winafl network fuzzing

by on April 8, 2023

But you still need to make the client allocate enough memory to reach death by swap. It allows to create/open and close DVCs, and data transported through DVCs is actually transported over DRDYNVC, which acts as a wrapping layer. If WinAFL refuses torun, try running it inthe debug mode. I prefer toset breakpoints exactly atexports inthe respective library. I didnt talk about these because theyre not about the Microsoft client, theyre not the most interesting and the article is getting really long either way, but feel free to look them up: /* We don't need to reload context in case of network-based fuzzing. To see the supported instrumentation flags, please refer to the documentation Homemade keylogger. Themaximum code coverage can beachieved by creating asuitable set ofinput files. WinAFL Fuzzing AFL is a popular fuzzing tool for coverage-guided fuzzing. When WinAFL exits thetarget function, it pauses theprogram, substitutes theinput file, overwrites theRIP/EIP with theaddress ofthe function start, andcontinues; and. You cannot tell WinAFL to have constraints on your mutations, such as these two bytes should reflect the length of this buffer. 2021-07-30 Microsoft assessed the CLIPRDR malloc DoS bug as low-severity and closed the case. not closed WinAFL won't be able to rewrite it. Since no length checking seems to be performed on wFormatNo here, the fact that we cannot reproduce the bug must come from the condition above in the code. They are especially used by developers to create extensions, but also by red teamers to exfiltrate data, bypass firewalls, etc. If dissecting the payload does not yield anything, maybe its a stateful bug and youre doomed. We thought they achieved encouraging results that deserved to be prolonged and improved. The target being a network client, WinAFL supports loading a custom mutator from a third-party DLL. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Another obvious type of edge case is crashes. fuzzing mode, that is, executing multiple input samples without restarting the I would like to thank Thalium for giving me the opportunity to work on this subject which I had a lot of fun with, and that also allowed me to skill up in Windows reverse engineering and fuzzing. It is opened by default. V. Pham, M. Bhme, and A. Roychoudhury, "AFLNET: a greybox fuzzer for network protocols," in Proceedings of . After reaching target funcion once, WinAFL will force persistent loop. In particular, were doing stateful fuzzing: the RDP client could be modelled by a complex state machine. As for the client application, it seems that only connections to localhost and are blocked. RDPWrap tampers with the server in order to allow local connections, and even concurrent sessions. "returning" via ExitProcess() and such won't work). documents. Usual appearance of total paths found over time while fuzzing. Something very valuable would be having a call stack dump on crashes. Finally, before we start fuzzing, we should enable a little something that will be useful: PageHeap (GFlags). Just opened theprogram, set themaximum number ofoptions for thedocument andsaved it todisk. RDPSND Server Audio Formats and Version PDU structure. This new mutation could snowball into dozens of new paths, including a crash that leads to the next big RCE. Also, you can use In App Persistence mode described above if your application runs the target function in a loop by its own. you are fuzzing 64-bit targets and vice versa. Therefore, the RDP client will receive a lot of different message types, in a rather random order. In order to achieve coverage-guided fuzzing, WinAFL provides several modes to instrument the target binary: Intel PT has limitations within virtualized environments, and there are too many constraints for us to use Syzygy (compilation restrictions). There are many DVCs. Open the input file. In particular, the msgType field will be fixed, so we need to start a fuzzing campaign for each message type (there are 13 in RDPSND). For more information see As a result, real bugs in the RDP client will only constitute a subset of the bugs we will find with the patched DLL. sign in This video contain:1. Each individual Virtual Channel behaves according to its own separate logic, specification and protocol. When theprogram execution reaches theend ofthe function, edit thearguments, align thestack, change theRIP/EIP tothe beginning ofthe function, etc. I was able to isolate the malicious PDU and reproduce the bug with a minimal case: It is a Lock Clipboard Data PDU (0x000A), which basically only contains a clipDataId field. Since I am just looking for afunction tofuzz, I have tokeep inmind that it must take thepath tothe input file, do something with this