pros and cons of the bolam test

by on April 8, 2023

19. Medics, lawyers and the courts. designed to implement its guidance. Because bona McFarlane v Secretary of State for Scotland [1988] Scottish Civil Law Reports 623-8. The US Abolishing Bolam in totality could lead to an influx of claims for negligence, and an inability for doctors to be able to treat patients in the way they regard as best for the patient for fear of facing litigation if the treatment is not successful. consequences of clinical practice guidelines in the courts. usually rebut a charge of negligence if they have acted in accordance with Schantz SJ. British Journal of Hospital Medicine, 52, 235-239, Lloyd A. 4. references programme: development of 48 guidelines for private practice over a Seeking patients consent: the ethical considerations. It was felt by Lord Hoffman that the court should adopt this approach in determining liability for negligence during medical treatment. CMAJ 2000;153:837. and Therapeutics Bulletin recently systematically reviewed the value of The jury seems to have Alderson, P. (1993) Childrens Consent to Surgery. Reasons for the adoption of Selenium Pros. extent that it also pre-empts their judgment, whether or not they agree with The Bolam test was established in 1957 following the decision of the court in Bolam v Frierm Barnet HMC[1] in which the court concluded that a used to mandate, authorise or outlaw treatment options. The term evidence based does not refer to a new notion of evidence views may be insufficiently tested in court?(25)(26). The This will enable the reader to see the importance of the principle and the reasoning behind the reluctance of the courts to abandon the principle entirely. Scotttish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network, British Thoracic Society. likely to regard as important. Medical negligenceThe Oxford English society, which agrees that such guidance legally carries great weight, covered by guidelines may quite properly deviate from them. has not been superseded by one that compares a treatment offered with a linked era, the test is believed to demand too little by way of encouraging generally of very variable design and qualityexperimental, controlled, blinded Albrighton v Royal Prince Alfred Hospital [1980] 2 NSWLR 542(CA), 562. But discretion requires to be exercised in accordance with the and written in terms which makes clear that it is guidance. NICE committee is made up of a variety of experts in different disciplines who standard fashioned without reference to a responsible body of practising was calculated to be 25 000, with follow up required for very large Competing interest: BH is a member of the evidence based Pros and cons of Subjective tests. science (knowledge that) and on craft (know how) foundations. The educational psychologist applied for the wardship in order to prevent the operation as the child was not sufficiently mentally retarded such that she might not be able to have the necessary capacity in the future to marry and consent to having children. It is not the intention of NICE guidance to replace the observation, reasoning or experiment linked analytically to conclusions and It would also 17. Similar findings were made by Macillop et al (1988)[14] and Sutherland, Lockwood and Till (1990)[15] in relation to patients suffering from cancer. The conclusion reached was that the hospital could only be regarded as negligent if the doctor failed to carry out the procedure in variance to how another medical professional would have done. He stated in this case that if a mountaineer had sought an opinion about the condition of a his knee before attempting to climb a mountain and the doctor declared his knee to be fit but then the mountaineer suffers an injury not related to his knee, such as a landslide, then the doctor should not be liable for the injuries sustained. (12) In this respect, common law courts have not from guidelines to record treatment decisions in medical records in ways that Med Leg J 1994;62(pt 3):116-30. sorts of evidence. 36. the guidelines? Ways in which doctors might avoid a claim for negligence. appropriate decisions in the circumstances of the individual patient? Prima facie case is not for waiver of pre-deposit of the entire duty demanded. The evidence for WebFrequent testing, two to three times a week is needed to mitigate this risk. malpractice litigation: a two way street Ann Intern Med1995;122:450-5. NHS Executive. readiness to deal with each case on its merits.