calopeia game 2 strategy

by on April 8, 2023

Ialsoseverelydeviatedfrommyinitialtransportationstrategywhichwastosticktotrucksthroughoutthegame. Thisisadirectconsequenceofnothavingrespectedthecapacityschedulesaslesscapacityatalaterdatemeantittookmelongertoproducefinishedgoods. Instead,IwillusethecomingtwomonthstobuildupinventoryinCalopeiatoprepareforthepeakseasonthere. worthwhile. Calopeia For the Calopeia region, the assignment stipulates that demand is very seasonal but stable. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Thatlostdemandequalsto3926686inadditionalprofit(2865*211.72+24284*136.72). For example at one point we went for a long stretch with no demand in Entworpe, and inventory just sat there, meanwhile we were losing sales in Tyran because there was no inventory. You can do lots of things to improve supply chain performance and lower costs. IvyPanda. 2. 0000046855 00000 n Schedulingfactories/capacitytoolate, Initially,Iintendedtohaveallscheduledcapacitytobeoperationalbyday910aspart4specifiesbutinthesimulationIachievedthatbyday1026. The second question to be answered for Sornage is when to stop adding capacity. TO TRY TO FOLLOW YOUR STEPS THANKS!! Inreallife,afirmwouldhavedifferentoptionssuchasastrategicpartnershiporoutsourcingwhichmayhavebeencheaperthanbuildinganewfactory. (2022, April 8). We can easily see that a warehouse is justified with this amount of demand. In addition, it is necessary to address the problem of the lost demand. In our supply chain game, we've taken the original beer game and developed it further to include some additional challenges that are common in supply chains. The main motive making business to engage in supply chain management is to enhance their efficiency. This new feature enables different reading modes for our document viewer. With regards to the issue of supply chain management, businesses are required to be steadfast in selecting their partners. Below is the recommended strategy in the beginning of the game. You can use them for inspiration, an insight into a particular topic, a handy source of reference, or even just as a template of a certain type of paper. Lastly,thelackofflexibilityinthegameisanotherweakness. Similarly, the payoff for a factory in Entworpe would be 8 X 25 X 596 = $119,200 A new factory has a fixed cost of $500,000, so there is clearly no payoff to build a factory in Entworpe. This report on Calopeia: Supply Chain Game Write-Up was written and submitted by your fellow approximately 14 days for the first product to reach market. At around day 1415 we shut down most of the factories and were pretty conservative on our estimates of remaining inventory. Sorange Hardwood floorsIncreasing-linear 10 8. Perhapssometrialanderrorcoupledwiththosemodelswouldhavebeenabetteralternative. Increased capacity by 1 to 16, Day 852 -Increased capacity at Sorange factory by 5, now 50, Day 894 -Increased capacity at Sorange factory by 5, now 55, Day 895 -Demand in Fardo is still higher than capacity. Firstly, a company should contact several providers to seek to ask demonstrations on its services. The highest possible profit per unit is The whole issue consists of the setting of production and inventory control parameters, warehouses, factories and transportation choices. The cost of capacity is $50,000. 230 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 232 /H [ 841 894 ] /L 1403870 /E 101399 /N 34 /T 1399151 >> endobj xref 230 19 0000000016 00000 n and 14 days to get the product to market, leaves about 596 days of reliable production remaining. 1. Also want to be sure that all factories continue to operate at maximum capacity, as we know that we will be unable to fulfill all demand later in the game. Thepolitical/legalcontext,economicfactors(inflation,interestrates,recessionetc)canallhaveabigimpactonasupplychainmatrix, . 580 X 15 X 211.80 = $1,842,660. 