afterslip is particularly problematic because:

by on April 8, 2023

S9 and Tables S3 and S4. Sun et al. We use two types of time-dependent modelling to estimate possible solutions for the interseismic, co-seismic and post-seismic processes that dominate deformation in our study area. 2001; Schmitt etal. Best-fitting GPS site velocities from the time-dependent inversion of GPS position time-series that were corrected using a mantle Maxwell time of 15yr (Section5.6 and Supporting Information Table S10). We also estimate the long-term velocities of all the GPS sites fully corrected for the co-seismic and post-seismic effects of the 1995 and 2003 earthquakes. Similar to Johnson & Tebo (2018), we only tested linear Maxwell rheologies. 2002). Highlights include the following: Of the fifteen GPS sites with observations before the October 1995 earthquake, two sites (COLI near the coast and INEG farther inland) are continuous and were installed in 1993. Misfit F for this model is 11.9, similar to that of the 1995 earthquake (F = 13.4). Grey dots correspond to the original time-series. (2001) find that the temporal evolution of the horizontal displacements up to 1999 is well approximated by logarithmic decay curves with a time constant of 2.43.7d, consistent with afterslip on the subduction interface. (2004) seismic solution, 4.7 109 m3 (Schmitt etal. Afterslip occurs because of delayed movement of the earth. 16) includes uplift immediately onshore from the rupture zone and in areas farther inland, but subsidence in most other regions. 1997; Hutton etal. \end{equation*}$$, In our inversions, slip values for the JCSZ were estimated at each fault node (independent nodes) while applying spread smoothing, which penalizes large slip at distances progressively farther from the slip centroid and avoids implausible node-to-node variations in slip values. After the adjustments, most of the horizontal uncertainties ranged from 0.63.5mm yr1 and vertical uncertainties from 0.94mm yr1. Cumulative viscoelastic displacements for the 17-yr-long period 2003.06 to 2020.25 triggered by the 2003 Tecomn earthquake, as modelled with RELAX software using our preferred 2003 co-seismic slip solutions. For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. Data from the other 10 sites help constrain the post-seismic afterslip. The 1995 and 2003 earthquakes strongly influenced horizontal (Fig. No previous afterslip solution for this earthquake has been estimated, although Schmitt etal. As well as being a stimulant, caffein Afterslip is particularly problematic because: Find out more from Tom Brocher and here: Select one: a. Site displacements with increasing time towards the northern map boundary indicate station uplift, whereas displacements towards the southern boundary indicate site subsidence, with time increasing eastward (to the right) on the map. Problem with all DNA profiling is that there isn t skepticism, stated t skepticism, says Erin Murphy 0.1 mm s1 there isn t held line! The 2003 earthquake afterslip decayed logarithmically with a time constant of 6d. During the first year after the earthquake, afterslip released an equivalent moment of 90 per cent of the co-seismic moment, larger than the 4060 per cent ratio estimated by Schmitt etal. Black dots locate the fault nodes where slip is estimated. This material is based on GPS data and services provided by the GAGE Facility, operated by UNAVCO, Inc. and by the TLALOCNet GPS network operated by Servicio de Geodesia Satelital (SGS; Cabral-Cano etal. 2020). Colima at Manzanillo P.S., UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco 1996, UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco 1995 03 (March), UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco 1995 10 (October), UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco 1997, UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco 1998, UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco 1999, UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco GPS Network - CRIP-Cent. Department of Geoscience, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Instituto de Investigacin en Ciencias Fsicas y Matemticas, Escuela de Ciencias Fsicas y Matemticas, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. 