famous preachers who smoked

by on April 8, 2023

Whitefields practice was similar; we find him writing, Give my thanks to that friendly brewer for the keg of rum he sent us.. I had a fine Cao tonight with some elders from the church I attend, along with some Scotch whiskey! 66 TOM SELLECK As a film star, Travolta can afford to reward himself with less pedestrian smokes: Davidoffs, Dunhills and Montecristos are his favorites. 23 J. P. MORGAN This is an incomplete list of people known for their preaching including their published sermons . 49 RUDOLPH GIULIANI The General Motors advertising executive took up cigar smoking two decades ago after a memorable dinner at New York City's "21.". What are you going to say?". The same questions could be asked about drinking beer, or wine, or eating pork, orthe list goes on. However, he did not preach a subsequent Baptism of the Holy Spirit and I believe the Bible does. Jesus is touched, not with a feeling of your strength, but of your infirmity. I was looking for a quote and landed here. I got a few chuckles out of it, as I had when I originally read it. 96 GREGORY HINES Be not drunk with grape juice, wherein is excess. Sargent Shriver, the father of Schwarzenegger's wife, Maria, the TV correspondent, offered him a cigar after a dinner, shortly after Schwarzenegger and Maria met in 1977. All Rights Reserved. And this practice, like that of smoking, he did not in any way attempt to deny or hide. 85 ERNEST HEMINGWAY Do you know about a story of someone overweight asking Spurgeon why he smoked and his reply was why are you overweight? Some well-known personalities are more private about their cigar smoking, such as Harrison Ford and Clarence Thomas. A cigar-smoking comic-book lover, Cage has forged a flourishing career playing offbeat characters in such films as Leaving Las Vegas. The president of media giant Cond Nast has been a cigar aficionado since his late 20s and loves to savor La Gloria Cubanas and Hoyo de Monterrey Excaliburs while sailing. I could readily enough have laid violent hands upon myself, to escape from my misery of spirit.2. Personally, I couldn't say that an adult smoking a cigarette or two a day is much of a problem; but smoking a pack a day clearly suggests that tobacco has become a health-compromising addiction and has a greater hold on someone than it should. mous f-ms 1 a : widely known a restaurant famous for its French cuisine b : honored for achievement a famous explorer 2 : excellent, first-rate famous weather for a walk Enter a Crossword Clue. 74 JAMES COBURN An Open Letter to Those Suffering from Depression. A pathological homicidal ex-con who's chewing on a Casa Blanca Half Jeroboam Maduro. Not impressed with this man not at all. Smoke cigars? The winner of the Best Director and Best Picture Oscars for Braveheart didn't mind risking his clean-cut image and rankling the Morals Police by announcing he would play a tobacco lobbyist in Thank You for Smoking. Then James reminds us that sin leads to death (James 1:15). There is only one way to salvation that is only in Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12). He then invited the man and 11 other friends over for dinner, offering each a cigar afterward. As he was led to the train in 1932 after losing his appeal, Capone bade adieu to his freedom by lighting a cigar. The star of Top Gun, Mission: Impossible and Eyes Wide Shut has been a cigar aficionado throughout most of the 1990s. In the Bible I find not where Jesus himself drank. This introduction to Spurgeons life and ministryorganized around themes such as the centrality of Christand the empowerment of the Spiritwill encourage readers to live for God'sglory. When I became a Christian I started praying many hours a day as time went on I learned about all the things I was doing wrong and laid them aside. Being a pastor, he was sensitively aware of how to give such theology to people who are in the throes of pain. The smoking screen legend's career spanned silent movies, sound pictures and TV, including the show "Douglas Fairbanks Presents.". 67 OSCAR HAMMERSTEIN I The cigar emporium impresario entertained politicians, diplomats and actors alike, while smoking a culebra in the store's mezzanine. 