file, andterminate as neatly as possible. . What is more, the four aforementioned SVCs (as well as a few DVCs) being opened by default makes them an even more interesting target risk-wise. This can be enabled by giving -s option to afl-fuzz.exe. Identifying handlers for each message type. By default, WinAFL writes mutations to a file. but office don't have symbols (public symbols) which gives too much pain and too hard for tracing or investigating . -H option is used during in-memory fuzzing, described below. In this post, we detail our root cause analysis of one such vulnerability which we found using WinAFL: CVE-2021-1665 - GDI+ Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. Description is as follows. With her consent, of course! ACL is set up with an SDDL string, which is Microsofts way of describing a security descriptor. For more info about the original project, please refer to the original documentation at: Whereas what I should have been thinking all this time is: something is broken, and thats good because thats what Im aiming for. RDP protocol stack from Explain Like I'm 5: Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) . Maybe this will lead me to new findings, and even a reproducible bug.. This article will not explain the Remote Desktop Protocol in depth. This issue was fixed in January . 2021 10.13089/JKIISC.2021.31.5.911 Keywords: Regression bug, Fuzz Testing, Directed fuzzing, Differential Fuzzing, Hybrid fuzzing. Of course, this is specific to RDPSND and such patches should happen in each channel. However, due to the difficulties of obtaining dynamic execution information of IoT devices and the inherent depth of fuzzing tests, the current popular feedback-driven fuzzing technology is difficult . Tekirda (pronounced [tecida]) is a city in Turkey.It is located on the north coast of the Sea of Marmara, in the region of East Thrace.In 2019 the city's population was 204,001. You could say youre satisfied with your fuzzing once youve found a big vulnerability, but thats obviously a rather poor indicator of fuzzing quality. The CClipRdrPduDispatcher::DispatchPdu function is where PDUs arrive and are dispatched based on msgType. This means we cant use the -thread_coverage option anymore if we target DispatchPdu So we cant perform mixed message type fuzzing with reliable coverage anymore. My program was quite talkative anddisplayed pop-up messages claiming that theformat ofinput files iswrong. WTSVirtualChannelOpenEx(WTS_CURRENT_SESSION. Your target runs normally until your target function is reached. However, WinAFL is not going to work with our target out of the box. Update: check new WinAFL video here no screen freeze in that : video will talk about how to Fuzz a simple C . Luke, I am your fuzzer. Tekirda denize girilecek yerler. Since fuzzing campaigns usually last many hours, we cant be there every time the fuzzer restarts the client to click Connect and select a user account. But fuzzing the RDP client, I often got speeds between 50 and 1000 execs/s. RDP fuzzing target function often looks like above. In the function CClipBase::OnLockClipData, this field is used with some kind of smart array object: Eventually, the function DynArray::CCleanType,unsigned long>::Grow is called and performs: My guess is that an array of dynamic length is used to store information, such as a lock tag, about file streams based on their id (if this is really the case, then it is probably poor choice of data structure). here for RDPSND). The greater isthe code coverage, thehigher isthe chance tofind abug. how to check program is getting instrumented correctly under dynamorio?3. They found a few small bugs, including one I found as well (detailled in the RDPSND section). If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. I still think it could have deserved a little fix. You will learn how to build a fuzzing harness, optimize it for maximum performance, and triage the . When thenumber ofsuch iterations reaches some maximum (you determine it yourself), WinAFL restarts theprogram. It needs to be adapted to our case, which is fuzzing a client in a network context. During my internship at Thalium, I spent time studying and reverse engineering Microsoft RDP, learning about fuzzing, and looking for vulnerabilities. It is assumed that the target process will be restarted by an external script (or by the system itself). Background: In our previous research, we used WinAFL to fuzz user-space applications running on Windows, and found over 50 vulnerabilities in Adobe Reader and Microsoft Edge.. For our next challenge, we decided to go after something bigger: fuzzing the Windows kernel. This is understandable: for instance, a denial of service constitutes a much higher risk for a server than for a client. A blind fuzzer, or blackbox fuzzer, is a fuzzer with no knowledge of a program's inner workings. What is the command line to run winafl.2. Select theone you need based onthe bitness ofthe program youre going tofuzz. Set breakpoints atthe beginning andend ofthe function selected for fuzzing. Too bad, custom_net_fuzzer works pretty slowly because it sends network requests toits target, andadditional time isspent ontheir processing. 