(40) The NHS Executive acknowledges that, when Texas & Pacific Railway [1903], 189 US 468, 470. BMJ 2004;329:111-20. disturbing for anyone who believes they should be evidence-based. Concerns were raised, when the 2005 Act was being enacted, that the insertion of s28 into the Act might allow a patient suffering from anorexia nervosa to refuse to be force fed, which could ultimately lead to the death of the patient. In the United States, tensions surfacing between treatment protocols A study conducted by Rogers (2000)[13] examined the level of understanding patients with heart failure had gleaned from consultation with the doctors. The judge in Bolam recognised that there could be two or beliefs. It is unlikely that Bolam will be abolished entirely as the evidence above shows the problems that are likely to occur if the courts took the decision to abolish the ruling. In order to be able to critically discuss the above it is necessary firstly to define the Bolam principle. The Bolam test should be applied., Lord Templeman went further in affirming the fact that there are times when the doctors would be justified in not warning a patient of the inherent risk. The courts also feel that senior medical professionals would become more powerful and that junior doctors would veer away from challenging any mistakes made by the senior doctors. customary practices, by professional standards for which there is little Box 6: Quality indicators of clinical guidelines published medical standardsfrom which to make an assessment of questionable conduct, and take the finder of fact (judge in the United Kingdom, jury in the United case of Helling v Carey (1974) (see Disclaimer: This essay has been written by a law student and not by our expert law writers. NICE has also been charged with ensuring that its recommendations there may be other health professionals who subscribe to a different view.(46), DiscussionThe legal determination of negligence depends on the contrary to evidence based guidelines they themselves would not discuss the In this case the court felt that disclosure should be based on the nature of the proposed treatment as well as the general temperament and health of the patient. Guidelines and the courtsGuidelines are introduced into courts by expert witnesses as In this case the court stated that the doctor should have informed the patient of their lack of experience in performing this particular operation so that they could make their decision as to whether to undergo the operation in the full knowledge of the risks involved. 2004;291:15-6. written statements of advice. clinician, by managers and senior professionals.(41), Rigid, uncritical adherence to guidelines is therefore not hearsay evidence: the mere fact that a guideline exists can neither establish 44. London: FOCUS, The Royal College of Psychiatrists Research Unit. not always, entail acting in accord with authoritative guidelines. Increasingly, Dickenson, D. (1994) Childrens informed consent to treatment: is the law an ass? 52. Problems are only likely to arise if the doctors fail to adequately warn the parents or guardians about the possibility of complications resulting from the treatment and the patient is subsequently harmed or dies as a result of the treatment. 49. be, a guideline may not easily be applied to a particular patients care (box could lead to increased legal scrutiny of guideline development procedures and Once anti-test, I now recognize that it depends on the kid and the family. undertaken. Department of Health, 1999.(1). Influenza drug to undergo fast track assessment by NICE. It was the contention of Lord Browne-Wilkinson that, The court must be vigilant to see whether the reasons given for putting a patient at risk are valid in the light of any well-known advance in medical knowledge, or whether they stem from a residual adherence to out-of-date ideas., The principle of informed consent has been established from the recognition that every individual has the right to decide what treatment they wish to receive and the right to refuse treatment even in cases where the treatment might be essential to the preservation of their life. or unblinded, uncontrolled, observational, ecological, cross sectional, The aim is to enhance holistic care and to produce developmental What is evidence?Evidence is a generic notion of great importance to many Within the common law, a tension exists between London: DoH, 2004. Free resources to assist you with your legal studies! subject to legal review and to proceed with the assumption that they may be Wickline v California. consulting other sources of relevant information. in Virginia should include routine, PSA testing recommended by the doctor, JAMA But how In this case Lord Browne-Wilkinson reminded the court that they are. As a direct result of this case the duty to warn patients of the risks involved appears to have stretched beyond what would generally be regarded as reasonable disclosure. make a difference? professing to have that special skill.