20 AL LERNER Like what you just read? Spurgeon found for himself that in seasons of great pain, the sympathy of Jesus is the next most precious thing to his sacrifice.10 Again and again Spurgeon, therefore, returned to the theme of Christs compassion for his suffering people. "I'm not particular.". In these two practices we see that Spurgeon was very human a man of his times. Twain's penchant for cigars didn't necessarily mean he smoked the best cigars. And the thought of death defeated, tears wiped away, and exchanging the helmets and swords of our struggle for palm branches and crowns was all essential comfort for Spurgeon. Starting out with Macanudos, Ashtons and Fonsecas, Limbaugh soon gravitated toward Havanas. 17 FRANCIS FORD COPPOLA I love to go to fast food restaurants but dont go very often because I know the menu carries high fat volumes in their foods. The 1950s teen idol and composer of "My Way" likes his cigars one way, and that's Cuban. If I caste the first stone, it would have to be aimed at myself. Spurgeon once penned a letter to the editor of the Daily Telegraph after he was criticized for saying to his congregation, "I intend to smoke a good cigar to the glory of God before I go to bed tonight.". Savonarola Italian Dominican (1452-1498) famous for the Bonfire of the Vanities in Florence, finally executed for heresy; John of Capistrano . 79 ARTHUR SCHLESINGER JR. As covered by the apostle John in 1 John 3:4, a true definition of sin is lawlessness. After taking his share, Guevara used cigars as incentives for his soldiers because, as he wrote, "a smoke in times of rest is a great companion to the solitary soldier.". And though many people don't realize it, several great and very biblically-minded Christians from the past have, therefore, felt the liberty to smoke. Charles Wesley also indulged, and the picture seems rather incongruous when we see the grand old Methodist warrior during the last years of his life listing his expenditures for drinks for the guests attending his sons musical concerts. 52 DEMI MOORE The highest-paid actress of her time, the glamorous Dietrich was one of the first Hollywood sex symbols and was often seen on-screen with a smoke. Big Smoke Meets WhiskyFest: Tickets Available. George Bush nominated him in 1991 to replace Thurgood Marshall on the Supreme Court. Spurgeon took the stogie out of his mouth and walked down the steps to where Moody was still standing in bewilderment. What's scarier than a pathological homicidal ex-con stalking your family all over Cape Fear, South Carolina? Its spectacular: This picture of Spurgeon as a man of unusual holiness is entirely true. . I have felt grateful to God, he wrote to the Daily Telegraph, when I have found intense pain relieved, a weary brain soothed, and calm, refreshing sleep obtained by a cigar.9. He says some of his best conversations with men have been conducted over a cigar, such as a Por Larraaga Nacionales. Simpson or A.W. Still if my fellow posters could go a little easier on those of us who are not exactly skinny I would deeply appreciated it. If Spurgeon had been filled with the Holy Spirt, he would have been taught by Christ that tobacco and alcohol are sin. He was known to favor Cuban smokes, particularly Meridiana Kohinoors. When Warner died, he left a gold-and-silver cigar cutter to an associate, who gave it to Coppola. "What kind of store was this?" The famous Christian writer C.S. Since all have sinned and fallen short of Gods standard, every human is in big trouble (Romans 3:23). 61 W. SOMERSET MAUGHAM . The Nobel Prize-winning English writer and poet was hailed in Britain as the heir apparent to Charles Dickens. 25 BRUCE WILLIS The "Prince of Preachers" himself, Charles H. Spurgeon, was well known for the habit as well. Other confirmed smokers include Paul Tillich, Reinhold Niebuhr, James Gustafson and Richard John Neuhaus. He was Charles Spurgeon. Those who live in the lap of luxury and never experience the discipline of trouble tend always to be more frail and feeble in their faith. We are unable to save ourselves, only Jesus saves. God tells us that we are to be perfect and abstain from every appearance of evil. At 5'11'' and 245 pounds I must say that I was devastated to see the G word brought into the post. He said: This morning, being myself more than usually compassed with infirmities, I desire to speak, as a weak and suffering preacher, of that High Priest who is full of compassion: and my longing is that any who are low in spirit, faint, despondent, and even out of the way, may take heart to approach the Lord Jesus. It says in the bible everything God made was good.He made tobacco.Why can't we smoke?The Indians of old had peace pipes and I' sure that people in days gone by found some use for tobacco.Also it says to drink a little wine for what ails you .But we say it is a sin.I think if we love one another as God loves us all these other things are not important. 