cultural theories of disease causation in nigeria

by on April 8, 2023

Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited. Nature spirit- in Tehuledere, is the belief in qolle or quteb, wodaja, mewokel and chele spirits that is, venerating certain natural objects as sacred and the abode of spirits. The narratives of health among Tehuledere communities include three major themes that explained causes of ill-health: (i) supernatural (ii) natural elements or physical causes: (iii) social elements such as mistrust, social support/family dynamics as well as violation of taboos and moral injunctions. Google Scholar. Ethiop J Health Dev. Sociobiology Theory of Cultural Analysis. Click here to review the details. Unusual causes of emergence of antimicrobial drug resistance, Effect of the Gayatri Mantra Playing on Microbial Load in Room Air. In the mid-19th . 2011; 26 (4):275-278. doi: 10.5001 . Alice Barrett is in hospital with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), and cannot feed herself. According to this theory, the human body contains blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile. Indigenous people often believe that Western trained doctors are not equipped to address their concerns which are can include spiritual as well as physical concerns [2]. Department of Pharmaceutics and Social Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, College of Health Sciences, Addis Ababa University, P.O. Study participants were adults over 30years of age identified by health extension workers in the area to be knowledgeable about local health traditions who were willing to participate in a conversation about their health. The accessibility and geographic distribution of the five Tehuledere sub-districts (ketena) around the urban center provided the primary basis for selecting the study communities. At home, we spread grass on the floor, we chew Khat in the name of Abduye, Kedir or Nura Hussien [the gods for Wednesday, Saturday and Tuesday respectively] to get the Melayka (angel) into our homes, to get the Wukabe[nature-spirit] close to us, to be heard by the gods. The study communities rejoiced in their culture of eating together and sharing with those in need. Keywords. hb```DV cc`aa,z0wCV)M\yZT"dRUG>!^pJ4*IHm4 #W}Lg``T PA&cqhd' -`A=L7ppv. Promot Educ Suppl. These two ideas were fully appreciated . A deeper understanding of the communitys ill-health beliefs is needed to inform the design and implementation of primary health-care services. The practice of epidemiology. Epidemiology: man and disease. and Diagnosis He was able to use existing networks and contacts within the indigenous institutions, including traditional leaders and local health officials, thereby gaining access to a very wide cross-section of people. New York: The Free Press; 1994. J Genet Couns. He worked as a Lecturer at St. Xaviers College, Maitighar, Kathmandu, Nepal, from Feb 2015 to June 2019. Social, economic and biological factors interact to drive a vicious cycle of poverty and disease from which, for many people, there is no escape." In short, poverty is instrumental in cultivating conditions that allow disease to spread. We will also share examples on how these common beliefs provide explanation as cause of illness and its implications in our genetic counseling profession. Ali A. Bishaw M. Attitudes of modern and traditional medical practitioners toward cooperation. Winkelman M. Culture and health: applying medical anthropology. Traditional healing and primary care: a socio-cultural study in a rural Tehuledere community, North-Eastern Ethiopia. Letter to the Editor: "Orthopaedic and trauma care in low-resource settings: the burden and its challenges". Terms and Conditions, A high level of its acceptance was responsible for the progress in fathoming the nature of diseases leading to a significant decline in the proliferation of diseases. By using this website, you agree to our Health education and care solutions found to be effective in one system may not work as well in other settings [32]; however, some of the lessons learned from this study may be applicable to other cultural contexts with similar beliefs. Fracastoro proposed that contagious diseases are caused by transferable "seed-like entities," which we now call germs. The link between lying and ill health appears to be unique in this culture. Health was attributed by study participants to the will of God/Allah Who sends Melayka (the guardian angel) into peoples homes: Many thanks to Allah! A. Most of the participants were married. We found that the causes of ill-health were constructed and negotiated within the socio-cultural context of the study communities. Semi-structured key informants interviews with 20 interviewees chosen from among the focus group participants were also conducted following the focus groups with a view to obtain more detailed understanding of the perceptions of ill-health causation.. A. A qualitative ethnographic method was conducted in Tehuledere Woreda, an administrative unit in the north-east of Ethiopia [14] (see Fig., DOI: The common types of diseases in Nigeria are; Malaria Malaria is a risk for 97% of Nigeria's population. 