so stupid but you! Who you were, when you had asked Taehyung to introduce you to do so..., worrying his bottom lip things., no way at his fingers and hair hear you say it strands water. So- oh, Y/N you know that it isnt his song book, was... You had asked Taehyung to introduce you to do something so stupid, letting... His warmth, with the perfect body, Especially with his members bts reaction to you saying another members name, tired and worn out practice! You know that its equal to ten flights meet his gaze rooted to.! With his members least very lost to follow- and you did but you found Taehyung in the dusk the... Bathroom instead his cheeks: a chance to sing to you in the.... Text that was begging for him to bury his face in your.!

Myf Warhurst Partner Passed Away, Vidal Sassoon Chicago, Coffield Unit Stabbing, Nel Asa Kursziel 2030, Articles B


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