179-183, Here! 42 SYLVESTER STALLONE Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you (KJV). When Woodrow Wilson's vice president jocularly mused, "What this country needs is a good five-cent cigar," he opened himself up for Will Rogers' rejoinder, "There are plenty of good five-cent cigars, but they cost 15 cents.". Spurgeon preached strongly and plainly upon the necessity of giving up sin, in order to success in prayer, and he spoke against the seemingly unimportant little habits many Christians practice that keep them from true fellowship with God. In 1866, as the high-living Prince of Wales, he had quit his London gentlemen's club over its no-smoking policy (the final straw was when a servant admonished him for lighting up). Welles was a lover of the good life, especially fine cigars; he intentionally wrote cigar-smoking characters, such as Touch of Evil's police captain Hank Quinlan, into his films. Click here for free, printable Bible Reading and Prayer Journal sheets! [it] will thank the Refiner for putting it into the crucible, and will find a sweet satisfaction even in the flames.4, Spurgeon saw that our heavenly Father ordains suffering for believers. "Therefore," Paul writes, "whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31). In his day pure drinking water was difficult to obtain, and in order to avoid contamination most people used beer and ale at their meals. Moreover, there were no qualms whatsoever about the practice in the minds of many ministers in the Church of England and the Church of Scotland and in the churches of France and Holland. Anticipating those infrequent occasions, he would hoard his last smoke, lighting it only to celebrate a victory or console himself over a setback. And, not withstanding what brother Pentecost has said, I intend to smoke a good cigar to the glory of God before I go to bed tonight. Gene Scott, the flamboyant and plain-speaking pastor and television preacher who was as adept at staring down a live television audience to raise money as he was at holding forth with an erudite. 77 NAT SHERMAN 69 JIM BELUSHI There's something about winter that doesn't seem so funny to the man who has made millions laugh. When the multimillion dollar businessman and former owner of Consolidated Cigar Corp. wants to eat out, he naturally looks for a cigar-friendly establishment. Many of the people on the list are practically inseparable from a cigar, people you automatically picture with a smoke, such as Groucho Marx and Alfred Hitchcock. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any" (1 Corinthians 6:12). 2 or a Montecristo No. Invariably, he smoked his trustworthy El Producto cigars during his act, not because he couldn't afford a more expensive cigar, but because they stayed lit on stage longer than the more tightly packed Havana smokes. His name is etched there in brass on humidor boxes for all to see. Somehow, each subsequent cigar met the same fate, until after the fifth one the merchant wised up and tossed Groucho out. Humans are unable to save themselves. They seemed sadly regrettable in the life of so righteous a man, yet in the name of either Christian honesty or scholarly accuracy they could not be omitted. "If I had taken my doctor's advice and quit smoking when he advised me to," Burns quipped at age 98, "I wouldn't have lived to go to his funeral." Just because something may be biblically permissible, and may not be defined as a sin 'directly', that doesn't mean that it's a wise thing to do. The three-time Academy Award winner had been a longtime cigarette smoker when he took up golf in the early 1990s. he ruminated. The outspoken radio and TV commentator was a latecomer to cigars, but he was a quick learner. On the whole, therefore, it is good for a man to bear the yoke; good for a man to breast the billows; good for a man to pass through fire and through water, and so to learn sublime lessons.7 Trouble can strengthen, and trouble can reveal the work that needs to be done in us. On a trip to London, he became acquainted with Punch Double Coronas, Partagas Lusitanias and Monty No. The master of suspense, who gave us such thrillers as North by Northwest, Psycho and The Birds, was frequently seen with his trademark bowler hat and cigar. An occasional cigar smoker, Fields used cigars as props in many of his movies to make him "look boorish," according to biographer James Curtis. Truly we do not know but given the fact that we still quote his wisdom today should we doubt that he would have had the wisdom to not smoke today? It comes as a surprise to some that Charles Spurgeon had a lifelong battle with depression. 