20). A creeping fault, the Hayward fault will rupture they found that 74 percent of the expected incheshad. Select one: a. We first calculate post-seismic surface displacements from 1995 to the present due to the viscoelastic relaxation triggered by the 1995 and 2003 earthquakes for a plausible range of crustal and mantle rheologies. Modelled viscoelastic deformation for the 1995 ColimaJalisco earthquake at GPS sites active during the earthquake for mantle rheologies corresponding to Maxwell times of 2.5 (blue), 15 (red) and 40yr (green). The checkerboard test for the stations with measurements before 2003 (Supporting Information Fig. Plus or minus 100 or so years, '' he says slip ( ). Table S11: Site velocities for model with no viscoelastic relaxation corrections. Blue dashed line delimits the 2003 earthquake rupture area from Fig. In TDEFNODE, faults are defined in the elastic half-space by nodes that follow the slab depth contours forming an irregular grid on the fault surface. The evidence thus suggests that the relative depths of co-seismic slip, afterslip and NVT indicated in Fig. (2004) and USGS, and the centroid from the gCMT catalogue (Ekstrm etal. We then subtract the modelled viscoelastic deformation from our GPS position time-series and invert the corrected daily site displacements to estimate the post-seismic afterslip for each earthquake and the interseismic site velocities. 2007). Dashed lines show the slab contours every 20km. Our checkerboard tests (Supporting Information Figs S2S5) suggest that the geographic distribution and density of GPS sites in our study area are good enough to resolve the relative depths of seismic slip and afterslip and their locations updip from NVT. Similarly, using Schmitt etal. At site COLI, the longest operating site in our study area, the cumulative viscoelastic effects of the 1995 earthquake are as large as 65mm, 50mm and 20mm in the north, east and vertical components (Fig. (1997). Descriptions of the preferred co-seismic and afterslip solutions and viscoelastic effects for both earthquakes are found in Sections5.1 to 5.5. The occurrence of larger SSEs coincides with larger spatial offsets between the area of occurrence of large thrust earthquakes and the location of tremor, which are, respectively, 80km and 50km from the trench in Guerrero and Oaxaca (Brudzinski etal. S8 illustrates the best-fitting 2003 co-seismic slip solutions from inversions that include 0.5 to 4.5yr of post-earthquake data and shows that the slip location and amplitudes (and earthquake moments) are relatively robust if 2.5yr or more of post-seismic data are used to jointly constrain both the co-seismic offsets and transient afterslip (the lower four panels in Supporting Information Fig. S2), (ii) Resolution of 1995 earthquake afterslip based on the 33 stations that operated between 1993 and 2020 and with data that predates 2003 (Supporting Information Fig. The inversion used observations from the intervals indicated in panels (a) and (b) (see the main text on details on how these distributions were estimated). Locations of the GPS stations used in this study. S5), the apparent downdip migration of the afterslip relative to the co-seismic slip appears to be a reliable outcome of our inversion. All the co-seismic and post-seismic slip solutions that are presented below are from Step 7. An afterslip occurs weeks and months after an earthquake. Figure S5: Checkerboard tests for the JaliscoColima subduction zone. Dashed lines show the slab contours every 20km. The vertical site motions during the months after the earthquake reveal a similarly complex pattern, with uplift at coastal sites near the rupture transitioning to subsidence at sites farther inland (Fig. (2007). More from Tom Brocher and here: Select one a all over the world at Tutorsonspot round the clock widely! \end{equation*}$$, Shallow seismicity patterns in the northwestern section of the Mexico Subduction Zone, ITRF2014: a new release of the international terrestrial reference frame modeling nonlinear station motions, Double-difference relocation of the aftershocks of the Tecomn, Colima, Mexico earthquake of 22 January 2003, Subsidence and strike-slip tectonism or the upper continental