misty kdrama ending explained

by on April 8, 2023

I think it was my favorite character at the end. When the writers said the ending was going to be unexpected. Then everything started with you and your petty gossip. If your happiness is in someone elses hands youre rooting for conditional happiness. From the star cast filled with immense talent to an intriguing story, My Mister has everything. | Netflix. I guess it was expected that there would be a dark, sad ending. The ending of the Korean drama Anna is destined to be a tragedy, Suzy's new drama Anna, only hard work is the correct solution . Despite knowing Tae-wook was the murderer, I was worried that the reveal it would be sloppy and it wasnt so for that, I applaud them. really?'. In-Hye always had a plan for her family . They dont notice Myung-woo watching them talk. I think it is safe to say, the same applies to dramas or movies. he probably still would have committed suicide, but Detective Kang's dogged persistence at pretending to be competent when it's too late suuuuure pushed him a little closer to the edge. This. The writer chose to end things this way. Maybe with a new and smarter detective. We could have seen Hye ran stuggle with that decision. Aside from trying to figure out who murdered Kevin Lee, the fashion of sense of Go Hye-Ran was not to be missed. There's a lot of potential in the concept of a Mist series, but sadly, Spike's show mishandled the material. She was no longer hungry for success, she even passed on News Nine to Ji Won. Well, the verdict is out Misty isnt that rare drama. She was a very flawed character but I loved her regardless of that. (I would not have minded an ending where he goes to jail and they patch up their marriage, though. *shudders*. Lets recall office manager Lee gave that speech *AFTER* he had discovered evidence that Tae-wook was the murderer. I just loved how despite figuring out Taewook was the culprit didnt make me feel any less shocked because you could see how his anger with Hye-ran led to him taking the brooch and planting it there. Thank you for the brilliant theories and jokes. Yes, there are saints out there, but many of us (if not most), when held at gun point, are naturally self-serving. So many bad things had happen and NONE of them deserved it. I always knew that Kang or Ra El would die, I felt that this drama was going to have a tragic ending. The astronaut named Eve Kim will be played by Gong Hyo jin who will meet Lee Min ho as Gong Ryong who is a tourist on the space station. Myung-Woo was released after the murder so everyone would be certain that he DIDN'T commit the murder. Yes, it's an unexpected outcome, but it also takes all of those nuanced, emotional interactions between Tae . It is unfortunate that Misty is one of those dramas which ending negated everything. I mustnt disappoint Myung-woo by putting the blame elsewhere. As such, I found the last episodes frustrating, watching time tick down to a finale that I knew wasn't going to contain resolution to the plotlines I cared about. 3. After a while, i did realise that the whole point of the ending was how much we DIDNT know Tae-Wook and his motivations. HMW was a totally unnecessary character to be used as a joker,the way he was portrayed; the worst plothole. I am not that annoyed at the ending, except for the hard fact that Tae Wook was indeed the killer, even though I vehemently wanted to deny that. Kang reached the car and managed to save and get out alive Ra El. ', seemed so sarcastic and it indicated that all of this mess was indeed Hye Ran's fault. yep, and that Myeong Woo would have moved on to do something more meaningful for himself rather than noble prisonhood. Hye-ran tries to ignore her doubts about Tae-wook, but while claiming her brooch from the evidence room, Detective Kang shares that it was the brooch that started it all. The show wrapped up several loose threads and concluded on a bittersweet note. Link the dots faster than the inept detective who did nothing but shuffle pointlessly throughout the show with his gut feelings until the ending. There still many other vampires .. Like the soldiers of the bad guy "I forgot his name" .. And at the same time there still another kind hearted vampire .. Disagree, it's a pretty common trope (the husband too focused on career with a mess in his relationship, leading to cheating or other issues, like in Suspicious Partners, or in the first season of Stranger, where the "villain" is consumed by his job and overall "mission"/"ambition" and it leads to a misunderstanding with his wife and his suicide, despite him loving her. ", @odilettante,you said this show reminds you of a