meiosis occurs during all of the following except

by on April 8, 2023

The S phase is the second phase of interphase, during which the DNA of the chromosomes is replicated. Which of the following events occurs first during meiosis? B. (b) Depression. The haploid cell products of meiosis II fuse. D. It increases chromosome condensation. Select all that apply. Describe how errors in chromosome structure occur through inversions and translocations. Before the time of Gregor Mendel and genetics, sexual reproduction was thought to produce a blending or equal mixing of the parents' traits. C) spermatogenesis. C. pangenesis. C. In mitosis, there are two daughter cells. B. Meiosis stops after meiosis I and does not proceed to meiosis II. (D) Synapsis occurs during prophase. All of the following are true of meiosis EXCEPT (A) crossover occurs during prophase I(B) there is no replication of chromosomes between meiosis Iand meiosis II (C) in plants, spindle fibers are attached to the centriole (D) synapsis occurs during prophase I(E) the longest phase is prophase. Meiosis occurs during all of the following EXCEPT A. gametogenesis. Normal, because they have a normal amount of genetic material, Pair the disease with its chromosomal abnormality Chapter 13: Meiosis Gametes - reproductive cells that have a haploid number of chromosomes o Sperm - male reproductive cell o Egg/Ovum - female reproductive cell Fertilization - the fusion of the nuclei of a sperm cell and an egg cell (haploid cells), resulting in the formation of a zygote (diploid) Meiosis - reduction division that occurs in gametes to produce cells with a haploid . Ultimate control of testes development is by the .which secretes .. hypothalamus; gonadotropin-releasing hormone. d. only A and B are correct. B. Triploid and aneuploid b. oogenesis Meiosis is the process by which gametes are produced. Which statement is NOT true about homologues in meiosis I? C. Cytokinesis does not follow "endomitosis" that results in a tetraploid cell. Each pair of homologous chromosomes break into four separate chromatids. To what does the term chiasma refer? Which of the following is/are true about sexual reproduction? Explain. A) During metaphase I of meiosis, the bivalents are present at the metaphase plate; during metaphase of mitosis, the duplicated chromosomes are at the metaphase plate. C)spermatogenesis. immediately after the sperm penetrates the secondary oocyte, All of the following animals are likely to undergo parthenogenesis EXCEPT. Which of the following steps would NOT lead to variation of genetic material? The endpoints of the interval are associated with the points PPP and QQQ on the graph of the function. B) They carry the same alleles for all traits. Mitosis and meiosis are both types of cell division. 14. B) The production of gametes is known as gametogenesis. C) It is a significant source of genetic variation only during meiosis I. asexual reproduction is most advantageous when the environment is continually changing, all of the following structures are part of the male reproductive system EXCEPT. D Interkinesis can be variable in length. Which stage would show the development of the ectoderm and endoderm germ layers? D) A, B, and C all involve meiosis. When the environment changes, then They are caused by nondisjunction, which occurs when pairs of homologous chromosomes or sister chromatids fail to separate during meiosis. Jacobs Syndrome, XYY, results from nondisjunction during spermatogenesis. Which statement is not true about eukaryotic chromosomes? If a cell contains 12 chromosomes at the end of meiosis I, how many chromosomes will the daughter cells contain at the end of meiosis II? An electromagnetic wave has a frequency of 1021Hz10^{21} \mathrm{~Hz}1021Hz. Meiosis accomplishes all of the following EXCEPT A. B)oogenesis. the primitive streak occurs in the morula stage of the embryonic development. A) The gametes are the haploid phase of the animals' life cycle. There is one chance in 23 of getting identical sets of chromosomes from one parent , times two because there are two parents ; therefore , two siblings out of 46 will be identical except for the extent of crossing - over . the egg is propelled down the uterine tube by, uterine tube cilia and tubular muscle contractions, Fertilization in humans normally occurs in the, the hormone produced by cells around the embryo that maintains the corpus luteum and pregnancy is called. To put that another way, meiosis in humans is a division process that takes us from a diploid cellone with two sets of chromosomesto haploid cellsones with a single set of chromosomes. which of the following statements about sexual reproduction is not true? In human females, when is meiosis II completed? which association of structure and function is incorrect? 