0000001713 00000 n Scheduled additional capacity in Calopeia of 8 units per day to meet expected demand. We are also thinking that final However,thesaiddemandincreasedbecauseofthepromotionandwhenitendsmostorganizationsbuttheretailerwillbeleftwithexcessinventoryleadingtohighercosts/productobsolescence. Wargame 1942. AlthoughIdidnotparticipateintheinitialoneregiongame,Irealizedthatforecastingwaskeyinanticipatingdemandlevelsandadjustingproductioncapacitytooptimizeprofit. This is not seasonal, and not increasing. In this case, there is a four-step process in which companies should adopt in finding a vendor. From our experience at the end of round one we did not want to end up with extra inventory as demand declined over the final 30 days. Build a warehouse in each region. Increased capacity by 1 to Trying to This enhances in the enhancement of efficiency in timely delivery as well as provision of quality services. Minimum 10 days $2. Below is the recommended strategy in the beginning of the game. April 8, 2022., IvyPanda. Forexample,aqualityissue(especiallyinchemicals)couldprovedisastrousnotonlytothesupplychainbuttothewholeorganization. As a result, achieving capacity in 45 drums, Jacobs can realize its potential in production and maximize profits. get all of the batch sizes (except for Fardo) to 600, which we calculate as EOQ. The only other decisions to be made were at the end of the game. You have been hired to suggest a network design that will maximize . - Omnidirectional combat space for strategy games: naval, air, land. Inhindsight,thiswasamistakeasmylostordersof27149unitsattest. For inventory, we will order the quantity with the level of 200, units to fulfill the maximum capacity of a truck and this refers that the level of inventory in the. Plan:- Choose which markets to supply. The first step is the increase of the batch size to 200 items. Wargame 1942 is a free strategy browser game that takes place during World War II. Awarehousecosts100000,andaccordingtothetableadds50inprofitperunitsold. Assumingafactorycapacityof20,belowisthebreakevenanalysisforFardoifIbuiltafactoryandawarehouse. It contains thousands of paper examples on a wide variety of topics, all donated by helpful students. Finally decided to go ahead and Toconsultthefulltableandthecorrespondinggraphs,pleaserefertoAnnex1whichshowstotalexpecteddemandforthisregionisaround27778units. In addition to the above, it is also important to calculate the number of days of operation each additional facility will offer. 1. demand later in the game. Based on our initial estimates, we believe that demand at that point will be roughly 70-75 per day. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . It was really hard on my business going down due to my little short time illness then when I got heal I needed a fund to set it up again for me to begin so I came across Mr Benjamin a loan consultant officer at Le_Meridian Funding Service He asked me of my business project and I told him i already owned One and i just needed loan of 200,000.00 USD he gave me form to fill and I did also he asked me of my Valid ID in few days They did the transfer and my loan was granted. Althoughthissimulationwasveryhelpfulatunderstandingthecoursecontent,itdoespresentseverallimitations. Hopefully this will allow us to finally get ahead of demand when capacity comes online. The solution is to use mail when the number of drums is 100 items or less than 100 items. Thetermisdefinedastheuncertaintycausedbydistortedinformationflowingupanddownthesupplychain. Becauseneithermarketwillshowanytrendorseasonalitybutarebothrandomintermsorordersizeandarrival,Idecidedtoadopttheexponentialsmoothingtechnique. Our reasoning is that the additional $50 per unit in profit justifies saving inventory in Calopeia for the 60 days. You'll manage the process for one of the UK's most popular items - cans of baked beans! The next step is the increase of the batch size to 400 items to maximize production and transportation savings. This will help in boosting efficiency in the issues of supply chains. - Mobilize troops, charge into battle, rekindle the battle of WW2. Transaction History In addition to capital investments we also adjust the order point in Calopeia up to 5000 to insure that the factory would not be idle. Mainland Regions Profit Potential Fardo Profit Potential. - ernie. Demand is higher than originally expected in both Entworpe and Tyran. The main strategy for this region is deploying Lean Processes that we would like to, minimize the cost at low as possible and utilize the capacity of the machine. Because of this inventory buildup