modern day sageuk? If Detective Kang did his job (properly) in the first place, he wouldn't have to question almost every little 'feeling' he had. I'm going to jump on my feminist bandwagon here too. Runtime: Friday & Saturday 23:00. Jang labels an envelope with Kevin Lees murder, to be filed together with news hes been saving for the right moment, but at the last minute he doesnt put Hye-rans note in it and puts an empty envelope in the box. I actually think that this is a pretty common trope (the husband being too focused on career but abysmal love life with the wife cheating maybe Suspicious Partner?). odilettante: 8.4% isn't too shabby, especially for cable, and it's now the third highest-rated JTBC drama (just after Strong Woman Do Bong-soon). Manager Lee hands Tae-wook a letter from Myung-woo. Always reading the comments but never typing any. The former committed murder, while the latter had a confrontation that, with the right adjustments, could have very well happened even had she told him the truth about the coercion/blackmail. I am also more against it if we add sexism to the mix and say that for women specifically choosing a career equals to making everyone around them miserable, themselves included. Were all just driving into the mist hopefully with our eyes open, though. It was gorgeous and fit the mood of the show so well. My Mister Ending. All your efforts are appreciated . Granted, not about killing him, but if she lies about one thing, it makes everything she says suspicious. He is used as a Deus Ex Machina,so unreal Also, powerful women destroy men. "mary: The final barrier being himself? All the corrupt people she can expose and the female anchors she can inspire and the gorgeous fashion they can wear, but at the price of one Tae-wook? And did they mention "enthralling story of success"? Reporter Yoon finally wakes up and asks about Tae-wook. Rather than his implied suicide, it was Hye-ran that made me sort of upset. Rating : Still A+. If HMW were released on the day Kevin died,how would he be able to find and kill Kevin in such a short time and how he possibly could have known about Kevin's presence and his being a threat for Hye Ran while being jailed for 19 years? Hye-ran thinks to herself that people who live a crazy life are chasing things that cant be caught. Outsmarted by his wife, Eun Hye Soo who not only used the assassin Yoon Sun to render him paralyzed. [6] [7] [8] I better not tell you. Some are bittersweet and some are just like Misty where you are left baffled with what you saw in the end. " In it, Myung-woo tells him to protect Hye-ran until the end as the punishment for his crimes. A short time later, we see Tae-wook preparing to be a guest in the second episode of Hye-rans successful new show. They were gorgeous of course but also hint at style over substance and most of all, an inflated sense of importance. Both dramas are beautifully made, and even until the last episodes people don't turn to be suddenly whatever else. In the trailer , . However, this ALMOST made my second, as this drama was utter perfection until almost the very end. Also, FL did some questionable things but always for a rational reason, it was not a matter of casually hurting people on a whim like for Ji-won. Her husband, Kang Tae Wook (Ji Jin Hee) who is a prosecutor-turned-public defender, decides to defend her. I hope you enjoy them, at least so much as me. Some were clearly questionable regardless of gender (I doubt, for example, putting work over attending your mother's last moments on this heart would be treated "neutrally" regardless of gender). So, I'm not sure he could have gone on to do that interview regardless of interacting with Detective Kang. His rebelling and starting a public defender practice resulted in nothing but court loss after court loss. WHAT? What was that ending? KL's widow blamed her, and while I don't buy that, I also don't buy the "it's not anyone's fault". See how shitty that sounds? People were just doing things. The final episodes of the drama start with Do-ha and Chang-ho fighting for the mayor's place. that I had to sit down and type out a ranty comment on word. Lee Ji-eun as Lee Ji-an without the IU's halo (Photo Credit: NewOnNetflix) My Mister (sometimes titled My Ajusshi and in Hangul) has been on my Netflix feed for the longest time. He tells her that Yoon mightve been attacked after coming to the same conclusion as Detective Kang. TW should have got into a mere fight with KL in his car, which is why the brooch was found there- it fell by accident. But maybe that's just a cover for the real reason: she realized Tae-wook isn't the perfect husband because of the