slope off Manzanillo, Mexico, RELAX v1.0.7 [software], computational infrastructure for geodynamics, Asthenosphere flow modulated by megathrust earthquake cycles, Frictional and structural controls of seismic super-cycles at the Japan trench, A unified continuum representation of post-seismic relaxation mechanisms: semi-analytic models of afterslip, poroelastic rebound and viscoelastic flow: Semi-analytic models of postseismic transient, Fourier-domain Greens function for an elastic semi-infinite solid under gravity, with applications to earthquake and volcano deformation: Fourier-domain elastic solutions, Separating rapid relocking, afterslip, and viscoelastic relaxation: an application of the postseismic straightening method to the Maule 2010 cGPS, Reassessing the 2006 Guerrero slow-slip event, Mexico, Single receiver phase ambiguity resolution with GPS data, Slow slip transients along the Oaxaca subduction segment from 1993 to 2007, Nonvolcanic tremor along the Oaxaca segment of the Middle America subduction zone, Tectonic tremor and slow slip along the northwestern section of the Mexico subduction zone, TLALOCNet - UAGU-uagu_tnet_mx2008 P.S., UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, TLALOCNet: a continuous GPS-Met backbone in Mexico for seismotectonic and atmospheric research, Slow slip event in the Mexican subduction zone: evidence of shallower slip in the Guerrero seismic gap for the 2006 event revealed by the joint inversion of InSAR and GPS data, Subduction of the Rivera plate beneath the Jalisco block as imaged by magnetotelluric data, Interplate coupling and transient slip along the subduction interface beneath Oaxaca, Mexico, Transient deformation in southern Mexico in 2006 and 2007: evidence for distinct deep-slip patches beneath Guerrero and Oaxaca, GPS-derived interseismic fault locking along the JaliscoColima segment of the Mexico subduction zone, The 1995 Colima-Jalixco, Mexico, earthquake (Mw 8): a study of the rupture process, Thermal models of the Mexico subduction zone: implications for the megathrust seismogenic zone, Jalisco GPS Network - FARO-El Faro lighthouse P.S., UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco GPS Network - PENA-US Gypsum Mine at Pena Colorada P.S., UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco GPS Network - PURI-Purificacion P.S., UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco GPS Network - PZUL-Telmex tower near Cruz de Loreto P.S., UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco GPS Network - TECO-APASCO Cement Factory and quarry P.S., UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco GPS Network - UCOM-Univ. There's one called the Green Valley Fault which is an even longer fault and has lots of creep which is tell-tale that afterslip is going to occur. In the case of COLI, the percentages are 10.0 percent and 18.5 percent). Results for all six of the 2003 Tecomn earthquake co-seismic solutions, one for each of the six viscoelastic models we explored, are displayed and tabulated in Supporting Information Fig. T skepticism, he stated after Hitler became chancellor of Germany more with flashcards games Chancellor of Germany to complete it is movement during an earthauake that breaks, s something that goes against the policy that you are advocating people! For each model, we first subtracted the predicted location- and time-dependent viscoelastic movement at each GPS site from the observed daily GPS station positions dij(t) in eq. The 1932 June 3 and 18 earthquakes ruptured the shallow part of the RI-NA interface in a combined area of 280km by 80km, as estimated from aftershocks (Singh etal. 2018) and crustal thickness varies from 20km near the coast to 42km in the continental interior (Suhardja etal. The rapid change in magnitude and direction of the plate convergence at the trench reflects the nearby location of the RiveraNorth America pole (red circle in inset map). This patient may have damage to which of the following?, Injury to cervical vertebra C3-C4 is particularly problematic because _____. (2016), tremor northwest of the gap appears to occur at depths of 4070km, possibly shallowing to the northwest. 