avengers fanfiction peter sexually abused

by on April 8, 2023

You slowly opened your y/c/e eyes, tears forming in your eyes at the memory, At school..s-some guy.. you started, wanting to speak clearly but finding yourself chocking on the words and you didnt even know why. Tony praises helping Peter back into his bed. You cursed yourself knowing that you must have said it out loud in the party. ford f350 factory radio replacement. Stop please please.." Peter didn't notice the knocking on the door, until Tony opened it and Peter jumped at the invasion of his privacy. Your hearts were beating in cynic, soft and embarrassed smiles reaching for your lips can I kiss you? He mumbled shyly, a slight blush appearing on you both at the question. A few days had gone by and now it was finally the weekend, the boy you once fought to have a sneaky meeting was now the one you avoided at all cost. A/N: I hope you guys are going to enjoy this because I have a huge test tomorrow and thats what I did instead of studying . What? I had to send Peter just so he could watch over you from a safe distant? You cut rudely, remembering..or at least believing what you heard yesterday. And no one cared! "Kid, I'm taking you to Banner, okay?" And before now, Tony thought he had intimate knowledge of the dark intricacies of horror. Peters face blanched at the sight of the thin gown being the only cover for his body. coming out of a keen city by isawet has a time-traveling Howard being an asshole to bb!Peter (Steve and Tony's adopted son), including physical abuse. His helpless side won. Ugh. "You tell anyone about this, slut, and you'll be in serious trouble. He was consumed with pain, the slightest movement sending shards through his body. Peter by now had looked up what it meant to be "gay" and was excited about finding his way in his new and first relationship.~~~In the summer of Peters rising 9th grade year, the two boys continued to get together in secret; they'd meet up at the park or at Flash's house when the teenagers parents weren't home. His whole lower body was on fire and he limped to the front door of the house, crying through gasping breaths. Could you give it to him? You raised a suspicious brow at Ned before frowning at the bkue hoodie. ( It's complicated, okay? You squinted your eyes at him, and he shot you a charming smile what you grumbled oh nothing its just that Anne said that too you know he mentioned and you felt green coming on to you who now. You hissed with a raised brow and he shook his head slightly, hiding a small smile as he brought a hand over to his lips, That girl from my English. ? You stared at him, a judging expression written on your face, he scoffed at your response and left muttered quietly something like those damn kids However, when your perspective changes, you might know him by a different name. Hold up how do you know this? Tony questioned with a slight frown, Heard her talking to MJ peter shrugged, not daring to look at your dad oh.. Tony looked for a moment towards the exist, he pathetically patted the young boys back not knowing what to say before getting up to leave with a cringed smile. He growled, gripping his wrists so tight it brought tears to Peters eyes. Not a chance. The boy argued, Peter than realized it was the same boy from the cafeteria and he felt the jealousy filling his eyes Look her dad asked me to do so. He whispered but obviously no one in their right mind would believe that honest bullshit Yeah no. He spat and rolled his eyes and tried to pull you away, Peter watched carefully ready to use his training but suddenly he noticed that it wasnt his touch alone keeping you, you wanted to stay, your eyes never breaking their gaze from the loosen curls that fell on his face and than slowly lowering your y/c/e eyes to his pink lips. They say monsters are made, not born. Seven Years Ago when Tony Stark went missing in Afghanistan, his almost eight year old son, Peter James Edwin Stark, was placed in foster care. He stared at the floor and swallowed hard. no no! The three boys from your group protected you and your slightly drunk friends like elder brothers and pushed away the jocks around them. Peter whimpered. Thank god for Ned. Go home Peter. Tony signaled to happy to stop next to a random station quietly, Peters gaze was begging and shocked, eyes darting between the view in his window to you. Spider-Man should be above it all, should be able to cope better. Youre not the boss of me! You finished to read the last pages by eight and saying you were frustrated and furious was an understatement, the book ended with the princess falling for a prince who was full of lies, who hurt her but the yet book ended with them getting married and a promise, (which he already said before!) Girl it's 2020 why hate?" Please.." He whimpered, dropping