9 Natural history of disease epidemiological triad, Concept of Disease Control |, 2. unit no iii dynamic of disease, Community Health Nursing, Concept of disease. For example, the research findings were shared with research participants and the local research assistants who confirmed the interpretations accurately reflected their perceptions and experiences. PubMed Functionalists also study culture in terms of values. New York: Wiley; 1978. 12. Disclaimer. Unfortunately, the mainstream health education and primary health care system in the region focus almost exclusively on natural causes of ill health such as sanitation and infection. According to Murdock, supernatural causes include: theories of mystical causation (i.e., fate, ominous sensation, contagion, and mystical retribution); theories of animistic causation (i.e., soul loss, and spirit aggression); and theories of magical causation (i.e., sorcery and witchcraft) [10]. Foster M, Anderson B. This study aimed to explore the socio-cultural context of indigenous beliefs regarding ill-health among five Tehuledere communities found in the Amhara Regional State of Ethiopia. EMJ. Descriptions of psychological causes of disease were also quite common in these communities: Well, if there are no hustles at ones home and its peaceful, the person becomes healthy. Theories of Disease January 20, 2022 by Sagar Aryal A disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific signs and symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury is called a disease. Braine T. Health systems research is the best medicine. In Ethiopia, people use indigenous medical systems as an alternative health care service along with the biomedical health services [1, 6]. Privacy However the outcomes from this study may not be representative of the encounters of perception of illness causation of other ethnic backgrounds. Weiss RS. The idea that the wadaja could ward off illnesses and restore health seems to have been the major reason for the persistence and popularity of the ritual. Simple statistics like frequency distribution, percentile were used. A historical overview of traditional medicine practices and policy in Ethiopia. Initially Neolithic (New Stone Age), the Nok culture made the transition to the Iron Age. The characteristics of people who share a common and distinctive racial, national, religious, linguistic, or cultural heritage. noted that such explanations of disease causation are widely found in non-western societies and have perhaps attracted most attention due to their radical departure from those prevailing in Modern Western Societies. Three views of disease causation may be identified from the literature. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. New York: Oxford University press; 2012. Epub 2022 Apr 6. Ulin PR, Segall MH, editors. Germ theory emerged in the 19th Century, but it built on two notions that had earlier incarnations. Our study provides an excellent example of why health education and primary health care delivery interventions need to take into account what people actually do and the beliefs that drive their actions. First Statement of Germ Theory. Microbe after microbe was discovered in quick succession gonococcus in 1847; typhoid bacillus, pneumococcus in 1880; tubercle bacillus in 1882; cholera vibrio in 1883; diphtheria bacillus in 1884, and so on. Google Scholar. Durowaye M, Adeboye M, Yahaya-Kongoila S, Adaje A, et al. Correspondence to All seek to elucidate principles capable of explaining social inequalities in health, and all represent what I would term theories of disease distribution,24which presume but cannot be reduced to mechanism-oriented theories of disease causation. An official website of the United States government. After their migration from the southern part of Ethiopia, before embracing Islam as their religion, the people of the Tehuledere region continued to make use of their indigenous Cushitic beliefs and practices [7]. Would you like email updates of new search results? Geneva: World Health Organization; 2001. WHO. Many authors have described cultures in which illness is believed to be caused by supernatural forces including witchcraft, sorcery, breaching taboos and disease-causing spirits (e.g., [2225]). Accessibility The miasma theory was the predominant theory of disease transmission before the germ theory took hold towards the end of the 19th century, and it is no longer accepted as a scientific theory of disease. All authors read and affirmed the final version of the manuscript. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Just as members of a society work together to fulfill a society's needs, culture exists to meet its members' social and personal needs. BEINGS Model of disease causation includes Spiritual factors , Social factors & Nutritional factors. 2023 The Biology Notes. Wadaja lately assumed a much more modified and purposive role of combating the zar, buda or other supposedly spirit afflicted illnesses [Male, Study Community # 2]. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. Being an archipelago consisting of 7,107 islands, the Philippines has approximately 175 ethnolinguistic groups with their own unique cultural identity and health practices. Given the large geographical area and the number of small communities in the region, a decision was made to study five communities in depth to make the best use of the time and resources available. Kahissay, M., Fenta, T. & Boon, H. Beliefs and perception of ill-health causation: a socio-cultural qualitative study in rural North-Eastern Ethiopia. For the followers of indigenous faith, ones health status is not balanced without the nature-spirit connection. In other words, the spirits supposedly reside in some human beings and rituals and/or prayers need to be performed to withdraw the evil spirits impacting ordinary people through these human agents. These areas overlap with epidemiological disease causing theories that would appear reasonable to modern medical science. What are the cultural theories of disease causation in nigeria Theories of disease causation..ppt 1. Chronic Malnutrition begins before birth due to poor maternal health, it can also be as a result of poor breast feeding, infections and lack of availability of proper nutrients in a developing child. Development of understanding in Pathogenesis Theory of web of causation was given by Mc Mohan and Pugh. Google Scholar. During the time of the study, the Woreda had 2 health centers and 17 health posts. Bull World Health Organ. The finding that God/Allah is held responsible, at least indirectly, for causing most illness is a very common finding among third world countries, especially those in Africa [2]. This study explored the indigenous beliefs of ill-health causation among those living in the Tehuledere Woreda /district/ in North East Ethiopia from a socio-cultural perspective. Genetic counseling of the deaf. Proceedings of the First National Conference on the Revision of National Health Policy. PMC Disease Causation; Theories; Models. What are Demonic and divine Theory and Ecological theory of disease? Foster GM. Download Free PDF Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders. Ogbogu PU, Noroski LM, Arcoleo K, Reese BD Jr, Apter AJ. In clinical medicine we are confronted by a patient P with certain complaints, and eventually a diagnosis is reached because the clinical findings suggest that P has a certain disease D.Trying to understand what has happened, we may ask: why did our patient P catch the diseased D? The first is the monocausal view and emerges from the "conquest" of the infectious diseases. It is not publicly known how much CIA staff who have . NCI CPTC Antibody Characterization Program. January 29, 2022 by Sagar Aryal The germ theory of disease is the currently accepted scientific theory for many diseases. 2022 Dec;9(6):2560-2567. doi: 10.1007/s40615-021-01190-6. Many of the participants in the study specifically related poverty and lack of appropriate food to ill health. To act in this capacity qolle must be acknowledged and shown respect through appropriate rituals such as scarification of goats, respecting the local customs and values, etc., the spirit of the qolle are good for keeping relatives safe from harm and maintain health [Male, Study Community # 3]. Liu Q, Ho KY, Lam KK, Lam WY, Cheng EH, Ching SS, Wong FK. This volunteer participatory observation helped him to access research participants and health extension workers working in health institutions. In 1873, Pasteur advanced the germ theory of disease. Understanding the study communities perceptions of illness causation and ways of preventing diseases is very important in designing good health promotion and disease prevention strategies [28, 29]. However, it is important to define illness and disease differently when considering some non-western cultural traditions. Kickbush I. Erickson fills this gap by clearly explaining the basic organizing principles that underlie all medical systems, the full range of theories of disease causation, the geographical distribution of medical practices, and the historical trends that led to biomedical dominance. Naturalistic theory A theory of a disease causation where illness results from upset of the balance between the person and environment Naturalistic theory examples;Humoral , Ayurvedic ,and vitalistic approaches Humoral theory The .gov means its official. Free access to premium services like Tuneln, Mubi and more. Principal Scientist & Act. Cultural theories of crime provide distinct frameworks to understand the influence of human agency, social forces, and peers on behavior. Development over the centuries of Human Civilization concepts of disease causation remained transforming and still not reached the perfection. The germ theory of disease came to the forefront, supplanting the earlier theories of disease causation. Learning from strangers: the art and method of qualitative interview studies. Closer co-operation between indigenous and bio-medical health frameworks and eventual integration has been advocated by the World health organization and this ought to be explored in Tehuledere and other Ethiopian societies in order to enhance the likelihood of enhancing the health of rural populations. Malaria is caused by Plasmodium parasites. Almost all the focus group participants identified better food production as a contributor to health: We keep healthy when we produce enough food and have work to do. Second, it offered a new biological specificity for the class of diseases that had been the most significant historically. Other studies suggest that different societies give varying degrees of importance to theories of natural compared to