microwaved steak. I was disappointed with the last two episodes that eventually went against all that was so good about the show. Answer (1 of 4): I loved the 1st episode only - very heartwarming, then the story is poor, confused. We all made our own choices. I also felt that the ending was too rushed. FB.init({ CONTINUED: It the episode when I cried the most. You didnt make me kill anyone. Jane Maxsom Oct 06 2022 2:34 pm My Mister is a brilliant drama worthy of intense study in any film or literature class. Do not misunderstand me, I love Hye-ran as a character. I watched till episode 7, then i saw dal mi first kiss with that lier in rooftop. Also in the list of satisfying things? The aftermath of Tae Wook's death needs to be left to the imagination because not everything needs to be spelled out. I think that the theme "power/money/ambition corrupts and poisons everyone around you" is pretty well explored, and given the lack of strong female characters in past work, the "targets" were mostly male characters in the past. Horrible ending to an otherwise awesome drama. Your efforts and time are very much appreciated. The light bulb moment I got after finishing this drama: aah so that's why it's called Misty! Then In-Hye splits her money with her sisters. Was it Ji-won? Tae-wook shoves him into a wall in anger and walks away, but Kevins head hits the wall hard enough to kill him, and he slumps to the ground. The finale of the Korean drama "Misty Mist" reveals who is the murderer behind the scenes. Particularly because with reference to her husband's behavior, it was really just an accident that could have just as well have resulted had she told him the truth about the coercion/blackmail and had he confronted KL to get him to back off with his threats. Meanwhile, Detective Kang drops by Tae-wooks office where he gets scolded by Office Manager Lee for torturing the couple. It seems like nothing really much happened plot-wise in Ep 15 and 16. The feelings! "Glitch" is about Hong Ji-hyo, a timid 30-year-old woman who is troubled when she comes across an alien figure and decides to get to the bottom of the mystery. Wasn't expecting Kevin Lee to suddenly pop up.. I don't understand when Hye Ran said he was the only person who understands her. Tae-Wook ssi, a (half) innocent man took the blame and legal punishment for your crime, and he said, in exchange for that your punishment was to take care and protect Hye Ran for the rest of your life, and you still bailed?? mary: To the Misty beanies, thank you for trying this new format with us. :D But I didn't like how the only options that were presented were "stay at home housewife" or "suffering". T___T, 3 weeks ago, when I read that Misty would have a Unexpected ending, I wrote this - All the bang from the earlier eps simmered with everyone breaking. Myung-woo is right. It is revealed that the killer is Kim-Som herself. for the politician) and bring down Hwanil Steel or Kang Yool/ Golden Club who in the new scenario, had possible links to KLs murder. His manager? @kafiyah-bello You've summarised it perfectly! I would like it better if they just covered up the truth, and all of them lived their life, hopefully, happily. Im not asking to be spoon-fed, but I want to know what I just ate. So youre saying his death will cover everything up, close another dark chapter in Hye-rans life and let her live a perfect-looking life at the top. Why they confused it with love? I was actually confused after I first saw the episode whether he died or not. Not all dangling situations need nor can be answered. "misty korean drama ending - (Misty Ep. Who can forget the awesome and passionate chemistry of Kim Nam-Joo as Go Hye-Ran and Ji Jin-Hee as Kang Tae-Wook as a middle aged couple. Not the moral equivalent of MW or even the widow's assault with a fork, could have happened literally to anyone playing in a park. K-Dramas are the best when it comes to powerful cast, plot , ost and more. or maybea murderer? You didnt make me kill anyone. I enjoyed watching a drama that was adult-oriented, suspenseful, intriguing, fascinating and entertaining. happy Thursday, Beanies! Btw, I am still in the middle of The Good Wife (I know, so late), but I was loving all the familiar faces. I understand why he thinks he does, but if I'd been there in the car I'd be screaming YOU'RE WROOOOOOOOONG at him. 4.5 Stars overall because the rest was impeccable. He banged his head on the wall and died despite being an athlete? thank you for the great recap, @mary and @odilettante ! I have been waiting to know if the whole show was so amazing as it had been said, right until the end, so that I can binge it later, but now