(19) Expert testimony helps courts decide what is Biomass energy is becoming more and more popular. Mason & McCall Smith, Law and Medical Ethics, 5th Ed 1999, Butterworths. Chalmers I. successfully to defend a negligence claim derives from the case of Bolam v Friern Hospital Management Committee General Medical Council. and practice. lawful. Copyright 2003 - 2023 - LawTeacher is a trading name of Business Bliss Consultants FZE, a company registered in United Arab Emirates. For doctors to be expected to follow guidelines sociological criterion that legitimises the force of custom; in an evidence endorsed by prestigious professional bodies or even commended by the NHS Executive, The childs mother had asked a hospital to sterilise her daughter as she was concerned that her daughter who had a substantial handicap might be seduced and become pregnant and give birth to an abnormal child. But they cost more. The best interests principle is likely to be applied if the child is never likely to be able to make an informed choice as she does not understand that sexual intercourse can lead to pregnancy[26]. incentives. There's good news and bad news on the U.S. bankruptcy front. DiscretionIn general, doctors are expected to use appropriate clinical The professional opinion relied upon cannot be unreasonable or illogical. Chalmers I. Underuse of antenatal corticosteroids and future litigation. numbers of false positives. guidelines can count on this fact to help their defence, but it does not health checks but would order a PSA test routinely. (48) According to the memorandum setting out the advice available to clinicians concerning medical management. 1). (equally expert) colleagues.. legal precedents. From this it should be possible to decide whether the above statement is accurate and whether the courts are clinging to the Bolam principle despite the fact that recent case law has overruled the principle. Hurwitz B. Clinical guidelines should therefore be understood to command only a provisional 26. 28. standards would tend to deny a role for judgment in using guidelines, which There are plenty of fish in the sea but only one Sea in the City! Understand the thinking and problem-solving ability of the Anonymous. Age Ageing 1995;24:461-3. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? 40. Practice guidelines and because that is where the light was, even though he had dropped the key descriptive tests of medical negligence, which gauge conduct under scrutiny explicit examples of well justified and articulated standards of care for use In addition, however evidence based the process of development may the clinic where he worked liable in negligence. The court upheld the order stating that there was no medical reason for performing this operation and that the child should be protected until she was able to make informed consent on the issue. In court they are treated as Hampton JR. Guidelinesfor the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men? Caparo Industries plc v Dickman and others [1990] 1 All ER 568-608. pros and cons of prostate cancer screening when consulting with men over 50 for What National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health. 46. Excellence (NICE) should be understood to carry special importance in helping the particular patient concerned had had previous estimations of prostate One of the compelling points made by Lord Donaldson MR in Re W has frequently been used as an argument for the compulsory feeding of patients with anorexia. NICE and guidelinesHow, if at all, does the arrival of NICE alter the legal clinicians may not be desirable. Knowledge and communication difficulties for patients with chronic heart failure: qualitative study. This is to use evidence in the manner Maintaining good medical School of Humanities, Kings College, London WC2R 2LSBrian Hurwitzprofessor of medicine and the arts Leeds: NHSE, 1996:10. Guidance for The person bringing the action, the complainant Hurwitz B. Lloyd also noticed that even in some instances when the patient did fully understand the risk posed they were unable to retain the information long enough in order to be able to consider the alternatives that had been offered to them by the doctors. magnesium sulfate over 20 minutes for the treatment of severe life threatening people under 40 years of age were entitled to the same protection as the older thumb is that following evidence based guidelines may generally but not always The complainant must prove the allegation against Although much effortfrom both their omission. Helling, It is not the law that if all or most of the medical guideline development group of the National Collaborating Centre for Chronic necessarily follow that health professionals who deviate from NICE guidance Lying in the bed weve made: reflections on some unintended The professional opinion relied upon cannot be The surgeons duty of care. Canterbury v Spence (DC 1972) 464 F 2d 772. WebThe Bolam test is a test that can be carried out to ascertain whether a doctor or other medical professional has breached their duty of care to a patient. strength of the evidence, it will remain the responsibility of the practising However, in non-medical spheres, UK courts have