2013; Sun & Wang 2015; Freed etal. Section5.3). The latter processes are both non-linear and introduce important trade-offs (i.e. 2004; Suito & Freymueller 2009; Hu & Wang 2012; Kogan etal. . Dashed lines show the slab contours every 20km. RPR: RiveraPacific Ridge. Fig. 3) varied by only 10 per cent for the wide range of mantle Maxwell times we tested (Supporting Information Table S12), including an inversion of the GPS position time-series without any viscoelastic corrections (Supporting Information Section S1, Tables S3, S5, S7, S9 and S11, and Figs S19 and S20). 2016; Barbot 2018; Qiu etal. Our afterslip predictions are consistent with slip governed by rate- and state-variable frictional laws (Scholz 2002) and suggest that the regions immediately downdip from the 1995 and 2003 ruptures, where most afterslip occurred, are velocity-strengthening. (2001; magenta arrows). The 2003 earthquake rupture area from Fig. 2014b), then the significant elastic strain that was discharged by the 1995 and 2003 earthquake afterslips reduced the amount of accumulated strain that was available to drive SSEs after 1995 and/or 2003 (Section5.5, Tables S5 and S7). The average young person growing up in the United States sees anywhere from 13 000 to 30 000 advertisements on television each year. Although the southeast half of the 1932 rupture zone ruptured again during the 1995 earthquake (Fig. If so, these structures may limit the likely along-strike extent of the ruptures that originate to its southeast or northwest and hence limit the magnitude of future ruptures of the Rivera plate subduction interface or beneath the Manzanillo Trough (Schmitt etal. 20). (a) Best-fitting horizontal velocities relative to the North America plate. The 0.51.9 1019 Pas mantle viscosities associated with the 415yr Maxwell times are consistent with viscosities estimated in similar previous studies, including 3.2 1019 Pas for the 1964 Alaska earthquake (Suito & Freymueller 2009); 1019 Pas for the 1960 Chile, 2006 Sumatra and 1700 Cascadia megathrust earthquakes (Wang etal. Conversely, afterslip solutions that are associated with short Maxwell times and hence larger-magnitude viscoelastic deformation include some shallow afterslip and smaller-magnitude deep afterslip (also see Supporting Information Table S9). 2008; Kim etal. 20). 2010). We then inverted the corrected GPS position time-series via TDEFNODE while fixing the 1995 co-seismic slip solution to the same preferred estimate as was used to drive the viscoelastic model (Fig. COLI and INEG data from 2001 to 2020 were procured from 2016). 20). Each slip patch is described by its along-strike length, its downdip width, the position of the top edge, and its strike and dip angles. This assumption is further justified by the results of our modelling of the viscoelastic relaxation from the Mw = 8.0 1995 earthquake (Section5.2). 2010; Kostoglodov etal. Purple line delimits the 2003 co-seismic rupture area as shown in Fig. Table S9: Downdip distribution of afterslip for all models corrected for viscoelastic relaxation in percentage of total afterslip moment release at the indicated depth intervals. 9d) further indicates that the main locus of the afterslip was downdip from the co-seismic rupture (Figs9a andb). In contrast to the Guerrero and Oaxaca trench segments, where moderate- to large-magnitude SSEs occur every 23yr or more frequently, continuous GPS observations in our study area since the early 1990s have yielded only inconclusive evidence for SSEs. Freed A.M., Hashima A., Becker T.W., Okaya D.A., Sato H., Hatanaka Y.. Hayes G.P., Moore G.L., Portner D.E., Hearne M., Flamme H., Furtney M.. Hu Y., Wang K., He J., Klotz J., Khazaradze G.. Hutton W., DeMets C., Snchez O., Surez G., Stock J.. Iglesias A., Singh S., Lowry A., Santoyo M., Kostoglodov V., Larson K., Franco-Snchez S.. Kogan M.G., Vasilenko N.F., Frolov D.I., Freymueller J.T., Steblov G.M., Prytkov A.S., Ekstrm G.. Kostoglodov V., Singh S.K., Santiago J.A., Franco S.I., Larson K.M., Lowry A.R., Bilham R.. Kostoglodov V., Husker A., Shapiro N.M., Payero J.S., Campillo M., Cotte N., Clayton R.. Larson K.M., Kostoglodov V., Miyazaki S.I., Santiago J.A.S.. Li S., Moreno M., Bedford J., Rosenau M., Oncken O.. Lowry A., Larson K., Kostoglodov V., Bilham R.. Manea V.C., Manea M., Kostoglodov V., Currie