2021-07-28 FreeRDP released version 2.4.0 of the client and published. Fuzzing should entirely happen without human intervention. The following diagram attempts to summarize the fuzzing process in a very much simplified manner, and using WinAFLs no-loop mode. Send the same Wave PDU than in step 2: since, If we are performing mixed message type fuzzing, a lot of our. The first group represents WinAFL arguments: The second group represents arguments for thewinafl.dll library that instruments thetarget process: The third group represents thepath tothe program. The crash itself is not especially interesting, but I will still detail it because its a great example of stateful bug. By default, the RDP server listens on TCP port 3389. Lighthouse is an IDA plugin to visualize code coverage. [], Multiple threads executing at once in semi-random order: this is harmless when the stability metric stays over 90% or so, but can become an issue if not. There are several options supported by this DLL that should be provided via the environment variable AFL_CUSTOM_DLL_ARGS: For example, if your application receives network packets via UDP protocol at port 7714 you should set up the environment variable in the following way: set AFL_CUSTOM_DLL_ARGS=-U -p 7714 -a -w 1000. to use Codespaces. Often you get results you dont know how to interpret, and the way you decide to react to them can greatly impact your findings and overall success. After around a hundred iterations, the fuzzing would become very slow. We added some modification to fuzz Microsoft RDP client. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. As weve seen in the fixed message type fuzzing strategy, the harness can be adapted to calculate the header for a given message type and wrap the headless mutation with this header. We set a time-frame of 50 days for the entire endeavor - reverse-engineering the code, looking for potential vulnerable libraries, writing harnesses and, finally, running the fuzzer . Even though I couldnt find any ground-breaking vulnerability such as an RCE with a working exploit, I am very happy with my results, especially as part of an internship. Moving up thecall stack, I locate thevery first function that takes thepath tothe test file as input. In practice, this . *nix-specific design (e.g. Init, WinAFL will refuse tofuzz even ifeverything works fine: it will claim that thetarget program has crashed by timeout. It takes a set of test cases and throws them at the . WinAFL (Ivan Fratric) Network fuzzing. Go to the directory containing the source. Side effects of fuzzing on a system can reveal bugs too. Thus, the two next steps are: With this in mind, I developed what I will call during the rest of this article the VC Server (for Virtual Channel Server). create two users on the same virtual machine, User1 and User2; setup the RDP server with RDPWrap to allow remote connection for User1; use the RDP client on a User2 session, by connecting to with the credentials of User1. Virtual Channels operate on the MCS layer. Send n > 1 formats to the client through a Format PDU. There is a second DLL custom_winafl_server.dll that allows winAFL to act as a server and perform fuzzing of client-based applications. to send test cases over network). I open theprogram inthe debugger (usually I use x64dbg) andadd anargument tothe command line: thetest file. In particular, DVCs can be opened and closed on the fly during an RDP session by the server. Here, I simply instrumented winafl to target my harness (RasEntries.exe) and for coverage use the RASAPI32.dll DLL. Unfortunately, the way channels globally work in RDP is somewhat circuitous and I never got around to fully figuring it out. Official, documented Virtual Channels by Microsoft come by dozens: Non-exhaustive list of *Virtual Channels* documented by Microsoft, found in the FreeRDP wiki. You can use these tags: I feel like attitude plays a great role in fuzzing. In Windows 10, there are two main files of interest for the RDP client: C:\Windows\System32\mstsc.exe and C:\Windows\System32\mstscax.dll. Fuzzing discovers potential vulnerabilities by sending a large number of unexpected inputs to the target being tested and monitoring its status. vulnerabilities in real products. Thecreator ofAFL believes that you should aim atsome 85%. I fuzzed most of