55 GEORGE HAMILTON The embargo was born of a nasty spat that the United States was having with Cuba and its fears that Fidel Castro represented a growing threat to America's security. 47 ADOLPHUS BUSCH Holy Bible, New International Version ( NIV). 56 DUKE OF WINDSOR Christian Answers, What does the coolest person of all do? "She nearly choked to death smoking it," Berle recalled, "but it enabled us to bring another hundred cigars in." Busch was trying to teach his friend to speak French by reciting the order to him; his tablemate then repeated it to the waiter. Almost caught by his wife sneaking a smoke indoors, he had stuck the half-smoked cigar in the plant's pot. "It was," he recalled, "the most enjoyable transatlantic flight I ever had. ", 40 PETER FALK The actor first became enamored of Cuban cigars in 1973, when he was making The Last Detail, insisting that the petty officer character he played be a cigar smoker. Mencken, journalist, humorist and shaper of modern fiction, toiled in his father's factory until August Mencken's demise allowed his son to pursue his true talent. He told, with much praise to God, how he had been enabled to defeat the habit. But only those who believe in Him are the ones reconciled to God (Acts16:30-31). With those simple words, spoken shortly after his coronation in 1901, Britain's Edward VII ended the tobacco intolerance that had marked Queen Victoria's reign. When you're chairman of the Fed, the economic world hangs on your every word. He liked to celebrate an invention with a stogie (preferably one he had won from a luckless lab assistant who had bet him he couldn't perform whatever feat of technological sorcery he was attempting). The picture was shot in Canada, affording easy access to Havanas. Lewis, Chuck Colson, Johann Sebastian Bach, Billy Graham, and Jerry Farwell (although the last two quit in their latter years). 97 JAMES WOODS 2s on the golf course. Nevertheless, it also is true, and we must make it. We should seek to do whatever will honor Jesus Christ, and will best places ourselves in His complete service. He is best known for tales that relate to British imperialism in India, such as The Jungle Book (1894) and Kim (1901). For him, cigars were an acceptable and agreeable means of relaxation when life was otherwise overwhelming. "If your wife doesn't like the aroma of your cigar, change your wife," said the late Swiss-based cigar-industry icon, who began his illustrious career in the 1930s as a worker in his father's tobacco shop in Geneva. 32 CHE GUEVARA It does not come from human beings or human opinions. 'Food and drink he could forego without a pang,' wrote his son, 'but cut off from tobacco, he was little better than a lost soul.'" "It is well known that Spurgeon smoked, although it must be admitted that many famous British preachers smoked. 9. This Montecristo No. Naturally, we are quick to take suffering to mean that God is against us or has somehow weakened in his love and care for us. He loved to travel, collect art and smoke cigars, of which he consumed dozens a day. But at the same time, we shouldnt judge those who do smoke or those who we see are not perfect. Is it Gods will that you would quit? For TV buffs, the image is indelible: the rumpled police detective with the unruly hair and the wrinkled trenchcoat heads for the door, his back to the suspect. A scene for his 1996 hit, Jerry Maguire, was filmed at the Grand Havana Room in Los Angeles. We should be concerned about our own sins and repent daily and come to the cross of Christ for daily cleansing. 94 SAMMY SOSA What the hell difference does it make?" Thomas Dexter Jakes Sr. (born June 9, 1957), known as T. D. Jakes, is a pastor, author and filmmaker. Although he was asthmatic, Argentinian-born Che took up cigar smoking as one of his first Cuban customs. "Gentlemen, you may smoke." 50 JOHN TRAVOLTA The pain, the politics, the opposition, and the overwork (as well as bereavements, like that of his young grandson) all affected him deeply, if in waves. I gotta win by 30? And Cosell wouldn't have had it any other way. Another thing to consider in this would be the impact that smoking may have on other people. Scotch whiskey of your strength, but he was asthmatic, Argentinian-born CHE up... Spurgeon took the stogie out of it, as I had a lifelong battle with Depression the cross Christ! Apostle John in 1 John 3:4, a true definition of sin is lawlessness with grape juice, is! 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