C.A., Sewell G.. Marquez-Azua B., DeMets C., Masterlark T.. Marquez-Azua B., DeMets C., Cabral-Cano E., Salazar-Tlaczani L.. Masterlark T., DeMets C., Wang H.F., Snchez O., Stock J.. Melbourne T., Carmichael I., DeMets C., Hudnut K., Snchez O., Stock J., Surez G., Webb F.. Melbourne T.I., Webb F.H., Stock J.M., Reigber C.. Ortiz M., Singh S.K., Pacheco J., Kostoglodov V.. Payero J.S., Kostoglodov V., Shapiro N., Mikumo T., Iglesias A., Prez-Campos X., Clayton R.W.. Pea C., Heidbach O., Moreno M., Bedford J., Ziegler M., Tassara A., Oncken O.. Qiu Q., Moore J.D., Barbot S., Feng L., Hill E.M.. Quintanar L., Rodrguez-Lozoya H.E., Ortega R., Gmez-Gonzlez J.M., Domnguez T., Javier C., Alcntara L., Rebollar C.J.. Radiguet M., Cotton F., Vergnolle M., Campillo M., Walpersdorf A., Cotte N., Kostoglodov V.. Schmitt S.V., DeMets C., Stock J., Snchez O., Marquez-Azua B., Reyes G.. Selvans M.M., Stock J.M., DeMets C., Snchez O., Marquez-Azua B.. Shi Q., Barbot S., Wei S., Tapponnier P., Matsuzawa T., Shibazaki B.. Suhardja S.K., Grand S.P., Wilson D., Guzman-Speziale M., Gmez-Gonzlez J.M., Domnguez-Reyes T., Ni J.. Trubienko O., Fleitout L., Garaud J.-D., Vigny C.. Tsang L.L., Hill E.M., Barbot S., Qiu Q., Feng L., Hermawan I., Banerjee P., Natawidjaja D.H.. Vergnolle M., Walpersdorf A., Kostoglodov V., Tregoning P., Santiago J.A., Cotte N., Franco S.I.. Watkins W.D., Thurber C.H., Abbott E.R., Brudzinski M.R.. Wiseman K., Brgmann R., Freed A.M., Banerjee P.. Yagi Y., Mikumo T., Pacheco J., Reyes G.. Yoshioka S., Mikumo T., Kostoglodov V., Larson K., Lowry A., Singh S.. Zumberge J.F., Heflin M.B., Jefferson D.C., Watkins M.M., Webb F.H., Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. 2001). The horizontal co-seismic displacements predicted by TDEFNODE point towards the rupture zone at 29 of the 30 GPS sites that were active at the time of the earthquake, excluding only site SJDL, which lies at a nodal location with respect to the earthquake (Fig. The early post-seismic response was complex, with numerous campaign sites near and inland from the rupture moving towards the rupture zone during the first year after the earthquake (Fig. (2016) located numerous instances of non-volcanic tremor (NVT) that are apparently associated with the subduction interface and are offset downdip from the seismogenic zone (Fig. Our geodetically derived co-seismic moment, 1.84 1020 Nm (Mw = 7.4), is close to seismologic estimates of Mo = 2.0 1020 Nm (Ekstrm etal. Brudzinski etal. 1997; Hutton etal. Further observations are needed to determine how much, if any of the plate convergence is accommodated by slow slip events (SSEs). (2002). 1) The Theory of Plate Tectonics is . Panels (c) and (d) respectively show the horizontal and vertical site motions predicted by the co-seismic and afterslip solutions from panels (a) and (b) at sites active during the earthquake for panel (c) and sites active between 1995 and 2003 for panel (d). 2 is shown in blue. Because many more campaign than continuous sites were operating during the early years of this study, when rapid post-seismic deformation after the 1995 ColimaJalisco earthquake occurred, we favoured the models that best fit the early campaign observations. This result is robust with respect to five of the six Maxwell times we explored in our analysis: TDEFNODE inversions of the 19932020 data corrected for viscoelastic deformation modelled with Maxwell times equal to or longer than 4yr all indicate that 80 per cent or more of the afterslip occurred below 15km (Supporting Information Table S9). Figure S2: Checkerboard tests for the JaliscoColima subduction zone. opposite-sense) motions in coastal areas immediately onshore from thrust rupture zones (Sun etal. Blue, red and green dots correspond to the time-series corrected for the viscoelastic deformation response from the 1995 and 2003 earthquakes, using m = 2.5, 15 and 40yr, respectively. Select one: a. 6c), and some sites significantly northwest of the rupture zone moving away from it (TENA, CHAM, MILN and PORT). The starting models for cases iiv above, their noisy synthetic velocities and the locking solutions recovered from the velocity field inversions are depicted in Supporting Information Figs S2S5. The postseismic observations favor a ramp-flat structure in which the flat angle should be lower than 10. We estimated the co-seismic slip solution for the 1995 earthquake from an inversion of the 3-D position time-series of 25 GPS sites that were active during 1993.28 to 1999.00. 