we did increase holding costs and lose interest revenue, but we were. The warehouse only supplies air conditioner retrofit kit manufacturers, who are all in . Oil it. Below is the recommended strategy in the beginning of the game. Satisfy demand in Tyran from Sorange warehouse. Hence, the cost to build a new factory in Tyran with a capacity of 5 drums per day is $500,000 + 5*$50,000 = $750,000. We calculated this by dividing 50,000 (the cost to add one additional unit of capacity), by the maximum potential profit of $211.80 per unit. Frommonth28to48,theannex2showsaround49430unitsthatIcanexpecttoselloncethefactoryandthewarehouseareoperational. However,IreflectedonthemistakesmadeandproposedsomeimprovementswhichconvincesmethatifIhadasecondruninthissimulationIwouldfinishwithlesslostorders,asmoothertransportationsystem,anappropriateinventoryandultimatelyahighercashbalanceonday1460. Indeed,exportingtothatregionwillinevitablyincuralossormakeasmallprofit(ifthereisawarehouseinFardo). The Le_Meridian Funding Service went above and beyond their requirements to assist me with my loan which i used expand my pharmacy business,They were friendly, professional, and absolute gems to work with.I will recommend anyone looking for loan to contact. Lesson: Writing with Purpose, Assuming gamma = 0.2, demand at time period 1, D1 = 101, and the estimated level at time period 1, L1 = 111, seasonal factor for time period 1, S1 = 0.99, and the demand periodicity is 4. IvyPanda. August 22, 2019. 0000098569 00000 n HadIbeenabletoproduceattheratespecifiedinthetableinpart4,Iamconfidentmylostorderswouldhavebeendramaticallyreduced. Haryanto, I enjoyed your reflections. wouldn't have paid for itself. Priority Level Holding Cost $0 per day. Production parametersYou have $20,000,000 to design your network. The key objective of supply chain game is to maximize cash position at the end of the game which is in this case identified as a key aspect in meeting the pursuit for profit. Calopeia: Supply Chain Game Write-Up. In comparison, it costs $150 to mail one drum. Strategy games are games in which you need to make a lot of decisions to achieve a specific outcome. Themostprofitablewaythatmarketcanbeexploitedisthroughlocalproductionandwarehousing. We do feel like we made the best choice in not adding additional capacity beyond day 1100. Order quantity: Calopeia factory to Entworpe warehouse. Thus,frommonth27,Calopeiafactorywillserveallmymainlandregions. 16, Day 852 - Increased capacity at Sorange factory by 5, now 50, Day 894 - Increased capacity at Sorange factory by 5, now 55, Day 895 - Demand in Fardo is still higher than capacity. Retrieved from We have learnt the valuable experience from the last simulation that forecasting, future demand is a key factor to be competitive. Inthisscenario,theidealforecastingmethodwouldneedtoaccountfortheupwardtrend. Order quantity: Calopeia factory to Calopeia warehouse. The concepts of supply chain management are adequately adopted in supply chain game in the sense that it seeks to illustrate the real nature of business operations. Forexample,in2000afiredamagedwaferstockataNokiasupplierswarehouse. For example at one point we went for Because a warehouse takes only 60 days to build, it has about 630 days of operation available. This table summarizes the characteristics of each market. The Supply Chain Game Pangeia Simulation (Phase 2 Report).docx, References LabSim for Windows Server Pro Install and Configure Section 32 LabSim, Proctored Exams Every third Saturday Summer Full Immersion On Site Program, A 1 Interpleader provided that the amount is within the jurisdiction of such, b What do you believe are the perceptions of other guardiansparents of general, Questions 39 40 invasion 34 An account of European animals taking roots in the, Describe how you use your negotiation skills to encourage positive outcomes, Leah Beth Ward Yakima Herald Republic Covering the state legislature because it, How to fix the Jedi Fallen Order nasty visual bugs on Xbox Series X.docx, Listing 8 7 Experimenting with the parts flat file database import, would be provided through employer and individual payroll tax to include, The energy of ATP molecules is needed for a diffusion b passive transport c, Greuning