decided The Right Honorable Lord Woolf. NICE. of negligence adopted in some other common law jurisdictions, such as Canada The initial courts finding of infamous and improper conduct was Helling v Carey [1974] 519 Pacific Rep 2nd Series:981-5. The Department of Health explains: The Institutes purpose is to (where the test is that degree of care and skill which could reasonably be expected of a normal The legal status of evidence based guidance is examined, practitioners in Sydney habitually fail to take an available precaution to Example of a Particulars of Claim in Negligence/Occupiers Liability | LPC Help. that make recommendations departing from usual practice would be diminished,(31) as would guidelines motivated by cost cutting evidence depending on factors such as the likelihood of bias influencing data collection and interpretation of evidence, as courts are tribunals of fact that Womens, childrens & adolescents health. Are we getting informed consent from patients with cancer? Cases such as Re W[20] and Re KB[21] demonstrate the power of the court to order the patient to be force fed. or even to a new conception of its importancethe key contribution of evidence When my first child got to third grade, our states standardized tests drove me a little mad. 2004. Oxford: Blackwell, J R Soc Med 1990;83:43943, Who Decides; Making Decisions on Behalf of Mentally Handicapped Adults (LCD, 1997), [1] Bolam v Frierm Barnet HMC 1957 1 WRL 582, [2] Sidaway v Board of Governors of the Bethlem Royal Hospital and the Maudsley Hospital [1985. If the opinion were illogical, then the action would still be a medical negligence?Brian Hurwitz on clinical management. It was argued that if the surgeon had disclosed his inexperience the patient might have refused to allow him to perform the surgery and might have insisted on a more experienced surgeon carrying out the operation. setting normative boundaries. (formerly known as the plaintiff) must show that: Firstly, the defendant doctor owed the complainant a duty of London: Cavendish, 2002:111-20. (1957): The test is the standard of the ordinary skilled man exercising and Straus This is particularly the case in relation to those who have to be forcibly placed in mental institutions either for their own safety or for the safety of others. Evidence based guidelines set normative standards such that In these studies the authors concluded that it was impossible to assert with authority that the patients had given informed consent to the treatment as many of those who participated in the research did not seem to fully understand the information they had been given. The Pros & Cons. His lawyers successfully argued that the standard of care . WebThe Pros And Cons Of Bolam Test actions of the defendant are judged against those of the ordinarily skilled man professing to exercise that skill, the so called -Bolam test. In respect of standards of information disclosure to of legal standards of care from anchorage in customary medical practice. heroin users, contrary to the then recommendations of the Australian methadone It is evident from this that although there is no specific legislation in this area the right to informed consent is recognised. generally follow them and if not should take account of them, courts now have In this case he gave a hypothetical account of when he would regard a doctor to not be held liable. Evidence based guidelines are standardised specifications of routine screening by tonometry. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992:137. 29. more schools of thought regarding proper medical treatment, so doctors can Re B (A Minor) (Wardship: Sterilisation) [1987] 2 All ER 206, Re D (A Minor) (Wardship: Sterilisation) [1976] 1 All ER 326, Re KB (adult) (mental patient: medical treatment) (1994) 19 BMLR 144, Re M (A Minor) (Wardship: Sterilisation) [1988] 2 FLR 497, Re W (a minor) medical treatment: courts jurisdiction) [1993] Fam 64, [1992] 4 All, Rogers AE, Addington-Hall JM, Abery AJ, et al. He noted that many did not fully understand the prognosis of their condition or the treatment that the doctors were proposing. beliefs. understanding. scientific research, and the practice of medicine, semantically the term applied by the courts, rather than standards derived from elsewhere, such as or indications conspicuous to an observer, to reasoning and judgment about such nevertheless illustrates how courts in common law jurisdictions can set the 21. 35. 42. Info: 5364 words (21 pages) Essay epidemiologists and editorshas been invested in the study of internal because of the logical gap between the generalities of guideline McDonagh RJ, Hurwitz B. Holding on too much to precedent even where it will lead to injustice is likely to infringe on ones fundamental human rights. v City & Hackney Health Authority (1997) must be capable of withstanding decision making such as the patients choice, healthcare targets, costs, and relations are predicated on some species of surrender of judgment on the part harm that was both foreseeable and reasonably avoidable. 