2018); (2) more realistic elastic properties such as a depth-varying Poissons ratio; (3) the incorporation of a low viscosity wedge (Trubienko etal. 5; Hutton etal. The 3-D post-seismic effects of the Mw = 7.5 2003 January 22 Tecomn earthquake (Figs6 and7) were also apparent in most of our study area. (b) Continuous sites installed near the Nevado de Colima volcano. The JaliscoColima subduction zone (hereafter abbreviated JCSZ), at the northern end of the Mexico subduction zone (MSZ) and offshore from western Mexico, accommodates northeastward subduction of the Rivera (RI) and Cocos (CO) plates beneath the western edge of the North America (NA) plate (Fig. The 1995 and 2003 co-seismic ruptures and afterslip correspond to the 0.5m contour of the co-seismic slip and afterslip solutions from our model with viscoelastic rebound corrections using m = 15yr. Tremor locations are from Brudzinski etal. 1997; Escobedo etal. 14). Numerous alternative inversions in which we varied the fault-slip smoothing factors, the time spanned by the post-seismic data and the subset of the GPS stations that were the inverted indicate that the fits and 1995 co-seismic slip solution are robust with respect to all the above (e.g. Although only minor (<10 cm) surface slip occurred coseismically in the southern 9-km section of the rupture, there was considerable postseismic slip, so that the maximum total slip one year after the event approached 40-50 cm, about equal to the coseismic maximum in the north. 21 for m = 8yr). Arrows show the horizontal displacements and colours indicate the vertical displacements. \end{eqnarray*}$$, $$\begin{equation*} The crust bottom is coloured grey in the upper panel and it is located at a depth of 35km. The larger wrms misfits to the campaign site time-series (5.05.1mm for the horizontal components and 13.3 for the vertical component) reflect the sparsity of their data and hence low overall weight in the TDEFNODE inversion relative to the far more numerous continuous station observations. Marquez-Azua etal. 14c and Supporting Information Table S4). Our processing methodology includes constraints on a priori tropospheric hydrostatic and wet delays from Vienna Mapping Function parameters (, elevation dependent and azimuthally dependent GPS and satellite antenna phase centre corrections from IGS08 ANTEX files (available via ftp from and FES2004 corrections for ocean tidal loading ( Modelling of its local and teleseismic body waveforms (e.g. Outputs of the TDEFNODE inversion described in Section4.2 that are relevant to our analysis include co-seismic slip solutions for the 1995 and 2003 earthquakes, afterslip solutions and logarithmic afterslip decay constants for both earthquakes, and interseismic velocities for all of the GPS sites included in our data set. The formal velocity uncertainties, which are estimated by TDEFNODE solely from the formal uncertainties in the inverted GPS station positions, are typically less than 1mm yr1. In both areas, our afterslip solutions suggest 0.52 m of afterslip occurred as far downdip as the region of non-volcanic tremor (Fig. Plasticizers such as phthalates and bisphenols are particularly problematic because they are present in many consumer products and exposure can begin in utero and continue throughout the lifetime of the individual. Research on gamers has identified several attitudes and beliefs associated with excessive playing behavior. Ignoring the viscoelastic relaxation leads to an underestimation of the magnitude of shallow afterslip. The clock widely are needed to determine how much, if any of the rupture... & Wang 2015 ; Freed etal ignoring the viscoelastic relaxation corrections afterslip solutions and viscoelastic effects for both are! Earthquake has been estimated, although Schmitt etal favor a ramp-flat structure in which the flat angle be. And USGS, and the centroid from the other 10 sites help constrain the post-seismic.. 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