H V and Bratanovic S B 2000 Analyzing banking risk a framework for, Which is the correct order of the KMS Cycle a Create Capture Refine Store Manage, Week 7 Health Promotion DQ 2 Renzi.edited.docx, Jacobs Industries' only product is an industrial chemical that can be mixed with air to form a foam that is: Lightweight; Stable over a very wide range of temperatures; A very efficient thermal, First, listen to the description of a young Uruguayan woman called Minia. Order point: Calopeia factory to Entworpe warehouse. "Calopeia: Supply Chain Game Write-Up." We utilize security vendors that protect and While increasing the order quantity or the batch size, it is possible to decrease transportation costs. Satisfy demand in Sorange from Calopeia warehouse. model out these two scenarios to try and determine the best way to go. Assume the factory on Calopeia has a capacity of 70 drums/day. %PDF-1.3 % ThismeantthatIhadtowait44daysbeforereceivingmyorder. It contains thousands of paper examples on a wide variety of topics, all donated by helpful students. Notethatbecausedemandforbothregionsstabilizesatmonth23,Iwillnotconsidermonth22. Thecompleteabsenceofthesecomponentsandtheeffectsoftheiractionstakessomerealismandcomplexityoutofthegame. Do not worry, you will not regret.7. The calculation for a factory is: 19 X 25 X 596 = $283,100 Again a factory would not pay for itself. 53 Emilii Plater Street 00-113 Warsaw must. It probably Ultimately we decided not to build any additional capacity. Order quantity: Calopeia factory to Sorange warehouse. ThecapacityavailablefromtheCalopeiafactorycanalreadysatisfythosedemands(withaprofitmarginof136.72thankstotrucktransportation)andtheirdemandlevelsdonotjustifysuchaninvestment. It will help us to determine the level of the, safety stock as well as order point. Entworpe in order to focus on the three markets where we had factories and the highest profit margins. remaining inventory. AlthoughitworkedverywellinFardowhereIdidnotencounteranyissues,IshouldhavenonethelessusedthecontinuousreviewinventorymethodincludingthesafetystockandtheEOQtomanagemyinventories. The concept of supply chain games is an online supply network simulator for demonstrating the actual nature of supply chains. BecauseIintendtoserveallmarketsandtheyallhavemorethan2000inexpecteddemand,Iwillbuildawarehouseineveryregiononday730. Calopeia. Decision: Build a warehouse only in Tyran on day 731. . IvyPanda. The first step is adding 20 to the current capacity. Wow! First,itisusefultobreakdownthecostsassociatedwithmyactivity(basedonabatchof200). HadIfulfilledthoseordersbyrespectinginitialcapacityplansIwouldhaveovertookthreeteamsinthefinalrankingsasonly3.8morewouldhavebeennecessarytooccupythe5. RegardingtheSorangeregion,IknowfromAnnex2thatIexpecttotaldemandfromthiscountrytobearound51629total. This is so because the parties involved in the processes are put under strict supervision and evaluation to ensure high quality standards. (2019, August 22). I noticed that you did not mention your team-mate. Calopeia For the Calopeia region, the assignment stipulates that demand is very seasonal but stable. per unit profit provided by a warehouse ($50), then multiply by the number of days of operation. It should be noted that supply chain management is one of the most essential aspects in attaining business success in recent days thus there is a need for devotion. IvyPanda. Day 820 - Increased capacity at Sorange factory by 5, now 45, Day 829 - Realized that demand in Fardo is higher than originally calculated. We are also thinking that final capacity may end up higher than originally anticipated at 70-75. Thus, the use of trucks seems to be more advantageous for Jacobs, but the problem is in the transportation time and number of drums in each track. First,manykeyfactorsthatarepresentinreallifearenotincludedinthegamesuchasproductquality/obsolescence,costoflabour,rawmaterialspricefluctuationsorinterestratesandforeigncurrencychanges. "Calopeia: Supply Chain Game Write-Up." 0000002294 00000 n in Tyran because there was no inventory. The Game Scenario: Jacobs' distribution network consists of a single factory and a single warehouse, both in Calopeia. Gives you the best experience of strategy games. made if both the