1. A) 26 The ovaries, oviducts, and uterus are very small and underdeveloped. It increases the likelihood that daughter cells contain different genetic material. Which does NOT occur in meiosis? A. prophase I B. metaphase II C. anaphase II D. prophase II E. metaphase I, During which stage of meiosis does the homologue separation occur? Identify the correct statement amongst the following: 1. Which of the following events occurs during prophase I but does not occur during prophase of mitosis? In meiosis, the reduction from 2n to n is accomplished by sister chromatids splitting apart and migrating to opposite daughter cells. A. 2. e) recombination occurs during meiosis II. Just like in mitosis, during prophase, DNA condensation occurs, the nuclear envelope and nucleoli disappear, and the spindle starts to form. If a parent cell has 48 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will each daughter cell have after mitosis and cytokinesis occurs? Meiosis occurs during all of the following EXCEPT A) gametogenesis. Meiosis is a type of cell division that starts with a diploid, 2 n cell. A. Homologs fail to separate during meiosis I. a structure that holds together homologues during crossing-over. The cell cycle is divided into an interphase and a mitotic (M) phase. C) They carry genes for the same traits. C. a nonfunctional cell rudiment formed at the same time as an egg cell. a. growth of the organism and tissue repair e. none of the choices are sources of genetic variation, d. all of the choices are sources of genetic variation. The polar body is. C) immediately after the sperm penetrates the primary oocyte It is nevertheless necessary for two females to court and for one to assume the posture of a male to stimulate the female to produce eggs. D. Tetrads line up and separate into individual homologous chromosomes. It occurs only before Meiosis I. there is no interphase between Meiosis I and Meiosis II. Explore our library and get Introductory Biology Homework Help with various study sets and a huge amount of quizzes and questions, Find all the solutions to your textbooks, reveal answers you wouldt find elsewhere, Scan any paper and upload it to find exam solutions and many more, Studying is made a lot easier and more fun with our online flashcards, Try out our new practice tests completely, 2020-2023 Quizplus LLC. offspring inherit essentially 50% of their genes from each parent, but two sibling offspring may share with each other from zero to 23 chromosomes in common from each parent, and further variation may occur due to crossing-over. Which of the following statements about mitosis is not true? A. C) Meiosis occurs only in stem cells while mitosis can occur in any of the body's cells. A. the process of fertilization B. the life cycle of a fungus C. the process of crossing-over D. a structure that holds together homologues during crossing-over E. the period between meiosis I and meiosis II, During which stage of meiosis are the bivalents arranged along the equator? The chromosomes that pair up during meiosis, are called _____ chromosomes. Spindle formation, centrosome migration, the fragmentation of the nuclear envelope, and the disappearance of the nucleolus are characteristic of prophase I of meiosis but not prophase of mitosis. The organ that exchanges molecules between fetal and maternal blood is the, During the luteal phase of the ovarian cycle, progesterone and estrogen will bring about. D. offspring inherit copies of the same 23 pair of chromosomes from each of their parents but the rate of crossing-over makes them very dissimilar. They allow a reduction in chromosomes while preserving most of the cytoplasm for one egg. During which stage of meiosis does crossing-over occur? D. Trisomic and aneuploid. Where in the human male does spermatogenesis occur? True or False, Prevention of polyspermy depends upon changes in the plasma membrane of the egg and in the zona pellucida B) Nuclear envelope will dissolve. monster hunter rise - steam release date; undying court of aerenal; meiosis occurs during all of the following except (3) Domestication by man. The two chromosomes contain the same genes, but may have different forms of the genes. Select all that apply. It is estimated that an average of two or three cross-overs occur per human chromosome. A. decrease in LH, increase in progesterone, corpus luteum present, secretory uterine lining, in the human male, the tube used to carry both sperm and urine is the, A functional advantage of having human testes in the scrotum rather than in the abdomen is. D. Inherited disorders can arise when chromosomes behave abnormally during meiosis. 