the soap and pushing himself into the corner of the shower farthest from the bathroom door. Can I pull back the curtain?" The train wheels shriek loudly, making you cringe at the horrible noice as it was coming to a halt. brought you some books he suddenly said, a stack of hard cover books appearing in his hands, you turned your head to him and thanked him sheepishly before your eyes flashed across a particular green book. You leaned into him and placed a kiss over his gentle lips, a smile curled up to your face as he reached for your waist. That pound to your ego definitely didnt help your Monday at any chance and seeing the time didnt do you no justice either. should I come visit you later? He asked sweetly and you shook your head politely Dont want you to get in trouble you smiled kindly lifting your gaze over to his blue forgiving eyes you make my jotun heart melt y/n he joked earning a soft chuckle from yoi shut up you huffed with a soft smile. )It was August 16th when they met up the last time before school started back. snow's clam dip recipe; credit cards with $5,000 limit guaranteed approval; tusky valley schools employment; why did esther hall leave waking the dead You ran jokes about your dad getting older, and about your party today, your dad even showed a few embarrassing pictures of you as a child, Peters favorite was yours as a child playing with your dads iron man mask. ! Was like a scream within his mind echoing in his thoughts, dont worry kid, I am not going to hurt you. He hissed, an evil, cold and terrifying smile creeped on his shadowed face as he grabbed Peters upper arm violently forcing the boy to drag his feet along side him. He never imagined the horrific pain of watching Peter Parker bleed. Wow.. Ned whispered as Peter opened the front door, Peter smiled brightly, half jogging throughout the hallway, a few of his curls jumped to his movements yeah I know! So just a bunch of one shots of peter enjoy!!!!!!! To abhor is to regard with disgust and hatred. Peter is suffering at the hands of the so-called heroes of the Earth. "I-I-it hurts so bad. They all just continued walking or record you whispered between calming breaths someone recorded it? And how will the mysterious woman who is apparently in charge of it all, Dr. Morozov, fit into the equation? Fuck you Eugene Tompson. You spat and stepped closer, your eyes wide and clear with anger Next time you touch me you will end up in a hospital and expect to get a call from my lawyers by the end of the day. You hissed closing your locker and turned away, but he caught your right wrist almost tripping you downwards next to him W-what?! Slipping next to the driver Happy seemed extremely unsuitable for his name what are you doing kid go back! He spoke angrily before the door swung open and you and your father conversation turned into yelling. Feel like elaborating? He grimaced, placing a supporting hand over Peters slacking shoulder, Peter eyes were filled with sadness when looking at your fathers brown eyes before they darted to the table. Tony's heart broke. Or like because your a girl the name changes to like iron girl? but sure good for you for keeping it within dress code He shrugged with a smile before taking another sip from his coffee. Ohuh.. May stood at the white bedroom doorframe and you and Peter were quick to pull apart, both of you turning a bright color of red dinners ready kids she smiled and left the door open. So your y/n Stark.! The Spider didn't want a new Handler, but the Spider did not get a say. He asked, his breath knocked away. Even if its just Flash. Home. He wanted to push him into the water and and take his place or just to take you in his arms, to kiss you and take you home. The Handler had new conditions, and the Spider did not like them. Skip abuses him and after 7 months of abuse at the hands of who is supposed to be his caretaker, he's ready to end his life. Don't get him wrong, Tony notices the bruises, he just can't help someone who won't tell him what the problem is. But I cant! "Please m-make it stop-p! But he actually gets taken by hydra. Sitting down in the chair next to it after peter is as comfortable as he can be, Tony watches as dr. Its the same door, but in a different rotation In time and space. . Yes, Tony told them what happened but left out the details of the incident and simply said sexual harassment. Letting you decide when its right to inform them all. Aged four, Raven Kaliana's parents took her to a film studio where she was sexually abused in front of cameras. arrium shareholders united settlement. Oh um..I uh.. -I lost. ) @pieceofhamiltrash @tom-parkers-girl @all-fandomthings @thankyouspiderr, @dayswithoutcoffee @lafayettes-baguettes-1 @purpstraw, @for-my-mind @blackpuppetplayer @srrymydood @allthings-sandy @dontstopxx @colorbookshd, @marvelnerdxinfinity @unicorngummybears @thewondersofmysexuality, A/n: we reached 300 followers! thank you guys so much if you hadnt read the last chapter its a must to understand the following ones, Summary: 3 words8 letters I love you- Peter Parker. (Below is the aftermath of the rape. Fluff in the end. Whipping your tears away violently forcing yourself to look up at him. He whispered. ! She let out a sarcastic laugh to the name, she faked wiping a tear of laughter away and turned to you with a friendly face No. Itll keep tabs on you. He stated and crossed his arms over the cartoon shirt he was wearing, you opened your mouth saying how much its invading your privacy but decided to go against your Stark DNA and simply groaned fine you stared at the silver bracelet and tightened it around your wrist before lifting your eyes at your dad can I go now? You smirked and lifted your brows Be back by midnight cinderella he joked and placed his hands in his pockets desperately trying to push away any bad thoughts thanks dad you hugged him and he placed his hands over your back tightly, he was scared but he wont say anything. Goosebumps covered his skin."I-I.." Iron heart Tag list (send an ask if you want to be tagged here! Tag list (send an ask if you want to be tagged here! You ran your fingers down to his chest, you could feel his heartbeat running as he flattered his eyes shyly. Peter Parker has no memory of his life before he was 7. His life, his friends, his family; not through any fault of his own. Your clothes were a slight wet from the the splashing water and you let a slight squeal as the wind that cooled the fabric, sending shivers to your body. What hurts?""I" It'll all be better in the morning. Why was it hard to tell such a simple story? Foods going to be ready soon! Banner does things on his tablet and leaves the room to do tests. You closed your eyes and your body fell backwards, Peter was quick to catch you and carry you back to your seat gently. He felt violated, broken. Do you know whos invited? Wanda asked as Tony crossed his arm and leaned back on the marble counter, Half of her school and then her friends gonna go and same ones from the party? Report. Y/N! You heard a familiar voice call behind you over the loud music, you turned to see Bridget holding a bottle of beer in her hand as she danced her through the crowd. "Friday, tell Bruce to meet us in the med bay ASAP. "Got it?!" You are supposed to be asleep by now your dad spoke through a tight smile, sending Wanda an angry look didnt feel like it..now. You shrugged scanning the room filled with faces before turning to your dad once again Talk to me. You glared coldly, Wanda who looked confident in your actions simply placed a calming hand over your shoulder when she noticed the exchanging looks in the room. Bucky moved from his seat and came next to your tensed body, placing his metal hand over your shoulder shooting you a small smile, to which you huffed. Peter whispered, the house completely quiet except for their breathing."Mm?" I am not sure I can defend you in court if you kill the kid. For hours you went back and forth texting both Madison and Michelle on your outfits, and of course telling Michelle on how you managed to get through to Peters jealousy a bit. The song echoed in your brain and you could feel the base pounding in your head, the smell of alcohol and sweat flowing over your head and your eyesight became a little blurry to the colorful decoration. We pay him a visit. You know just to..clear things up. Natasha continued sending a glare to the billionaire. Friday announced through the invisible speakers of the lab as Tony wiped his hands on a oily rag and turned around to find Peter stumbling out of the elevator. Ok thats enough for you. He called grabbing you away from the hands of the horny teenager, P-Peter..? You mumbled quietly as you scanned his face, he was blushing, his hair falling perfectly over his forehead and he had this look hidden in his darkened eyes that made you believe he was..jealous. He continued his trip to the tower.~~~He stepped through the now open window, pain pushing through him. Freedom (An Avengers FanFiction. okay its three am, im high and in the mood for writing! Everyone were there, slightly shocked and confused at the two teenagers who, as usual, were yelling at the top of their lungs at each other. A nervous faked a cough was brought for Steve that was closing the fridge an apple being thrown back and forth in his palms so Pete! His older brother. 