factory and warehouse are located within the region they serve. Since a warehouse costs only $100,000, the additional profit provided by a warehouse is definitely . Inthisregard,theLinearregressionmethodisbestsuited. Click here to find your hidden name meaning. We also thought that we could meet some of the demand in Sorange once the warehouse came on line. a long stretch with no demand in Entworpe, and inventory just sat there, meanwhile we were losing sales This was early, but I was going to be asleep at 5:00 AM when it needed to be done. Demand in Tyran is averaging 19 per day, and is level and non-seasonal. No need to worry about maximize qty of order.4. ThesecondlimitationIobservedisthelackofinteractionwithothercomponentsofthesupplychain. AnotheromissionistheabsenceofarealBullwhipeffect. Conquer the world. Also adjusted settings for Calopeia to serve all three new warehouses in other regions. Allthesefactorscouldhaveamajorimpactonasupplychain. As in the first round we begin the game on day 731 with one factory and one warehouse, both located in Calopeia. Overall Standing: 2nd Position, $7,126,112. Sorange as we should have been, and it has cost us some lost sales. However profit would increase to $211.80 per unit. BelowIwillanalyzethosemistakesandexplainhowIcouldhavedonebetter(refertoannex8forSCORmap). Tyran and Entworpe. Our initial estimates are that demand will increase by roughly one unit every six days, or up to about 110 units daily by day 1430. They range from Chess to war games. Get great deals on games wherever you go! 3. Decision: Build a warehouse only in Entworpe on day 731. warehouse in Entworpe will payoff, we simply need to multiply the average daily demand by the additional BecauseIwillbesupplyingnootherthantheCalopeiamarketforthefirsttwomonths,myexpectedlostdemandissummarizedbelowfrommysalesforecasts(annex1,2&3). Thenetworksimulationwentratherpoorlyforthisgroupbecauseofgravedivergencesfromtheoriginalplan,somefunctionalmistakesandagenerallackofdisciplinewhichisperhapsduetothefactthatIdidnothavetheopportunitytoconductthefirstsimulation. The island of Fardo has substantially higher freight costs, so it must be considered separately. Pangea Supply Chain Management Simulation/Game Report, Click here to find your hidden name meaning. It's current network consist of a factory in Calopeia with a capacity of 20. The potential profit for each scenario is summarized below. 1. how to allocate excess capacity from Calopeia to other regions. this is Amazing! This was early, but I was going to be asleep at 1. Building a warehouse would cost $100,000, and allow us to earn profits of approximately $61.80 per unit. It is important to focus on achieving the order quantity in 400. Additionally, each supply is influenced by the decisions of its customers, thus influencing its operations. Shipping from Sorange factory to Calopeia warehouse. Fardoistrickyasthecostbreakdowntableshows. In addition we had proper safety stocks built up in both Tyran and Entworpe. Day 749 - Began construction of the warehouse in Fardo. Day 792 -Recalculated average demands to this point in the game. We began to serve both Tyran and Entworpe right away from the Calopeia warehouse. 3500, and then maintained it while we built up inventory in Sorange using capacity in Calopeia. Sorange differs from the other two regions in that demand, while currently only about 11 units per day, it is increasing linearly and will continue to do so until day 1430. In this case, the need to reduce costs and increase efficiency is the core factor driving a group to enter into the supply chain game. Chaining the order quantity from 150 to 200 on Day 730, it is possible to achieve cost savings in production. factory and warehouse are located in a different region than the market served. Iwouldneedtosell9919drumstobreakevenontheinitial2100000invested,whichshowsitmakessensetobuildafactoryandawarehouseinSorangeasexpectedremainingdemandthereiscloseto50000. The calculation for a factory is: 19 X 25 X 596 = $283,100 Again a factory would not pay for itself. Mail is chosen when 100 or more than 100 drums should be shipped. Address: G2A PL Sp. Once the warehouse is in operation, we will begin to serve it with excess capacity and inventory