the message types referenced in the specification. These can happen in parsing logic: in RDPSND (and similarly in many other channels), the Header includes a BodySize field which must be equal to the length of the actual PDU body. However, it still accounts for a remote system-wide denial of service for target clients with around 4 GB of RAM on their system. Some WinAFL features that can facilitate (or hinder) thefuzzing process are addressed below. You pass theoffset ofthe so called target function contained inthe binary as one ofthe arguments; WinAFL isinjected into theprogram andwaits for thetarget function toexecute; WinAFL starts recording code coverage information. What is fuzzing Not using thread coverage is basically relying on luck to trigger new paths in your target function. I set breakpoints atits beginning andend toexamine its arguments andunderstand what happens tothem by theend ofits execution. The function that calls CFile::Open turns out tobe very similar tothe previous one. Strings or magic numbers from the specification can also help. To avoid this, replace the SO_REUSEADDR option by SO_LINGER option in the server source code if available. please refer to the original documentation at: Unfortunately, the original AFL does not work on Windows due to very After experimenting with theprogram alittle bit, I find out that it takes both compressed anduncompressed files as input. Even though you may have reached a plateau and WinAFL hasnt discovered a new path in days, you could wait a few additional hours and have a lucky strike in which WinAFL finds a new mutation. To compile the32-bit version, execute thefollowing commands: In my case, these commands look as follows: After thecompilation, thefolder \build<32/64>\bin\Release will contain working WinAFL binaries. REcon 2015 - This Time Font hunt you down in 4 bytes (Peter Hlavaty, Jihui Lu) iamelli0t. Introduction II. Interestingly, theCreateFile* functions are officially provided by thekernelbase.dll library. Shared memory is faster and can avoid some problems with files (e.g. the target process is killed and restarted. This vulnerability resides in RDPDRs Smart Card sub-protocol. fast target execution with clever heuristics to find new execution paths in This class is designed to introduce students to the best tools and technology available for automating vulnerability discovery and crash triage with a focus on delivering a practical approach to finding vulnerabilities in real world targets. We have just talked about how DynamoRIO monitors code coverage; it starts monitoring it when entering the target function, and stops on return. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. I wait until thefunction execution iscompleted andsee that my test file isstill encrypted, while thetemporary file isstill empty. On the other hand, as we said, we cant perform fixed message type fuzzing either at all because of state verification. The following cmake configuration options are supported: -DDynamoRIO_DIR=..\path\to\DynamoRIO\cmake - Needed to build the Based onthe contents ofthe test file, it iscompressed, orencrypted, orencoded insome way. When do we stop exactly? PowerShell can help transform this into something more human-readable, but it does not yield any remarkable permission that could prevent us from making the call. After setting thebreakpoints, I continue executing theprogram andsee how it makes thefirst call toCreateFileA. CLIPRDR state machine diagram from the specification. If you are using shared memory for sample delivery then you need to make sure that in your harness you specifically read data from shared memory instead of file. You signed in with another tab or window. Some CVEs that came out during this period are CVE-2021-34535, CVE-2021-38631 and CVE-2021-41371. Such anapproach allows you toavoid wasting extra time onthe program launch andinitialization andsignificantly increases thefuzzing speed. This implies a lot; we will talk about this. Heres what the architecture of the channels client implementation resembles: RDPDR channel architecture in mstscax.dll. that you can read a new input file for each iteration as the input file is Fuzzing is the generalized process of feeding random inputs to an executable program in order to create a crash. if you want a 64-bit build). Upgrading to 8 GB of RAM solved the issue, meaning the memory overcommitment was not as violent as in the CLIPRDR bug. more basic blocks than WinAFL, the state-of-the-art fuzzer on Windows. By creating asuitable set ofinput files performance, and even concurrent sessions 4 GB of RAM solved the,... Fork outside of the client and published Lu ) iamelli0t Fuzz Testing, Directed fuzzing Hybrid. 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