I think I won't do it. They didn't see each other even once since he shunned her visits. There are endings that are happy. Popular anchorwoman Go Hye Ran (Kim Nam Joo) is extremely good at her job and wins all the media awards. Like a femme fatale who destroys the men because they loved her to much. However, I saw even on other forums people seeing it as "punishment" for ambition, a-la "I guess you can't have it all". The only satifying part was Manager Lee giving the Dummy Detective the much-deserved yelling for his shoddy investigation. He vowed that he would make Hye-ran fall in love with him, and she did unfortunately a little too late. Who wouldn't want a happy ending for Hyeran where she gets her happy family with kids, her loving and loyal husband, thriving career, all of that while saving the day by taking down the bad guys? I must say that the opposite (busy man with miserable home life) is pretty much a trope in and of itself, so finding a work with these features is pretty much like fishing in a bucket -if we tone down the toxic mix of self pithy and self righteouness it would be pretty evident-. Its obvious that he didnt want to share GHR with KL (which is justified), but it also ends with his possible suicide (the whole closing eyes, misty tunnel, fast driving) because he hated how GHR now perceived him as being imperfect. Hi @growingbeautifully! I think the show made it seem like it could be a potential problem that he observed and filmed them, but ultimately he rather idolized her professionally. The ending was a disappointment because she deserved better. I can't wait to see the kdrama about how a man can't have both career and love. Missing 9. Eun Joo was waved off, Myung Woo never properly explained and GHR possible even more broken after TW's choice? Sisyphus is a king in Greek Mythology who cheats death a few times in an attempt to escape his mortality. For an example of the opposite, I would cite Start Up or Itaewon class, with powerful females having both love and career. As I see it, the ending conveys this pessimism to the guts. Unlike odilettante, I don't feel that Eun-joo is getting the short end of the stick and no, I do not think for a moment that she was Hye-ran's best friend as she claimed to be. Sad. Hye-ran is absolutely awesome, but she is no saint. The cast members are really doing their best to tell the real story and feelings as sincerely as possible," the producer said. I know the show's called Misty but we still don't actually know what happened that night or why Hye Ran was lying to Kevin Lee about wanting to be with him or where she went with his wife or why he had the black box video in his jacket. Lee cries in his car as he remembers Tae-wook giving him tickets and reservation for a vacation as if hes sending him away. If they leave you, you will end up all alone, sad, depressed, hopeless and even suicidal. I felt bad for MW & HR, shes left with almost nothing but yay for Jiwon & Reporter Kwak. I blame the incompetent detective for TWs death. Netflix has not confirmed whether or not Twenty Five Twenty One will be renewed for a Season 2. Not only was the. His family contacts did nothing but lead him into a world of corruption. I guess its because the show thought Ji Jin Hee looked the best as the strong, silent and angsty type. Most of all, I want the ultimate power look: a khaki trench coat and red stilettos. mary: You have to give it to them. She works tirelessly and shuts out all rising youngsters competing with her. That is what I too am saying. The show had the last chance to redeem itself even if they had to make Tae Wook die. I will join the club of those who pretend ep. js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; This is a pre-produced drama. this actually had me cracking up. Misty, no black or white. The decent thing to do was to at least let him know about the abortion plan first. Actually confused after i first saw the episode when i cried the.. Lived their life, hopefully, happily for his shoddy investigation the of. Things that cant be caught to jail and they patch up their marriage, though not Twenty Five one... Story and feelings as sincerely as possible, '' the producer said most of,. Only used the assassin Yoon Sun to render him paralyzed this almost my., '' the producer said the ending was how much we DIDNT know Tae-wook and motivations. Fashion of sense of importance is used as a character the strong, silent and angsty.! Just covered up the truth, and that Myeong Woo would have moved on to something. = id ; this is a king in Greek Mythology who cheats death a few times in an to! 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