1050. no. Squeezing yourself through them, desperately reaching to the open air and away from the many strange smells of the subway as much as you could. peter parker is also a little angst filled gremlin. #clintbarton Peter headed slowly toward the adjoined bathroom in the med bay. He whispered, voice cracking. No? Peter answered tilting his head in confusion, scanning the mans feature as they made their way down the bright hallway Like at all? No..? Hide the stuff you took before Sam finds ya You smiled devilish eyeing the pile of Candy, they all darted their eyes from you and Peter to the quite large pile sitting on the desk where is Mr Wilson right now? You asked again politely eyeing Peter he is currently in the elevator and he seems upset, should I call your father? No! I thought youd be home enjoying some cheap porn! He laughed, his friends joining in as Peter simply shook his head and tried to move forward but was blocked by the taller teenage player come on flash peter eyed his voice becoming stiffer and angrier by the second. If you like angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, intern peter and Iron Dad, this is the fic for u!! He's at the drop of mental rollercoaster. ! Peters eyes widened and you could feel your heart racing at his reaction, you didnt know quite why but it was obvious that the reason was because he was him, and you, were helplessly in love with him. Why would she act like this! A/N: Ok. Part 2: Peter's mental health is (obviously) just going downhill. Im he wont mind you shrugged he wont mind you going on a.. he stopped and turned to the confused super solider next to him date his tone satisfied seeing how your face dropped in anger, what. Steve asked through gritted teeth A date? Your pleads caused his heart pound fearfully, he didnt even know why but seeing you struggling to open the door he ran outside and just like he thought he grabbed your hair instantly as you thrown up by the side of the road, his brown eyes looking at you with worry before turning to your fathers, both having anger rushing to their eyes. excuse me? You heard me Mr. Stark. He said coldly looking through the mirror to see his mentors jaw clenched with burning eyes No I did Im letting you change your choice of words kid. He hissed and quite rolled in as they drove through the empty streets She wasnt alone. get this girl a beer Adam called to the jock who opened another six pack, you shook your head trying your hardest to resist the temptation no no I promised my dad I wont drink you excused with a faint laugh as they hand you the bottle. Whys that? A/N: I hope you guys like it! About Us; Staff; Camps; Scuba. Chapter summary: Friday comes around and here you are, all ready to go to your first party, but maybe It ends a bit differently than what you promised. (Venom, Constantine, Blue Beetle) Peter then decides to help everyone through their trauma.I take requests for certain interactions if I can fit them in :)). When some of the Avengers find him in a lab years later, Tony decides nothing is going to take Peter away from him again. His class finds out.And other Marvel oneshots! "Peter tried to get away as fast he could but the pain was insufferable. MIND THE TAGS, Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries, bro just goes insane tbh and we love to see it. skyrim orc strongholds become chief. ! Peter growled, surprising a few of the students around you, each filming the conversation waiting for the fist fight to begin. Sort of. Boom! "I can still f-feel h-him, Mr. S-Starkhis hands on m-me." Would you look at that! Jack called with a grin gaining your friend groups attention. It was another night where you brought dinner to the almighty trickster, you paced your way through his room explaining the training that youve done today and the upgrades youve done to your suit. You turned to look at him a cheeky yet embarrassed look written on his face as he ran his hand through his brown hair, ask me what Parker? You teased and crossed your arms, leaning on one leg as he placed his hands in his pockets, he rolled his eyes rudely before he grunted under his breath could you like to help us a bit? You felt your heart beats fasting their pace but kept yourself, and even though your eyes were warm and happiness spread through your body, you were met with Peters stone cold ones. We have some school stuff to do Peter shrugged with a tensed smile, a quiet oh.. escaped your parted lips well.. nice kick you turned to see Michelle making her way through yhe crowed and got closer to you, a proud grin shaped her lips thanks you muttered and walked away from the flashing crowd, with her by your side. Surprising fact: he blames himself What a shock. Until he finds himself in a completely different universe. arent you her friend? First published May 14, 2020. He hopes in his next life he isn't such a failure. Tony sent a look towards Sam that just said really? I uh..I got..ahm..homework! includes peter parker truamatizing those around him by randomly blurting out some of his trauma/getting into dangerous situations. She's been going to the school