from Calopeia until the factory comes online. Theexpectedpayoffsare: (30*640*211.72)-30*50000-500000-100000=1965024. Inhindsight,thissimulationwasanexcellentwaytoputtheconceptslearnedduringthemoduleintopractice. . Head right and pick up the note. Basically, supply chain management entails the identification of potential suppliers or business partners who will be in a position to supply the business with products, services or raw materials for enhancing production and distribution of goods. Priority Level just under $500,000. ThelatterpartwillbeconcernedwithdetailingtheprogressofthegamewithaparticularfocusonthemistakesmadeandwhatcouldhavebeendonetoachieveabetteroutcomebeforeconcludingwiththelimitationsofthesimulationandwhatIretainfromthewholeexperience. 8 X 25 X 596 = $119, So we decided to serve Tyran from Entworpe for a short time. New factory? Using the same methodology as above we can see that a warehouse is again justified. I really want to appreciate there effort also try to get this to anyone looking for business loan or other financial issues to Contact Le_Meridian Funding Service On Email: / He also available on WhatsApp Contact:+1-9893943740. Day 820 -Increased capacity at Sorange factory by 5, now 45, Day 829 -Realized that demand in Fardo is higher than originally calculated. This tells us that it takes 236 days for capacity to pay for itself. For a batch size of 200, We know that late in the game when demand in Calopeia drops, we First,thedemandforecastforeachregionwillbeestablishedandIwillthenmakedecisionsregardinghowtoexploitthesemarketsinsection3. Head back three screens and use the pickaxe to break through the wall. The island of Fardo has substantially higher freight costs, so it must be considered separately. Satisfy demand in Calopeia from Entworpe warehouse. AUTHORS' COMMENTS 1. professional specifically for you? Maybe if we have time we can try to model out these two scenarios to try and determine the best way to go. "Calopeia: Supply Chain Game Write-Up." Themovingaveragetoolfitsperfectlyasitwillreflectseasonalityanddoesntfocusonrandomnessortrends. Hb```"OV cc`aH```T1:Xp```b`'RPAc-dF'206e090o,>V`\ hdSo3Yumeh0$s$Zh:wj6F|l:-m>&ZC {jX_. -'ya!CGg6,_p^bjn3l%:fu?1Gkl Since there was only a period of about 130 days where we lost sales due to inability to meet demand. The optimal strategy for changing the capacity is based on adding the capacity gradually. (2022) 'Calopeia: Supply Chain Game Write-Up'. The cost without the number of drums x$1000 is 190 (batches) x $1500 (price per batch) = $285,000. 0000003094 00000 n Volume 90%, Reading Guide Graphic Organizer Step 1: When reading a book, it's all about asking the right questions and finding the answers. Begin construction of the warehouse about 40 days later, since it won't be needed until the factory is online. 0000005135 00000 n "Supply Chain Game." Order quantity: Sorange factory to Calopeia warehouse. Decision: Build both a warehouse and factory in Sorange. We began our initial analysis by reviewing the instructions in detail. A basic concept behind supply chain management is that customers order products from a business and the business keeps track of the products its selling. Head left and put the wheel on the cart. Subtracting the cost to build the factory we calculate a profit potential of. This new feature enables different reading modes for our document viewer.By default we've enabled the "Distraction-Free" mode, but you can change it back to "Regular", using this dropdown. - Morale system, lower your enemy's morale to weaken their firepower in the war games. Considering the 4 mainland regions, additional cost of $75 per unit is incurred if both the 0000005637 00000 n We started the factory in Sorange, whereby the main reason was the anticipated additional value to the factory of about, 15,000. miss any costs like we did in the first round. This table summarizes the characteristics of each market, Region Use Demand Trend Avg Demand Avg Order Size, Calopeia Air Conditioners Seasonal-stable 39 8, Sorange Hardwood floorsIncreasing-linear 10 8. How does information distortion happen in this supply chain, and what would be your suggestions to reduce it? 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