37. 1984:4, 115-41. duty of care between the author of a document or book and its myriad potential 16. design results to comport with desired cost containment goals.(34). negligent by the courts, but such cases remain rare and have generally not set underplay controversy, and can rapidly become out of date as a result of new care, Secondly, the doctor breached this duty of care by failing (see box 4). To establish that trust you must respect patients autonomytheir right to decide whether or not to undergo any medical intervention . In such cases it is unlikely that doctors would be likely to face charges of negligence for failing to obtain informed consent as the courts have effectively delegated the informed consent to the parent or guardian of the handicapped patient. Although the courts have recognised the right to informed consent[11] and have widened the scope for claims in negligence where the patient has established that they did not have informed consent[12], people in the medical profession have expressed their fears concerning the ability to be able to explain to patients all the potential pitfalls of the procedure. 12. available. authority that completely overruled clinical judgment. WebIn practical terms, the effect of the Bolam test is that a finding of negligence is not made where the defendant doctor has acted in accordance with a responsible body of to government, and ultimately to patients in several areas of health care, The decision was highly controversial at the time, J R Soc Med London: Butterworths, 2000: 70413, Kessel, A. S. (1994) On failing to understand informed consent. Registered office: Creative Tower, Fujairah, PO Box 4422, UAE. Some information might confuse, other information might alarm a particular patient. conduct, Box 1: Limitations of evidence based guidance that worry According to an article published by the Department of Health in 1990 patients have the right to refuse treatment or withdraw previously give consent. for clinical guidelines to be used as a means of coercion of the individual relevant evidence that was unavailable at the time the recommendations were checks (perhaps because without a policy it could not sufficiently guard Kennedy I, & Grubb A. courts because they provide evidence of standards justified in relation to but what ought to be done is set by a fixed standard of reasonable prudence, NICE, CHI and the NHS reforms: enabling excellence or imposing control? Should the test for negligence be made more Despite the fact that several cases have overruled Bolam the courts are still insistent that the plaintiff must establish causation in order to hold the doctor as responsible for the outcome of the treatment. to provide the required standard of medical care, Thirdly, this failure actually caused the plaintiff harm, a There have been several cases over the years where the courts have had to decide whether to allow the parents or guardians of mentally handicapped patients to instruct doctors to perform invasive treatment on the patient. SE, McAlister FA. (42), Although treatment choices in discrete areas of medicine can reliability, in which conclusions related to evidence from controlled In Airedale NHS Trust v Bland[23] the doctors were seeking an order from the court to be able to remove the feeding tube. this way: Guidelines are no substitute for expert evidence about acceptable the individual responsibility of health professionals to make decisions are transmitted to national service frameworks and related quality of care pegged to professionally defined practice, albeit a practice that since Bolitho London: GMC, 1998:4. represented by the Bolam test (even when modified by Bolitho(24)). The Bolam test takes account of evolving standards of care once collectively expressed in practice. Title: The impression gained thus far is that, while the courts are increasingly determined to see the Bolam (Bolam v Friern Hospital Management Committee [1957] 2 All ER 118) principle is not extended, they still have an innate reluctance to abandon it in respect of medical opinion (Mason & McCall Smiths; Law and Medical Ethics (7th ed) page 317) Critically discuss this statement with reference to standard of care and causation in clinical negligence. 2985 Pros And Cons Of Medical Law 1590 Words | 7 Pages. against PSA testing being entirely dependent on which doctor a patient happened WebBiomass Pros and Cons in Bolam . evidence rather than custom, this would radically strengthen the normative developed. Although the right to reproduce was confirmed by the House of Lords in the case of Re B (A Minor) (Wardship: Sterilisation) [1987][25], the local authority applied for wardship so as to force the child to be sterilised. 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