17. Meiosis is further divided into meiosis I and meiosis II. Sources of genetic variation in a sexually reproducing population include crossing over in Prophase I of meiosis, independent assortment in Metaphase I of meiosis and fertilization. It is estimated that an average of two or three crossovers occur per human chromosome. There is a species of desert lizard where only females are known to exist-there are no males known. D. spermatogenesis. To what does the term chiasma refer? Disorders of chromosome number include the duplication or loss of entire chromosomes, as well as changes in the number of complete sets of chromosomes. During which stage of meiosis does crossing-over occur? Meiosis is a type of cell division in sexually reproducing organisms that reduces the number of chromosomes in gametes (the sex cells, or egg and sperm). (c) Bargaining. which of the following stages embryonic development consists of only two layers of cells? There is a species of desert lizard that is entirely female. Sources of genetic variation in a sexually reproducing population include(s) which of the following? B) They use sexual reproduction to produce new offspring. Females are short with a broad chest and widely spaced nipples. CompetingSpecies\text{\red{Competing Species}}CompetingSpecies A Lotka-Volterra model in which two species compete for the same source of food (as in Exercise 9) can be described by the system of differential equations, dx1dt=r1x1(1x1k1b1x2k1)dx2dt=r2x2(1x2k2b2x1k2).\begin{aligned} A. separate correctly in meiosis; chromosomal deletions, chromosomal duplications, chromosomal inversions, or chromosomal translocations would occur from failures in homologous chromosomes to align properly during prophase I or from failure during crossing over. D) During anaphase I of meiosis, the homologues pairs separate; during anaphase of mitosis, the homologous pairs stay together. C. Interphase involves DNA replication and interkinesis does not. fadh2 accepts two electrons to form fad. Identify which event will occur during Prophase I of meiosis but does not occur during prophase of mitosis. Crossing over occurs in prophase I of meiosis and metaphase of mitosis. Is this an animal or plant cell? About 90 percent of a cell's time in the normal cell cycle may be spent in interphase. When the environment changes, then A. species X and Y will have an equal chance of surviving. To maintain this state, the egg and sperm that unite during fertilization must be . C. Sister chromatids separate during anaphase II while homologous chromosomes separate during anaphase I. D. The cell undergoing anaphase II is genetically different from what it contained while undergoing anaphase I. b) homologous pairs separate during meiosis I. c) one cell produces four cells. b. the production of gametes is known as gametogensis D. It regularly produces a wider array of adaptations to the internal environment (disease agents, parasites) in a shorter period of time. b. the cell may need to enter the G0 stage. Which body system develops first in a human embryo? homozygous . The Phases of Meiosis I. Based on this information, determine which of the following statements are true. C. Each homologue's centromere splits to form two chromosomes. (d) Hope. (a) Denial. 5) Select the statement which is FALSE. It is not true that only one of the four daughter cells becomes a functional gamete in spermatogenesis. Interkinesis is different from interphase in which way? During which phase of mitosis and meiosis will the state of the chromosome be the same? Which of these is not one of the sources of genetic variation in a sexually reproduction population? Sources of genetic variation in a sexually reproducing population include(s) which of the following? At the leptotene stage the chromosomes appear as long, thin threads. the transfer of genes from one chromosome to another nonhomologous chromosome. Which of the following is not a characteristic of homologous chromosome? At which stage of meiosis is each chromosome composed of a single chromatid? The overall function of meiosis includes all of the following EXCEPT A. gamete production. C. It happens in all tissues except the brain and spinal cord. Identify which event will occur during Prophase I of meiosis but does not occur during prophase of mitosis. It happens in all of the tissues except the brain and spinal cord. Pangenesis was Charles Darwin's hypothetical mechanism for heredity, in which he proposed that each part of the body continually emitted its own type of small organic particles called gemmules that aggregated in the gonads, contributing heritable information to the gametes. D. Meiosis is not a necessary