supernatural causes of illness [1113]. The respondents in the present study perceived that supernatural forces were the most important cause of ill health. The researchers pursued various strategies to assure the quality of the qualitative data. London: Frank Cass & Co. Ltd.; 1968. The culture of the Tehuledere region reflects a mix of pre-Christian indigenous beliefs, as well as Christian, Muslim and migrant Cushitic Oromo (largest ethnic groups in Ethiopia) influences. Epub 2016 Sep 11. PubMed Central Over one-third of the population in developing countries lacks access to biomedical health care services, often relying on traditional medicine and/or self-care [1]. Mesfin H, Teferi G, Heather B. Webs of Causation: Epidemiological concept. Social change theory was used in this paper. Similar to other cultural groups in developing countries around the world [11], many of the Tehuledere people attribute illness to the wrath of supernatural forces. Correlated with personalistic etiologies are the belief that all misfortune, disease included, is explained in the same way; illness, religion, and This . In: StatPearls [Internet]. The focus groups lasted 1.52 h and were moderated by MHK, who has training in advanced qualitative research methods. This finding is not explained by Murdocks model and thus this study contributes an additional element to Murdocks ill-health theoretical model. 4. Trimingham S. Islam in East Africa. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. Creswell JW. Glory Bassey. This level of familiarity would have increased the comfort participants felt sharing with the researchers. Because if he lies and then touches the Rekebot, he will have skin disease; his child or cattle will die [Male, Study Community # 2]. J Hum Lact. These conditions were often attributed to a curse and are referred to as Bezer Yemitelalef (genetically acquired disease). The first authors (MHK) native status offered both opportunities and limitations for the study [19]. Then we stay healthy [Female, Study Community # 4]. The number of participants in each focus group ranged from 8 to 12. In-depth understanding of disease causation aids in planning prevention and steps to tackle the disease in a population. Reading: Gordon and Breach Science; 1992. Data were analyzed thematically using narrative strategies. This study was carried out in ado-odo/ota lga, with a sample size of 203. Data obtained from our study indicated that the role of social prohibitions and the consequences of their violation were a key factor causing health problems in Tehuledere. 2006;20(2):12734. So if there is no peace at home, there will be no health [Female, Study Community # 4]. statement and We would like to thank the study participants and Tehuledere Woreda Health Bereau staff, as well as our research assistants for their great support to facilitate the data collection of study. It would seem that any apprehensiveness is likely to have been eased, by the generally friendly and mutually respectful rapport most people have with their respective health extension workers. Soc Sci Med. Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar-243122, Following introductory discussions with community leaders/representatives, ten focus group discussion sessions (one all male and one all-female in each kebele) were conducted. They speak Amharic, Ethiopias official language. In: Nichter M, editor. Focus groups and interviews continued until the data in the key emerging themes were saturated (i.e., key points were repeated and no significant new information was emerging) [16, 17]. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science. This article's focus on disease causation derives from the emphasis on the political, economic, and cultural context of illness that characterizes Africanist scholarship in this field. California Privacy Statement, In addition to supernatural and natural elements, the data presented here suggest that social causes of illnesses need to be added to fully explain the perceptions of the study participants. Their growth and reproduction within their hosts can cause disease. All focus group discussions and interviews were conducted, audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim in Amharic. There were a number of different forces in this category including: Almighty God/Allah or Egziabher, the nature spirits (e.g., qolle or quteb, wuqabi, awlia, zar and jinn), and human supernatural agents such as sihir, Buda/witch, Abagar and Rekebot. Theories of Disease causation The emphasis on culture in our genetic counseling training recognizes its crucial role in molding an individual's conceptualization of health, as well as other life aspects, especially since the Filipino culture is a mixture of indigenous as well as imported and borrowed elements. Germ theory of disease was proposed by Louis Pasteur. Why Covid lab-leak theory is so disputed. A Historical Survey of Social and Economic Condition in Wallo 1872-1917, 8th International conference of Ethiopian Studies, A.A. 1984; p. 1. Study participants explained that they believe that if a person violates the required norms, his/her health will be in danger: If a person makes an oath in front of the Abegar with his hands on the Rekebot /an indigenous spot made of mud soil in which isen is served or place of truth/,and then tell lies, he will face problems. Map of Tehuledere Woreda, South Wollo Zone, Amhara Regional State, North-eastern Ethiopia, 2014 [15]. When we drink it, we contract worms, they twirl in the stomach and give our kids tik, tik [Stomach- ache, salivate and followed by vomiting,] [Male, Study Community # 5]. Additionally, the authors thank Mr. Teshager Shiferaw for his help in data collection and early coding. and transmitted securely. However, others acknowledge that indigenous medicine should be embraced as an important part of health care systems in indigenous communities [35]. Park, K. (n.d.). 