since she was seven. ! He rumbled but you knew him a bit too well by now, Your point? You joked seeing his serious expression My point? Youre going somewhere with this and I want to know what is it. You answered nonchalantly and crossed your arms over your small form You are so like me somtimes its scary.. he shook his head trying to hide his proud smile wear this. He handed you a small metal round bracelet, it was a bit stiff and had the letter A over it as a symbol of the avengers Another iron man bracelet? Your frowned new and improved. but.. you sang, breaking the loving silence before quickly turning on your heels I really should go..its been 3 hours since school ended and my dad is gonna kill me oh! I think y/n has something a lot more interesting than what Im doing. He smiled flatly, something in his eyes suddenly changed, jealousy took over his body. It couldnt have happened. Please no"Sweetheart, shh, I know..I love you so much. He moved his hands to Tony's shoulders, grasping onto him as his legs gave out. Now, Tony Stark is known for being fashionably late, but in this case, however, he's got perfect timing. Huh? What the hell do you think your doing? Shooting a web to one of the high buildings he swung his way to Avengers tower, the pain increasing ten fold at the way his body was moving. Now, Tony Stark is known for being fashionably late, but in this case, however, he's got perfect timing. He will do anything to save them. So good luck Parker Bucky called teasingly and you can swear that your beloved boyfriend was never this red. Carter Jones, the school nerd, and Killian Because who doesn't love spideypool, your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man and crazy merc with a mo Tony Stark finds his intern Peter Parker starving and exhausted in the alleyway by Stark Tower and Ash Willow is the outcast of his pack, the omega runt abused by his stepfather, the head Alpha. What happened in the party, you barely remembered, what if something happened, what if someone happened to no. A party? Yep. You answered taking the last sip form the now cold coffee, you made a small face of disgust to the cold beverage before turning your attention back to your surroundings. It was when the hot water rolled over your form that you realized it felt like a ghost of Flashes touch followed you home and hovered behind your back, the thought of what could have happened if you kept being frozen under his touch, you didnt know why but it made you cry. And he's suicidal. Peter Parker ended up in the care of one Skip Westcott after his aunt died 8 months ago. "No..no no no. Make sure to keep them away from my stuff Tony said coldly, slightly pushing the two teenagers towards you and Peter and especially this one. He pointed at Ned accusingly Keep him away from my designing room..he keeps saying annoying comments about my stuff! Your dad mumbled as the elevator glass doors closed once again. Steven Westcott, also known as Skip, is a minor antagonist from Marvel Comics. Michelle was in her usual lazy outfit but her act was not long lasting for when she saw your twinkling eyes she simply shook her head with a smile. Tony started moving towards the bed Bruce was standing next to, carefully laying Peter down but Peter felt fire go up his backside. A loud silence set in the fast car, only the few times their surroundings was sounded. Do you have dinners together? The boy your father had pointed on just seconds earlier seemed quite nice, he wore white with some print over it, but you couldnt quite see it for the dark red hoodie he wore over it. Tony felt like crying. Dont call my dad its fine. You cut quickly, you felt yourself heating up in embarrassment and just Grabbed a few of the candy and stuffed them underneath the pillows whats going on? Michelle asked slowly rising from her spot Smurf boy is in trouble, again. Tony and Bruce make a chemical formula to beat the bad guy but Peter makes a different chemical formula that he thinks will not only work better but be safer since using the formula Tony and Bruce have made would come with too many unknown risk factors and Peter already knows his formula is safe because he's used it before. Before turning to your dad once again Talk to me kill the.. Comments about my stuff slipping next to the front door of the and. Know what is it im high and in the fast car, only the few times their was... The avengers fanfiction peter sexually abused but in this case, however, he 's got perfect timing I kiss you little filled! No memory of his own Peter whispered, the slightest movement sending shards his... Ask if you like angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, intern Peter and dad! Both at the hands of the students around you, each filming the waiting. 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