component of the animal life cycle. B. If a cell contains 12 chromosomes at the end of meiosis I, how many chromosomes will the daughter cells contain at the end of meiosis II? the daughter cells have only half the chromosomes of the parent cell. Extra copies of sex chromosomes are more easily tolerated in humans than extra copies of autosomes. The correct number of chromosomes in a species is known as aneuploidy. A. 26 B. it can be used to generate new spermatogonia. During metaphase I of meiosis the duplicated chromosomes are at the metaphase plate while during metaphase of mitosis the bivalents are present at the metaphase plate C. During metaphase of mitosis the homologues separate while during metaphase I of meiosis the sister chromatids separate D. During metaphase I of meiosis the homologues separate while during metaphase of mitosis the sister chromatids separate, During which phase of mitosis and meiosis will the state of the chromosome be the same? One main reason would be. The process includes two chromosome divisions and produces four haploid, n cells. dtdx1=r1x1(1k1x1b1k1x2)dtdx2=r2x2(1k2x2b2k2x1).. A. Cytokinesis B) oogenesis. C. Crossing over occurs. B) Interkinesis is the stage that precedes a prophase stage. the disintegration of the endometrium and the rupturing of the blood vessels. Which statement is true about the life cycle of plants but not of animals? Down syndrome, Which of the following conditions results from a Robertsonian translocation? True or False, Which of the following is NOT a difference between anaphase 1 and anaphase 11, anaphase 1 occurs in a haploid cell while anaphase 11 occurs in a diploid cell, The picture depicts which of the following changes in chromosome structure. The Bar mutation in Drosophila species Y should have a better chance of surviving than species X. in human females, when is meiosis 11 completed? B. the inclusion of the centromere in the inversion, Which of the following terms can be used to describe Down syndrome? D. Sperm that contain a recombination of genes are usually more successful in fertilizing an egg. After Interphase I meiosis I occurs after Interphase I, where proteins are grown in G phase and chromosomes are replicated in S phase. D) In mitosis, the daughter cells are genetically identical. False The correct number of chromosomes in a species is known as euploidy. Normal human sperm and eggs are similar in which one of the following respects? C) anaphase II E. polar body. All of the following events occur during normal meiosis except _______. They undergo "endomitosis" where one extra chromosome replication results in a tetraploid cell before meiosis begins. (b). A. Which of the following best describes meiosis? Karyokinesis occurs once in mitosis and twice in meiosis. A change in the chromosome number resulting from nondisjunction is called euploidy. \end{aligned} S phase, the cell undergoes DNA replication. A) Bivalents will form. sperm and egg are reproductive cells that are collectively referred to as, which term refers to the failure of homologous chromosomes to separate during meiosis, crossing over occurs between the two sister chromatids of a homologue Encircle the letter of your choice. D. In mitosis, the daughter cells are genetically identical. B. a precursor cell that becomes an egg cell. A) Interkinesis occurs after a cell finishes a nuclear division. Explain. All of the following are true concerning Down syndrome EXCEPT b.) C. pangenesis. For the following pairs of elements, identify which element would be expected to be more electronegative. What structure is produced during meiosis 1 in male? The interphase is subdivided into {eq}\rm G_1 {/eq} phase, {eq}\rm S {/eq} phase, and {eq}\rm G_2 {/eq} phase. 120 seconds. It is estimated that an average of two or three cross-overs occur per human chromosome. e. neither A, B, or C. All of the above involve mitosis, a nonfunctional cell formed at the same time as an egg cell. What is the probable evolutionary mechanism for this occurring? During spermatogenesis, key spermatogenic events such as stem cell self-renewal and commitment to meiosis, meiotic recombination, meiotic sex chromosome inactivation, followed by cellular and chromatin remodeling of elongating spermatids occur . Today we know that. All of the following are true about the chromosomes of a multicellular organism EXCEPT: Each chromosome separates into two daughter chromosomes by binary fisson. Melosis occurs during all of the following EXCEPT Multiple Choice o gametogenesis oogenesis spermatogenesis A, B, and all involve meiosis. Electromagnetic wave has a frequency of 1021Hz10^ { 21 } \mathrm { ~Hz }.... 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