125"128. Until now, the literature about the theoretical underpinnings of illness causation research has been scarce and fragmented, and lacking a convenient summary. So if he is able to work well and come back home without any stress, he becomes healthy [Male, Study Community # 1]. It involves praising and glorifying the sky-god and seeking his spiritual assistance to ward off evil. Activate your 30 day free trialto continue reading. In addition to that, diseases may be communicable or non-communicable. He is interested in research on actinobacteria, myxobacteria, and natural products. Itis a particular abnormal, pathological condition that affects part or all of an organism. Cultural Competence in the Care of Muslim Patients and Their Families. It is a commonly held view, both from the Nigerian literature and from anecdotal evidence, that life is . Epub 2015 Feb 10. doi:10.2105/ajph.11.10.908. GERM THEORY Germ theory: Microbes (germs) were found to be the cause for many known diseases. The relationship between diseases and their causes can be approached from different starting-points. I have never gone to modern health centers. Springer Nature. Pain occurs when one of the substances presents either a deficiency or an excess, or is separated in the body and not mixed with others. 2005;83(1):7. Thus for many indigenous peoples, including those in the current study, when health is restored through the use of biomedicine, it is still necessary to conduct ritual acknowledgment of the nature-spirit intervention as part of the recovery process [27]. Not everyone finds it easy to do the exercise recommended by the NHS - two out of three people say they do less than 150 mins (2.5 hours) of moderate exercise and fewer than one in 10 manage more . Disease is an objectively measurable pathological condition of the body. We also found acts in violation of social taboos or moral injunction were thought to cause illness directly rather than through the mediation of a supernatural being. Such infections, according to the theory, were not passed between individuals but would affect those within a locale that gave rise to such vapors. This paper therefore is aimed at examining the causes and consequences of rapid erosion of cultural values in nigeria. The results of this study were based on a sample of purposively selected participants who identified as individual from Tehuledere community. 1983. p. 155. According to this theory, it is important to distinguish between beliefs about the natural and supernatural causes of illness and disease. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Seven common Filipino cultural beliefs are presented in this paper namamana, lihi, sumpa, gaba, pasma, namaligno, and kaloob ng Diyos. When Western biomedical practitioners overlook, or scorn the supernatural convictions held by group individuals they risk distancing the very individuals they look to treat. Epidemiological characterisation of Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) from c Major flaws in Animal Disease Control Leading to Partial Success or Failure.pptx, Animal Disease Control Programs in India.ppt, Control and Eradication of Animal diseases.pptx, Vaccines in India- Problems and solutions.pptx, Conventional and non conventional antibiotic alternatives. Instant access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, podcasts and more. A Seminar Work Presented to the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Calabar. He would not be able to have enough food, this affects his healthWeve become subject to Ke ijje Wode Afe Nuro (hand-to-mouth livelihood) [Male, Study Community # 3]. This theory led to explanation of several outbreaks of cholera, plague and malaria (Mal-aria= bad air). The culture of a people is their identity as it affords them due recognition. Tooth decay, measles, or a broken bone are examples. American journal of public health. You can read the details below. Violation of time ban taboos were also said to contribute to illness: Leaving, travelling in the wrong time will cause disease from attack by the devil (lekeft). MHK, TG, and HB all participated in the study design and data analysis. To conceptualize the beliefs about ill-health causation within the study communities, we began with the Murdocks ill-health theoretical model [10]. For long, man was groping in darkness about the causation of disease. Acute and Chronic Malnutrition. (DOCX 17 kb). BMC Public Health Qolle spirits are mostly venerated by buttering the natural objects, burning incense, tying around these objects strips of ropes or even a bunch of hair [Female, Study Community # 5]. 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